-Caveat Lector-

The Morning Star (UK)

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED], 28/03/01 03:53:08


TWO years ago March 24 the bombing of Yugoslavia by
NATO powers began, a campaign that would leave over
1,000 civilians dead and hundreds of schools,
hospitals, factories, TV stations, trains, buses and
even refugees columns destroyed.

To justify this genocide the western media unleashed a
demonisation campaign against the Serbs unparalleled
in modern history.

It is difficult today to describe the relentless
stream of lies and distortions dreamt up by the
pundits, except to say that media claims that
"Serbs" were responsible for the murder of TV
presenter Jill Dando were taken very seriously.

One of the media tricks was to claim that the war was
against one man, the "dictator" Slobodan Milosevic -
the three times elected president in the minority
multi-ethnic coalition government - and not the
Yugoslav people.

A smokescreen to cover the actions of NATO in the
Balkans, crimes far greater than any perpetrated by

Western politicans joined in the hysteria with equal
levels of bile and misinformation, denouncing the
expansionist "Hitlerite" government in Belgrade,
thereby sealing the fate of thousands during the
west's multi-billion dollar reign of terror.

The west declared that "something must be done" to
crush Yugoslavia, a country that was not threatening
any other country in the region but fighting an
internal civil war against western-backed ethnic
Albanian rebels.

So, without any mandate from the United Nations, the
"humanitarian" destruction of Yugoslavia began while
sections of the left grimly repeated claim upon claim
by the United States intelligence services that over
100,000 Albanians had been killed, without a shread of
evidence to prove it.

The NATO attacks were illegal in every sense, in fact
it was a showcase to tell the world that international
law no longer applied to the western military

In the eyes of NATO, the UN charter protecting the
right of nations to self-determination and sovereignty
were to be subsumed to the political and economic
needs of the west.

As US senator Richard Lugar famously put it, once the
Cold War had been won, NATO must be "either out of
area or out of business."

That was the reason Yugoslavia, which had not violated
international law, was criminalised by an uneasy
military alliance between the European Union and
United States which chose to ignore international law.

The decision to dismantle the multi-national,
multi-ethnic Balkan state had been decided by the west
10 years before and the intervening years saw the
relentless carve-up of the Balkans between Washington
and the German-led EU.

To destroy what was left of Yugoslavia, which by the
mid 90's was made up of just Serbia and Montenegro,
internal conflict had to be formented and encouraged
by the west.

So the Kosovo Liberation Army was born and by 1997 the
KLA had launched dozens of attacks and assasinations
against Serbs and Albanians in the Serb province loyal
to Yugoslavia.

In less than a year, the KLA had gone from obscurity
to a force in possession of ground to air missiles and
anti-tank weapons such as the Amburst, which can be
only obtained through official German channels.

During NATO attacks on Kosovo the KLA guided US bombs
to their targets with sophisicated NATO equipment on
the ground.

The KLA umbrella, which included a number of warlords,
demanded "independence" for an ethnically cleansed
Kosovo before its final annexation to neighbouring

To this end, the KLA played the western pawn at the
farcical Rambouillet negotiatons in Febuary 1999,
where the west drew up a document so outrageous that
no government could have signed.

These accords were really a collective agreement
between the big western powers, Germany and the US, in
a fight for strategic military positions in
the Balkans.

Belgrade's refusal to sign the document, which
included the NATO occupation of the whole of
Yugoslavia, delighted the west and NATO stepped in as
the "KLA's air force."

Three months later Yugoslavia was driven out of Kosovo
by western forces along with over 350,000 Serbs,
gypsies, Jews and others, ethnically cleansed by the
KLA while NATO turned a blind eye.

It was here that western claims as the "defender of
human rights" was at its most sickeningly

The western strategy for feigning concern for "human
rights" was drawn up by US advisor Zbigniew
Brzezinski, who dreamt up US support in Afghanistan
for groups like the extreme Muslim fundamentalist
Taliban in the 1970's.

In his book The Grand Chessboard Mr Brzezinski lays
out the need to use the emotive issue of human rights
to justify anything the west does in order to defend
and extend US strategic political and economic

"It was the best way to destabilise the Soviet Union
and it worked," he says.

The same alleged concern for the plight of certain
groups in the Balkans was the pretext to implement
western plans for military domination and spark war in
the region.

Western-backing for a Greater Albania, as well as for
Muslim and Croatian forces in neighbouring Bosnia, has
seen the military colonisation of the Balkans by NATO
successfully implemented.

Western colonial occupation forces in Bosnia and
Kosovo now hold supreme power on the basis that the
"protectorates must be protected."

Today, the reasons why the west is so interested in
occupying and subduing the Balkans are all too

The mineral assets of Kosovo have been privatised,
including the lucrative Trepca mine complex, taken
over by NATO troops despite protests from local

And news that an oil pipeline is being constructed
through Bulgaria, Macedonia, and on to Albania, tells
us everything we need to know about the real origins
of the Kosovo war.

The new Trans-Balkan pipeline will run from the
Bulgarian port of Burgas, bisect Macedonia, and go on
through to Vlore, Albania's Adriatic port, in
anticipation of the flow of oil and natural gas
expected to come out of the Caspian region.

It is here that the uses of a "Greater Albania" come
into focus as the "Great Game" for Caspian oil riches
is fought out by the huge oil corporations such as
Texaco, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, BP Amoco, Agip, and

It will come as no surprise that Mr Brzezinski,
advisor to US secretary of state Madeleine Albright
during the war, is a consultant for Amoco.

This brings us to Macedonia.

Even before the bombing of Yugoslavia the German
newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung applauded the
"Kosovo-isation" of Macedonia where over 30 per cent
of the population are Albanians.

It claimed that the "fight for political rights of
ethnic Albanians in Macedonia is no longer possible
within the institutions of Macedonia."

Today, a heavily-armed KLA offshoot in the Macedonian
Albanian-dominated town of Tetovo are demanding the
partition of the country into ethnically pure

National Liberation Army commander Sadri Ameti warned
that the KLA was capable of "setting all of Macedonia
on fire" and the conflicts in Tetovo were only a
"warning" to Skopje unless "Slav" forces withdraw.

The KLA genie, like many other reactionary forces
armed and trained by the west, is well and truly out
of the bottle.

Even UN special envoy for human rights Jiri Dienstbier
blamed the growing crisis in Macedonia on NATO for
refusing to disarm KLA and prevent the ethnic
cleansing of non-Albanian population.

"I hope that international forces will now understand
what has always been the aim of Albanian extremists,"
he said.

However, the current situation only helps NATO to
justify intervening in it's usual way and impose
western rule indefinitely with the help of the
corporate media as a smokescreen.

Another massive "humanitarian" intervention would
complete the militarisation of the southeastern
Balkans - and pave the way for NATO troops to act as
the gendarmes of the big oil corporations.

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