-Caveat Lector-

Communism didn't die in Russia! Communism by any other name is still 
Communism!  If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck 
its a duck!  McCarthy was right!  Since that time look how many leftists are 
in our Congress & Senate!  - Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Russia, China Strengthen Axis 
NewsMax Wires
Monday, April 30, 2001 
MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks Sunday with Chinese 
Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan as Moscow and Beijing demonstrated once more 
readiness to boost ties and broaden the scope of bilateral cooperation, the 
official Itar-Tass news agency reported.
On Saturday, Jiaxuan and his counterparts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan 
and Kyrgyzstan met at a meeting of the so-called "Shanghai Five" group to 
discuss issues ranging from global stability to regional security, from 
fighting international terrorism to weapons and narcotics smuggling in the 
Central Asian region.

However, the key assignment of Jiaxuan's trip to Russia was the preparation 
of the upcoming July visit to Moscow by Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov who met with Jiaxuan 
Saturday morning, Russia and China will post a record number of top level 
talks in 2001.

"We practically don't have any problems that could annoy our relations," 
Putin told the Chinese diplomat Sunday.

According to the Russian president, the relations between Russia and China 
"are developing intensively and in a positive vein."

Among other achievements, Putin praised the recent boost in trade between the 
two countries saying that in 2000 "the annual turnover grew by 40 percent and 
reached the record figure of $8 billion."

China is the world's foremost purchaser of Russian weapons and military 
equipment. Around one million ethnic Chinese are believed to be living in 

Jiaxuan passed along to Putin best wishes and greetings from President Zemin, 
who will meet with the Russian leader at least three times this year.

In June, Putin and Zemin are scheduled to meet first in China at the next 
summit of the "Shanghai Five" group of nations.

In Shanghai, the member states of the alliance will sign a joint protocol 
pledging to fight terrorism, extremism and separatism in the turbulent 
Central Asian region.

Zemin's July visit to Moscow will be the highlight of the Russian-Chinese 
diplomatic activity in 2001, as the two leaders are expected to sign a new 
comprehensive bilateral treaty defining the future relations between Moscow 
and Beijing over a 20-year period.

Finally, Putin and Zemin will attend the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation 
forum in October.

On Sunday, Jiaxuan said that he was "satisfied with the results of the trip" 
adding a bit of praise for his Moscow hosts by saying that he had the 
impression he was "still at home."

During his talks with Ivanov, Jiaxuan underlined that the bilateral treaty 
would not "be directed against third countries" but would only reflect 
Russia's and China's efforts to build a multi-polar world.

The partnership between the two countries could be strengthened further as 
both Moscow and Beijing oppose Washington's global dominance.

Moreover, Russia shares China's concern over U.S. President George Bush's 
pledge last week to militarily support Taiwan.

On Sunday, Itar-Tass quoted unnamed sources which it said were close to the 
Chinese embassy in Moscow as saying that the U.S. pledge to arm Taiwan caused 
"serious concerns that entitle China to have the full right to take adequate 

The same sources added that the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership "is the 
main obstacle in Washington's pursuit of generating global influence."

"We have given a great deal of attention to the complex of problems connected 
with preserving strategic stability in the world and creating a multi-polar 
world," Ivanov said Sunday.

"The stances of Russia and China on these issues coincide and we will 
continue to closely coordinate our actions in the international arena."

The two ministers reiterated that both Russia and China would insist on 
preserving the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 as the cornerstone of 
the global strategic stability despite the unilateral U.S. bid to walk out on 
the agreement by building its own national missile defense system.

Meanwhile, Russia's domestic security service charged Sunday a Russian 
scientist with treason and fraud, alleging he was handing over classified 
data to China.

In February, the regional division of the FSB in the Siberian city of 
Krasnoyarsk arrested researcher Valentin Danilov on suspicion that he was 
providing a Chinese firm with the secret information that could help reduce 
costs of developing a military space vehicle.

On Sunday, Danilov was charged with state treason and fraud despite his 
lawyers' argument that the allegedly secret materials had been declassified 
in 1992.

However, the incident will seemingly have no greater impact on further 
development of scientific ties between the two countries.

As he spoke on the issue Sunday, Jiaxuan stressed that he would have to 
investigate the situation upon his return to Beijing in order to give a 
fuller reply.

"One thing I can say for certain – regardless of the facts involved in this 
case, it will fail to negatively influence the development of the 
Russian-Chinese scientific and technical cooperation," said Jiaxuan.

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