-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/
New York
Immigration a "public relations nightmare" for Sierra Club
Issue 71: April 30, 2001


On an issue that continues to divide the Sierra Club, an important
ballot initiative was narrowly beaten back this month.  The referendum
would have forced Club leaders to stress population growth as a major
factor in sprawl. (This would seem an obvious connection, but the
sprawl/population issue is sensitive because immigration is by far the
chief component of population growth in the United States.)

Proponents of the measure argued that the Club leadership has been
downplaying population growth as a contributor to sprawl "for reasons of
political correctness and fund-raising."

According to Fred Elbel of Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization
(SUSPS), the group which sponsored the ballot initiative, the Sierra
Club leadership used undemocratic tactics to defeat the referendum.
Sierra management deleted about half the text of the initiative on the
ballot itself in order to make it less likely to pass, and they made it
known they expected local leaders to follow the official line.  In spite
of this, the ballot measure lost by only 54 to 46%.

It remains to be seen whether the Sierra Club bureaucracy, (which is
increasingly involving the Club in non-environmental issues like drivers
licenses for illegal aliens), will see this thin margin as evidence of
growing dissastifaction within the grassroots membership.

To read the SUSPS press release on the ballot initiative:

More reading:

Mainstream environmental groups more interested in fundraising and
lavish conferences than protecting the environment:
>From the Sacramento Bee's Pulitzer Prize-winning environmental reporter,
Tom Knudson (April 22)

Immigration a "public relations nightmare" for Sierra Club:
Newark Star-Ledger (April 26)

"The Sierra Club's Web site is an exercise in intellectual cowardice."
Providence Journal editorial (April 18)

Sierra Club president says mass immigration to the U.S. can save
Indonesian rainforests:
Las Vegas Sun (March 16)


In the April 26 Newark Star-Ledger piece "Sierra Club rejects population
referendum" Jeff Tittel, director of the Sierra Club's New Jersey
chapter, defended the Club's downplaying of population growth as a
factor in sprawl.  He argued that "while New Jersey saw modest
population growth in the past two decades, sprawl intensified during
that time."

But according to the Census Bureau, New Jersey has grown by more than
13% in the past two decades.  The Garden State is already the most
densely populated in the Union with over 1000 persons per square mile,
and an environmentalist has no business calling a 13% growth rate

Sprawl is a major environmental and political issue in New Jersey, but
how many residents know that much of the state's overcrowded conditions
were mandated by Congress?  Between 1990 and 1997, the foreign-born
population in New Jersey grew by a remarkable 25%, and foreign-born
residents now account for more than 15% of New Jersey's total

Regardless of these facts, Tittel said the local Sierra Club leadership
strongly opposed the SUSPS referendum to connect population growth and
sprawl. "There were definitely concerns about sounding anti-immigrant,"
he said. "New Jersey is a diverse state, and that has always been and
always will be a strength of the state."

Note to Jeff Tittel:  Advocating a reduction in immigration is no more
"anti-immigrant" than family planning is "anti-child," and the only
"diversity" that is an environmental issue is biodiversity.

Furthermore, New Jersey already enjoys more diversity than the average
of our already very diverse country.  Just how much diversity is
necessary before the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club will act
responsibly (but unprofitably?) and take an evironmental stand against
one of the primary components of sprawl: population growth?

ProjectUSA supporters may contact Mr Tittel and inform him that if the
Sierra Club continues to sacrifice our environment to political
correctness and fundraising concerns, the Club will squander its
honorable history and ensure its own marginalization as real
environmentalists look elsewhere for meaningful and honest activism.

New Jersey office: 609-924-3141
Sierra Club Hdqtrs: 415-977-5500


"No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up"

-- Lily Tomlin


Opposing immigration is a bigoted and racist position, especially when
espoused by a WASP such as yourselves.  Go back to Western Europe if you
prefer to live with a bunch of white people and do not value diversity.

Valerie Sulfaro, "PhD"
Harrisonburg, Virginia

+== E-ZINE STAFF ==+

Editor: Brenda Walker
Head writer: Craig Nelsen
Contributing writer: Allison Solin


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and they will be added.

Tax-exempt donations to ProjectUSA can be made online at
http://www.projectusa.org/contribute.html or by sending a check to:
ProjectUSA, 38-11 Ditmars Blvd #544, Astoria, NY 11105-1803

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