-Caveat Lector-

>From Le Monde Diplomatique
>>Each line is a linque.  Go the the URL at the bottom and clique on whatcha like to
see.  A<>E<>R <<



A political look at territory


The dirty-money archipelago

World poverty

The Soviet inheritance
The Aral Sea disaster

Oil routes

The rising tide of refugees
International relations

Regional organisations
The main conflicts of the 1990s
UN peace-keeping operations


A continent exhausted by war and famine
Africa in a state of flux
The coveted riches of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Power struggle in the Great Lakes region
Ethiopia-Eritrea, an open wound
Battle for oil in Nigeria
Renewed foreign-power rivalry
Africa's coveted mineral resources
Failed attempts at democracy
Millions of refugees in Africa
France trapped in Rwanda
South America

Guerrillas and paramilitary forces in Colombia
The Panama Canal, a link between two oceans
Indians and guerrillas in Chiapas
Major drug routes in Latin America
Guerrillas, past and present

The mountain war in Kashmir
Regions disputed by Pakistan, India and China since 1947
Violence in the Indonesian archipelago
East Timor's assets
The strange alliance between Thailand and Burma
Economic liberalisation in Vietnam
Korea divided
A tangle of nations and conflicts
Kazakhstan - ethnic variety and oil wealth
Rivalry in the China Sea
The attractions of Irian-Jaya (Indonesia)

The changing shape of Yugoslavia (1815-1999)
Bosnia - the Dayton partition (21 September 1995)
The Albanians, a scattered people
Fighting and population movements in Kosovo in 1998
Macedonia risks falling apart
NATO bombing targets in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (March-June 1999)
The Balkans weakened by NATO's war
Use of depleted uranium weapons in Kosovo: map 1
Use of depleted uranium weapons in Kosovo: map 2

Conflict in the Caucasus

Ethnic cleansing in Cyprus
Greek and Turkish claims in the Aegean
Ireland divided
Environmental catastrophe and strategic interests in Europe's Arctic region
The Russian kaleidoscope
The Schengen area

The anti-Iraqi coalition in 1991
The Gulf War (17 January to 3 March 1991)
Iraq - nine years after the Gulf War
Yemen unity under strain
Middle East

The Middle East in 1914
The Middle East in 1939
The partition of Palestine (1947-49)
The first Arab-Israeli war (1948-49)
The occupation of Sinai (1956)
The Six Day War (1967)
The October War (1973)
Oslo II (28 September 1995)
The Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum (4 September 1999)
Continuously expanding settlement in East Jerusalem
Maale Adumim, a flagship settlement in the West Bank
Golan and South Lebanon
A Palestinian State splintered by settlements
Coveted water resources
The Palestinian diaspora
Escalating risks in the Middle East
Millions of Palestinian refugees in the Middle East
The Kurds, a people divided
Jordan under pressure
Israel's concessions

Prepared by Emmanuelle Pauly, Philippe Rekacewicz and Philippe Rivière.
Translated by Barry Smerin.
Last updated: 15 February 2001.


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 1998-2001 Le Monde diplomatique.


T' A<>E<>R
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
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for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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