-Caveat Lector-


For eight years I've warned any one who would listen that this day
would come. I have said that the Oslo Plan would fail, and matters
in the region would be MUCH worse than before. I specified that the
Palestinians would not accept what they were being offered. I stated
that Arafat and the last batch of globalist Israeli prime ministers
were a bunch of dangerous whores willing to sell out their respective
people to the ridiculous pipe dreams of the New World Order.

Now we are looking disaster in the face. I am sorry to say that I
can't see any way out. It looks like the end Palestinian aspirations,
and maybe even the Plaestinians themselves east of the Jordan. I hope
all sides will have the sense to try  to minimize the damage.

But I doubt it.


Ha'aretz:  INTERVIEW: Sharon says no evacuation of settlements, stay on
Golan, Israel will annex security zones if PA declares state

By Ari Shavit, Ha'aretz Correspondent  Ha'aretz (bulletin)  10 April 2001

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in an interview with Ha'aretz that he has
no intention, "absolutely none," of evacuating settlements, even as part of
a cease fire agreement with the Palestinians.

"I do not see any reason to evacuate any settlements. So long as there is
peace, we will stay sitting there. If after some time, God willing, there
will be peace, there will certainly be no reason for them [the settlers]
to stay there," he said.

Sharon believes that the presence of Jewish settlements in the territories
is of twofold importance - historical and strategic. "Is it possible at
time to relinquish control over the mountain aquifer, which provides us
a third of our water? Is it possible to give up the frontier area in the
Jordan Valley? In any case, the settlements will sit where they are. They
guard both the birthplace of the Jewish people and also grant us essential
strategic depth to protect our existence."

Regarding the nature of a future accord on Jerusalem, Sharon says that "we
have no right to make concessions in Jerusalem. We simply have no right."

Regarding an agreement with the Syrians, Sharon said, "We cannot come down
from the Golan Heights." Withdrawing from the Golan or the Jordan Valley
would be a "real existential threat," he said.

How then would Sharon respond if Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser
Arafat unilaterally declared an independent state?

"First, I advise him not to do that - it would will be a major mistake on
his part. The previous government [of Benjamin Netanyahu] in which I was a
member, and also the government of [Ehud] Barak, held a clear position on
this matter. It would demand that we take a series of steps to keep in our
hands areas essential for us."

In such a case, will you annex the settlements and security zones?

"Certainly. All that is needed. Therefore, I advise them not to do it. It
would be a mistake."

Sharon believes that "there is a need for every effort in order to reach a
solution to the conflict without endangering Israel. But to say peace is
knocking on our door - that is not true. I do not believe that it is
possible, with a single stroke, to end a conflict that has lasted 120
And I do not think there is any need to set an ambitious goal, such as the
immediate signing of a peace treaty. On what is called an end to the
conflict - an end to the conflict will be achieved only when the Arab world
recognizes the right of the Jewish people to its homeland, to exist in an
independent Jewish state in the Middle East. And such recognition has still
not happened. Also in the agreements which have already been signed, and to
which I attribute great importance, this recognition was merely formal.
have not really come to terms with the right of the Jews to have a state

Is there a new Sharon, in ideological terms?

"I have not changed my world view. The one thing that has been changed has
been the view of Jordan as Palestine - and that only because there is a
reality [on the ground] here. I never believed there should be two
Palestinian states. That is the sole change that has taken place in my

Full interview with Ariel Sharon, in Thursday's Magazine.


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