-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Well maybe this problem will solve itself in some instances for why do
> you think 18,000 black africans will be permitted to emmigrate from
> Africa to USA - only qualificatoin you must have AIDS?   Now mix those
> 18,000 in with other black Africians some of whom, ie, one out of three
> black male in American have AIDS - now add this up and ask why the
> longivity of blacks in Africa and USA is somewhat lowered?
> Why the need to ship AIDS infected Africans to USA at rate of 18,000 a
> year along with others who have it an maybe do not even know it.
> Well add this to the "melting pot" - this is bad blood they are
> importing, right.   Then consider the bad blood infested with AIDS/HIV
> Clinton sold around primaily to Canada?  Tell me, what is the
> difference?  None.   Only a lot of innocents received that poisoned
> blood from CFR/Rhodes Scholar (who got it by appointment and not by his
> alleged "charm" and lip biting and intelligence - Fulbright got him
> in).....but this man is guilty of face it, premeditated murder?   So he
> has a few sexual disease according to sources who have his medical
> records - wait until some of the people with whom he has associated
> suddenly discover they have problems - none curable?
> And this sodomy being taught to little elementary children?
> Oh such a lovely master plan for murder keyed to the bible - this bible
> is in he wrong hands, for those who use it now are evil - black
> hearts......
> So who will be the chosen ones this time and I ask you, chosen for what?
> Protect your children; keep them out of public swimming pools - this is
> the first thing closed down when epidemic hits.
> Now they say smallpox is on rise and ordered $480 million in vaccines
> from England - what the hell, Admiral Crowe got an interest over there?
> Wonderful - for there are those, professionals who should know
> something, who say the old small pox vaccine is the cause of AIDS?
> Do you want your kids mixing with kids who inherited AIDS from their
> parents?   See how fast this disease will spread?
> And Hill and Bill want to legalize prostitution and promote Gay
> Pride......
> Most peoplel do not care what people do in their own bedrooms - yet now
> we see this garbage on TV now - and the homosexuals and lesbians are
> pushing themselves maybe a little too far ???
> Keep your powder dry, watch out for your children for there are lewd and
> lascivicous people wandering the streets, in parks and recreation
> centers and now in our schools who await them with open arms.
> Come into my parlour they say....
> Saba

You are one twisted old bitch. Psychotic, racist, nasty, and very,
very stupid.

Chew on this one twisted sister...

 Europe founded by a few hundred Africans, study finds

    Genome research at the Whitehead Institute

By EMMA ROSS, Associated Press

EDINBURGH, Scotland (April 21, 2001 3:00 p.m. EDT) -
Modern Europeans, and possibly populations in other
regions of the world, are descended from just a few
hundred Africans who left their homeland as recently as
25,000 years ago, new research suggests.

The findings, reported at the start of a conference
of the Human Genome Organization, the international
collaboration researching the genetic makeup of the
human race, provide the first estimate of how many people
founded Europe.

They are also a blow to the theory that modern humans
evolved simultaneously in Africa, Europe and Asia from
multiple early humans.

"I think this certainly rules that out, at least in
respect to Europe," said study leader Eric Lander,
director of the
Whitehead Institute/Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Genome Research. "We're not sure
whether this was just the founding of Europe or whether,
in fact, this small bottleneck represents all the people
leaving Africa."

Lander's study involved comparing about 300 chromosomes
from people in Sweden, central Europe and
Nigeria. The differences in the genetic pattern between
the European and African chromosomes revealed how
long ago Europeans left Africa and about how many there
must have been.

The pattern showed that the Europeans were descended
from fewer ancestors than the Africans - an
evolutionary bottleneck, Lander said.

"It's hundreds, not thousands," Lander said.

The Nigerian chromosomes had been well shuffled around,
which indicates a wide gene pool and a long
breeding history, while the European chromosomes had
long stretches of unshuffled genetic material, indicating
a much smaller number of chromosome types entering the mix.

Eddy Rubin, a scientist who was not involved in the
study, said he thinks the findings are accurate.

"The evidence is overwhelming that present-day Europeans
come from a very small group that stayed small for
a while, then expanded," said Rubin, head of the human
genome center at the Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley.

Lander said the findings had much broader applications.

"We are going to be able to do this throughout much of
the rest of the world. The data will be able to rule it in or
out for the other populations very quickly," Lander said.

"We're still in the early days for this, but it is
remarkable how much the human chromosomes can be read as a
history book," he continued. "We are going to be able to
say how populations are related to each other, when
people arrived there and how many people likely
arrived in different places."

The human race numbers 6 billion people today, but
it largely has the genetic variation of a population of a few
tens of thousands, Lander said.

"We really are a tiny species grown large in the blink of an eye," he said.

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