-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Israel plans water pipeline from Turkey
Mediterranean conduit could thwart serious crisis in Jewish state



By Anthony C. LoBaido
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

NICOSIA, Cyprus -- The nation of Israel -- which is running out of fresh 
water and, some estimates say, will run completely dry within 10 to 15 years 
-- has struck an agreement with Islamic Turkey to provide water via a 
pipeline through the Mediterranean Sea. 

In a maverick deal with Turkey, a nation with whom Israel has established 
close military ties, Israel would receive fresh water from its cross-sea 
neighbor. Turkey is rich in water resources and is currently building a 
series of dams that will give it control over the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers 
-- the cradle of civilization. 

The water would be transported through a pipeline laid under the 
Mediterranean Sea, pass through Turkish-controlled northern Cyprus and then 
on to Israel. 

The agreement brings to play several international issues of contention in 
the region, not the least of which is Turkey's control of northern Cyprus. If 
the European Union gets its way and Turkey withdraws from that area, the fate 
of Israel's lifeline likely would be in jeopardy. 

In 1998, Turkey and Israel began discussing the possibility of an undersea 
fresh-water pipeline from Turkey via northern Cyprus to Israel. Turkey is 
blessed with rivers that already pour huge amounts of fresh water into the 
sea, so the only thing needed to make Israel a fresh-water superstate in the 
Middle East is to build the underwater pipeline. 

By necessity, the days of water largess for Israel -- whose per capita water 
use is the highest of any nation in the region -- are rapidly coming to an 
end. Israel's Hydrological Service issued warnings that the country's water 
reserves are in danger of becoming salinized aquifers, above-ground 
reservoirs are at a dangerously low level, and that Lake Kinneret is only 85 
centimeters above the "red line." There are currently 145 million cubic 
meters of water above the red line in the lake, but about 1 million cubic 
meters evaporate daily during July and August. The water commission has 
determined that only 90 million cubic meters will be pumped from the lake 
this year, compared to some 400 million in other years. 

Lake Kinneret, more commonly known as the Sea of Galilee, is a huge 
fresh-water lake in northeast Israel and is 696 feet below the level of the 
Mediterranean Sea. The lake covers an area of 64 square miles and is 
approximately 144 feet deep at its deepest point. If the water level of Lake 
Kinneret drops even further, however, irreparable harm to the lake's 
ecosystem could occur. Consequently, Israel will be hard-pressed to share any 
more water from the lake with its neighbors, much to Syria's dismay. 

If Israel and Turkey complete an undersea pipeline, Israel will become the 
major fresh-water source in the Middle East. With such water sovereignty 
established, her Arab neighbors likely would be forced to make peace with 
her. There can be no doubt that the water issue will be an integral part of 
any regional peace plan. 

Water bonds between Jews and Turks 

Countries like Indonesia, the Emirates, Cyprus and others are already 
exploring the importation of water. A new company called WaterBank acts as a 
meeting place and brokerage site for bulk water requests and sales. WaterBank 
spokesmen claim that the least expensive transport will likely be in older 
single-hull ships or on backhauls by oil tankers that have been cleaned. 
Nevertheless, buyers of bulk water must have onshore water treatment 
facilities to ensure that water meets the quality required for the use. In 
this emerging industry, bulk water sales will only be feasible where existing 
desalination facilities or water treatment plants exist. The cost of the bulk 
water is significantly lower than desalination. Saudi Arabia indicates its 
cost of desalinated water is 70 cents per cubic meter. The new northern 
Cyprus desalination plant reportedly produces water at $1.26 per cubic meter. 
The International Desalination Association is predicting costs of 50 cents 
per cubic meter by 2005. 

Turkey already delivers water by tanker to the breakaway state of northern 
Cyprus and wants to sell Manavgat River water to Malta, Cyprus, Crete and 
even its own metropolis, Istanbul. It has held talks on selling water to 
water-poor Jordan and says water from the Manavgat could make a "peace 
bridge" for arid Mediterranean countries. Jordan has said that importing 
Turkish water via Israel is too expensive. 

Until the water pipeline is completed, Israel plans to purchase Turkish water 
that will be transported by more traditional means. 

"We have declared that we can sell water to whichever country needs water, 
regardless of its language or flag," said Cumhur Ersumer, Turkey's energy 
minister. "It looks like Israel will be the first country to buy Turkey's 

Israel has previously purchased water from Turkey. It was the first major 
commercial transaction involving water between two Middle Eastern countries. 
Israel is obliged to supply water to Jordan under their peace treaty, and 
Syria has supplied water to Jordan, but these are not commercial deals. 

Turkey has long planned to sell water from its southern rivers to Middle 
Eastern countries and says the precious commodity can help an Arab-Israel 
rapprochement. It is offering Israel water from the Manavgat River, where it 
has built a $147 million water purification and treatment plant. 

According to Turkish government sources, a contract will be signed shortly 
after Turkish officials purportedly agreed to reduce the original price of 23 
cents per cubic meter by 5-10 cents, not including transport and purification 
costs. The agreement would allow Israel to import 50 billion cubic meters of 
water over a five-year period from the Manavgat plant, and Turkey is said to 
have submitted price offers for five-, 10- and 15-year contracts. 

Israel's ambassador to Turkey, Uri Bar-ner, said the purchases would be "for 
several years." An official from the Israeli delegation has stated that 
Israel planned to buy 50 million cubic meters a year. 

"Israel needs 2 billion cubic meters of water annually. Of that, we need 100 
to 200 million cubic meters to be imported," the official said. 

Ram Aviram, a water official from the Israeli foreign ministry, said that an 
Israeli delegation had visited the purification plant to confirm that it 
conformed with Israeli environmental standards. 

"We are very impressed with the Turkish side of the water operation," Aviram 
said after the visit. 

Ersumer said Turkey would deliver the water at floating loaders mounted off 
the coast at Manavgat and that transportation would be handled by Israel. 

In 1999, Turkey believed she could remedy Israel's chronic water shortage by 
sending enormous water-filled plastic bubbles hauled by tug boats across the 
Mediterranean Sea. Turkish officials claimed that they could "meet Israel's 
water needs several times over" and that their plan was "cheaper than 

Turkey has spent $150 million on a terminal it built at the estuary of the 
Manavgat River, located on Turkey's Mediterranean coast. This water would be 
transported to Israel in two tankers, each with a capacity of 250,000 tons, 
from Manavgat to an unloading terminal that would be built south of Ashkelon 
in Israel. The water would then be transported by a pipeline that would be 
built to the Neguhot reservoir south of Kiryat Gat and integrated into the 
national water system. 

Although this plan has been favored by the Israeli prime minister's office, 
the Ministerial Economics Committee has recently earmarked about $700 million 
for a desalination and water purification strategy for Israel. The plan 
includes investing in water purification and desalination facilities, 
desalinating seawater, purifying wastewater for agricultural use and cleaning 
wells that have become salinized or polluted. 

While the Israelis continue to examine their options, Jordan has just 
announced that it will begin water rationing. Although Jordanian officials 
have stated that Jordan's long-term plans include water purchases from 
Turkey, current plans for the importation of Turkish water via Israel are too 
expensive. Previous reports suggested that Israeli government studies for 
importing Turkish water included Jordan and Palestine in the project. Israeli 
government officials, however, have stated that this is not the case. 

The Infrastructure Ministry of Israel says that importing Turkish water is 
less feasible than other alternatives and more expensive. It estimated the 
cost of imported water at 77-99 cents per cubic meter, while the cost for 
desalinated seawater would only be 60-70 cents per cubic meter. 

In support of the argument for self-production, Water Commissioner Meir Ben 
Meir has said that no quick decision should be made on importing water 
because such an alternative entails relying on foreign sources. Other groups, 
including the ultra-orthodox Shas party, have opposed the tanker shipment 
project and purchase of imported water. 

One U.S.-led and two French-led groups are proposing a string of desalination 
plants, each with a 50 million cubic meter production capability per year. 
This amount is equal to 10 percent (200 million cubic meters) of current 
Israeli needs. 

Israel's high-tech farming 

In the meantime, Israel's high-tech scientific farmers are working furiously 
to lower the amount of water needed to feed and clothe the Jewish nation. 
Some of their achievements include: A new strain of cotton, requiring only 
one-third the amount of water used for cotton plants and producing 
high-quality fibers promising success on world markets, has been developed by 
the Hazorea Co. of Israel. The plant can survive on less frequent watering 
with much less water than normally required for cotton. The strain ripens 
earlier in the season and enjoys the benefit of early rains, saving expensive 
irrigation. Cotton harvesting has been reduced significantly in Israel in 
recent years, and a low crop is expected this year. Hazorea has decided to 
market the new strain commercially in Peru, Spain, Turkey and Greece. 

An experiment at Kibbutz Erez has resulted in a method for purifying 
wastewater in the cowsheds, freeing it for other uses. It was done by a 
fast-growing water plant that goes into action after the cows are hosed down, 
saving water in the current drought period. The system is used twice a day in 
summer. A special plant is floated on the water surface, attacking pollution, 
raising the quality of the water and serving as nutritious green food for the 
cows. The method is to be displayed to foreign embassies in Israel, 
especially their commercial attaches, and the kibbutz industrial centers will 
export it through the Agritech international farm show held this year in 

The sabra, the prickly pear fruit of a desert cactus, has been found to be 
able to produce several sweet products beyond its own sweet soft interior. 
This was discovered at an oasis in the Negev, Israel's southern desert. The 
fruit is also usable in making pickles, according to the farm owner Noam 

"We produce pickles from the sabras and also various snacks and spicy paste, 
as well as a kind of honey gathered by bees. I think this proves once again 
that it is possible to grow farm crops in our Negev desert," said Blum. 

Paul Michael Wihbey, a Strategic Fellow at the Washington office of the 
Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies has spoken out on the 
Turkish and Israeli water partnership. 

"If Israel is going to import water from any source, there is no better 
source than Turkey, since Turkey is a friend of Israel. I think the argument 
that Israel would be strategically dependent and therefore vulnerable is not 
a valid argument," he said. 

"By using a strategic resource like water, countries could bind together to 
advance common regional goals, economic development, political stability and 
reform. Water can be a basis for promoting a regional system between 
countries. But the Turks have to be addressed on their own terms. You cannot 
simply assume that the Turks will supply water whenever they may be asked to 
do a favor to stabilize the region. That is not the way to conduct bilateral 
or regional relations." 

Wihbey added, "If the Syrians get control on the Jordan River and on the 
lake, it means they control the flow of water that makes up a large portion 
of the Israeli water supply, and of course the Syrians can do what the 
Russians do with gas and oil, which is to exercise leverage, make extortions 
and demands, or take actions that can disrupt the flow. The Syrians wanted to 
establish the border along the Jordan River by splitting the river into an 
Israeli and Syrian side and would like to extend Syrian sovereignty to parts 
of the Sea of Galilee, which in addition would give the Syrians legal claim 
into the lake. As a result, the Syrians would be able to control the flow of 
water and the water supply of the Golan, which provides 40 percent of 
Israel's total water needs. This matter has tremendous political consequences 
for any Israeli government. Imagine for Turkey, if Turkey had 40 percent of 
its water supply being controlled by Syria or Russia." 

Ari Noam Levy, a Mossad intelligence agent based in Paphos, Cyprus, told 
WorldNetDaily, "Control of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers is one of the keys 
to strategic dominance of the region. I have read in the book of Revelation 
of how 'the Kings of the East' with a 200 million-man army will enter the 
Middle East after 'the Euphrates has been dried up.' I can't say I understand 
Revelation very well. I am a Jew, not a Christian. But even I have to admit, 
with the advent of Turkey's new dam system and the Mediterranean fresh-water 
pipeline, this prophecy is now, for the first time, possible and even 

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