-Caveat Lector-

US immigration reform: immigration time-out

Truthmobile and immigration dissent in Iowa

Issue 69: April 16, 2001


Last year, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsak made national news by suggesting his
state exempt itself from federal limits on mass immigration and turn
Iowa into another Ellis Island.  A condition exists in Iowa in which
some businesses are reluctant to pay wages high enough to attract
American workers.  The governor calls this condition a "labor shortage,"
and openly cites it as justification for importing hundreds of thousands
of cheap foreign laborers.

Iowans, however, were less than enthusiastic about the governor's
proposal; many are not happy with a plan that would lower wages even
more in a state where wages are already so low (the "labor shortage"
notwithstanding) relative to other parts of the country that Iowa has a
difficult time retaining its native-born youth.

Nevertheless, in spite of polls showing most Iowans oppose mass
immigration, the governor pushes forward with his scheme.

In response, concerned Iowans and the ProjectUSA "Truthmobile," a huge
red billboard on wheels that advertises the Census Bureau statistic:
"Immigration will double U.S. population in your child's lifetime," have
been showing up at pro-mass immigration venues around Iowa -- with great
results.  For pictures and the complete story, see:



In the August 6, 2000 issue of this ezine, we wrote, "If nothing else,
the Republican Convention demonstrated that the Republicans have decided
to drop all attempts at ethnic impartiality; they have joined the
Democrats in overt diversity pandering.  In other words, the Republicans
have decided to 'go PC.'

"We regard this as a positive development, for it is a sure sign that
political correctness is on its way out.  If there is one thing for
which Republicans can be counted on, it is to be always behind the curve
on such matters as the 'currents and tides of public opinion.'"  It is
practically the definition of "conservative."

Sure enough.  On April 6, the following appeared in the Washington
Post:  "Stories increasingly abandon the uncritical celebration of
"diversity" for a more realistic assessment that immigration also brings
new social problems and tensions."  The "celebrate diversity" dogma is
already going the way of McCarthyism and Marx -- with huge implications
for the immigration debate.

But, out in Iowa, the Des Moines Register continues to beat the retro
diversity drum, printing another pro-mass immigration editorial on April
9 called "Just a bunch of immigrants," which contained the following
quote: "And remember that diversity and ethnic heritage should be viewed
as our nation's eclectic strength, not a divisive hindrance."
(http://www.dmregister.com/news/stories/c5917686/14025474.html )

You can contact the Des Moines Register and remind it that advocating
mass immigration for racial reasons and opposing it for racial reasons
are two sides of the same coin.

Mary P. Stier, President and Publisher

Dennis Ryerson, Editor & Vice President

Mike Townsend, Managing Editor/News


Somewhere "out there," beyond the walls of the courthouse, run currents
and tides of public opinion which lap at the courtroom door.

William H Rehnquist, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court


Dear ProjectUSA,

I attended a conference on immigration at Simpson College (Iowa) today.

A sign that was provided by ProjectUSA was displayed in the parking lot
so all could see.

Several of the people that brought the sign to Indianola were
interviewed by a TV station reporter. We were not made to look hostile,
in fact I thought we looked pretty good. The reporter made the statement
that I gave her, in that we were not against immigrants, but against the
Federal and State immigration policies. All in all, I thought that the
day worked out pretty well.

I believe the Truthmobile excursion was worthwhile and successful.

Jim Monagan

+== E-ZINE STAFF ==+

Editor: Brenda Walker
Head writer: Craig Nelsen
Writer: Allison Solin


If you no longer wish to receive this publication, just email us the bad
news and we will comply. Or, conversely, if you wish to include
appropriate friends in the happy throng, send us their email addresses
and they will be added.

Tax-exempt donations to ProjectUSA can be made online at
http://www.projectusa.org/contribute.html or by sending a check to:
ProjectUSA, 38-11 Ditmars Blvd #544, Astoria, NY 11105-1803

And, for more on how the environmental movement has been sold out by the
"diversity-mongers," watch the Center for Immigration Studies and
NumbersUSA press conference scheduled to air live Monday morning on
C-SPAN-2 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time

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