-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.consortiumnews.com/050101a.html";>The 
Three Reasons -- What Went Wrong?
By Robert Parry
May 1, 2001The intersection of three recent events – all anchored in the Cold 
War, dating from its earliest days to almost its end – help explain what went 
wrong with American democracy over the past half century and why an honest 
recounting of history is so important to set matters right.
One of these events – dating back to roughly the mid-point of the Cold War – 
was the revelation that former Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., led a 1969 raid 
against the Vietnamese village of Thanh Phong, an operation that all 
participants agree went terribly wrong, killing about 20 civilians.
Though there is heated dispute about whether most of those killings were 
deliberate, what's not in dispute about the raid is troubling enough. This 
was not a military attack in the conventional sense. It was not a 
search-and-destroy mission seeking out a military force for combat.
The raid’s goal was the assassination of Thanh Phong’s village leader – 
roughly the equivalent of mayor – who was suspected of Viet Cong activity. It 
was a “takeout” in the military euphemism of the time, much like the 
thousands of assassinations carried out by U.S. Special Forces teams under 
CIA direction in the Phoenix program.
In 1969, Kerrey was a gung-ho, inexperienced lieutenant with the Navy Seals, 
an elite commando unit that was created in World War II for underwater 
sabotage. By the Vietnam War, the Seals had changed. Like other Special 
Forces units, they had added assassination to their military repertoire.
“Typically, Navy Seals undertook kidnap or assassination missions, looking to 
eliminate Viet Cong leaders from among the local population,” wrote 
journalist Gregory L. Vistica in The New York Times Magazine [April 29, 2001] 
Quoting former Army Capt. David Marion, the senior U.S. military adviser in 
the area in 1969, Vistica wrote, “These were called ‘takeouts.’”
After being dropped off near the Mekong Delta village, in the dark of night 
on Feb. 25, 1969, Kerrey’s seven-member Seal team moved toward Thanh Phong. 
But his men were surprised to find a hut that was not on the map.
Out of fear that the people in the hut might alert the other villagers, 
Kerrey’s men slipped in and used knives to kill the inhabitants, who turned 
out to be two elderly civilians and their three grandchildren, according to 
The New York Times article.
“Standard operating procedure was to dispose of the people we made contact 
with,” Kerrey is quoted as saying. “Kill the people we made contact with, or 
we have to abort the mission.” Kerrey said he believed at the time the 
civilians in the hut were a Viet Cong “security” attachment and that the hut 
was an "outpost."
Gerhard Klann, the most experienced member of Kerrey’s squad, gave the Times 
the most detailed – and most damning – account of the brutality of the raid. 
Klann tied Kerrey directly to the killings of the civilians in the first hut, 
though Kerrey has claimed a faulty memory about his role in those initial 
Cover Story
After the story surfaced last week, Kerrey and the five other former Seals 
met to coordinate a counter story. This joint statement, issued on Saturday, 
challenges some of Klann’s account.
But the six Seals do not dispute Klann’s statements about killing Vietnamese 
civilians in the first hut. The joint statement said simply, “At an enemy 
outpost we used lethal methods to keep our presence from being detected.”
What happened next is in greater dispute. Klann says neither the targeted 
village leader nor any Viet Cong fighters were found in the village. 
Nevertheless, when the search was completed, the civilians – about 15 old 
men, women and children – had been rounded up and concentrated in one 
To protect the team’s withdrawal, Kerrey ordered the civilians executed, 
Klann said. Kerrey’s raiders opened fire on the villagers, killing one baby 
last, Klann said. “There were blood and guts splattering everywhere,” he said.
Kerrey and the other five former Seals deny Klann’s account of a premeditated 
massacre. They claim they were fired upon by someone in the village and 
returned fire, ultimately expending 1,200 rounds of ammunition.
In earlier interviews, Kerrey said he and his men eventually approached the 
huts and were shocked to discover that the victims were all old men, women 
and children. "The thing that I will remember until the day I die is walking 
in and finding, I don't know, 14 or so, I don't even know what the number 
was, women and children who were dead," Kerrey said.
The joint statement issued Saturday, however, seems to contradict even 
Kerrey’s original version of events. “We took fire from these (enemy) forces 
and we returned fire,” the statement said. “Knowing our presence had been 
compromised and that our lives were endangered we withdrew while continuing 
to fire.”
The coordinated statement by Kerrey and his five comrades dropped Kerrey's 
description of entering the village after the firefight and finding the 
civilian bodies. [See the text of statement as printed in The Washington Post,
 April 29, 2001] In the new version of events, the Seal team simply returned 
fire and withdrew.
With the decision to coordinate a response, Kerrey and the others created the 
appearance of suspects in a crime getting their stories straight, rather than 
meeting individually with Navy officials or journalists and giving separate, 
unrehearsed recollections of events.
Two villagers in Thanh Phong gave accounts to The Associated Press, Reuters 
and the Los Angeles Times that generally tracked with Klann’s version of 
events. The survivors recalled Kerrey’s team ordering villagers out of a 
shelter and then shooting them.
Bui Thi Luom, who said she was 12 at the time of the raid, recounted the 
commandos entering the village and demanding that the villagers come outside. 
Luom said she was with her grandmother, four aunts and 10 cousins. The 
youngest was about 3.
The villagers initially thought they only would be questioned and they sat on 
the ground as ordered. "When a woman coughed, Luom remembers, one of the 
soldiers put his gun in her mouth and ordered her to be silent," the Los 
Angeles Times reported. "Luom's grandmother knelt and began to plead for 
mercy. The soldiers talked among themselves, she recalled, and then opened 
fire at close range."
Luom said she scrambled into a shelter, escaping with only a wound to her 
knee that has left a scar still visible today. "Everyone was screaming and 
very frightened when they began shooting," Luom said. [Los Angeles Times, 
April 29, 2001]
War Crimes
While a few U.S. journalists have given credence to the accounts from Klann 
and the Vietnamese survivors, many news outlets – including The Washington 
Post and the Wall Street Journal – have focused their coverage on sympathy 
for Kerrey's anguish and cast doubt on the allegations of premeditated murder.
Yet, it's not in dispute that the purpose of the raid was to assassinate a 
village leader believed to be a Viet Cong supporter. It’s also not in dispute 
that the raid was mounted in what was called a “free-fire zone,” meaning that 
the United States and its Vietnamese allies had designated the territory open 
for the killing of anyone living there.
Indeed, Kerrey used the “free-fire-zone” argument last week in an attempt to 
defend his actions. Citing the “unwritten rules of Vietnam,” Kerrey insisted 
that the actions were justifiable whether his team was fired upon or not. 
“You were authorized to kill if you thought it would be better,” he said in 
an interview with The New York Times.
But assassinations and indiscriminate killings of civilians are criminal acts 
under international law as well as violations of generally respected canons 
of human rights. If carried out by, say, Serbs in Kosovo or German forces in 
World War II, these actions would warrant war-crimes charges – and did.
In Vietnam, however, these tactics were the routine policy of the U.S. 
government, which bestowed medals on soldiers who engaged in these practices. 
Kerrey received the Bronze Star for his attack on Thanh Phong, which was 
misrepresented as a military victory over a force of Viet Cong.
A few weeks later, in another raid, Kerrey suffered a severe wound to his 
leg, which was partially amputated. For that operation, he received the 
Congressional Medal of Honor.
The underlying horror of the raid on Thanh Phong was that this kind of 
barbarity was much more commonplace than many Americans understood either 
then or now. The truth was that the My Lai massacre that claimed the lives of 
about 350 Vietnamese civilians on May 16, 1968, was not a unique case. It was 
just the one that gained the most notoriety.
The current secretary of state, Colin Powell, recounted similar activities in 
his widely praised bestseller, My American Journey. Powell served two stints 
in Vietnam including one with the Americal Division which had been 
responsible for the My Lai massacre.
After a brief mention of the My Lai massacre in My American Journey, Powell 
penned a partial justification of the Americal's brutality. In a chilling 
passage, Powell explained the routine practice of murdering unarmed male 
"I recall a phrase we used in the field, MAM, for military-age male," Powell 
wrote. "If a helo spotted a peasant in black pajamas who looked remotely 
suspicious, a possible MAM, the pilot would circle and fire in front of him. 
If he moved, his movement was judged evidence of hostile intent, and the next 
burst was not in front, but at him.
"Brutal? Maybe so. But an able battalion commander with whom I had served at 
Gelnhausen [West Germany], Lt. Col. Walter Pritchard, was killed by enemy 
sniper fire while observing MAMs from a helicopter. And Pritchard was only 
one of many. The kill-or-be-killed nature of combat tends to dull fine 
perceptions of right and wrong."
To many American politicians and journalists, the notion of killing unarmed 
civilians in the cause of winning the Cold War is not even controversial 
How blasé U.S. politicians can be toward these atrocities was underscored by 
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, who commented about the Kerrey disclosures 
during television interviews. "I don't understand what all the hoopla is 
about here," Lott said on Thursday.
Indeed, many national journalists also appear to have found reasons to 
sympathize with Kerrey over the slaughter of civilians. In 1998, Newsweek 
editors spiked a draft of the Thanh Phong story after Kerrey decided not to 
run for president.
The reporter, Vistica, then quit Newsweek and pursued the story on his own 
for a year, nailing down more details and finally convincing The New York 
Times Magazine to run the story.
Kerrey only began talking about the killings – giving his version of an 
accidental massacre – after he knew the article would appear in print.
The Nazi-CIA Link
The second revealing recent news event, with its roots at the start of the 
Cold War, was the disclosure of CIA documents that prove beyond question that 
U.S. intelligence agencies protected and collaborated with hundreds of Nazi 
war criminals after World War II.
Over the past 25 years, dogged researchers had pieced together much of this 
puzzle – despite denials and stonewalling from the CIA. But the new 
documents, released on Friday as part of a declassification ordered in 1998, 
established that the U.S. government aided Nazi war criminals deemed useful 
to the Cold War. [Washington Post, April 28, 2001]
Typical was the case of Gestapo officer Klaus Barbie, who was known as the 
Butcher of Lyon for his torturing and killing of Jews and Resistance fighters 
in France during the German occupation.
After World War II, U.S. intelligence protected Barbie from French 
authorities and spirited him off to South America, the documents confirm. 
There, he worked for decades with right-wing military governments that 
adopted many of the tactics favored by the Nazis for torturing and murdering 
political enemies and their suspected sympathizers. Many of those rightist 
governments had close ties, too, to the CIA and U.S. military intelligence.
Cocaine Coup
In 1980, Barbie figured prominently in a pivotal event in modern South 
American history: the full-scale merging of political elites and the 
international drug trade.
Barbie was a principal organizer -- within Bolivian intelligence agencies -- 
of a coup that saw drug lords and their military allies overthrow the 
Bolivian government and transform Bolivia into the first modern narco-state.
In the so-called Cocaine Coup, Barbie collaborated with the Argentine 
military, which was then engaged in its own “dirty war,” murdering and 
“disappearing” an estimated 30,000 citizens, including hundreds of dissidents 
who were shackled together alive and shoved out of planes over the Atlantic 
Thousands of others were subjected to barbaric torture, including rape, 
electric shocks applied to their genitals and submergence in water filled 
with human waste, according to later investigations by Argentine authorities. 
[For details, see Martin Edwin Andersen's Dossier Secreto.]
To help the Bolivian coup, Barbie pulled together an international band of 
neo-Nazis who traveled to South America and committed some of the most 
bizarre and brutal killings during the Bolivian putsch. Torture specialists 
from Argentina were flown in, too.
Besides labor activists and other leftists, the coup makers targeted 
government officials who had participated in jailing drug criminals, many of 
whom were freed and joined the violent rampage.
One important outgrowth of Bolivia’s Cocaine Coup was the creation, under 
Barbie, of a secure pipeline of raw coca paste for a then-fledgling drug 
operation in Medellin, Colombia. This operation later became known as the 
Medellin Cartel and flooded the United States with vast quantities of 
high-quality cocaine in the 1980s.
Moon as Ally
Another key ally of Bolivia’s Cocaine Coup government was the Rev. Sun Myung 
Moon, who sent his emissaries to La Paz to cooperate with the Bolivian regime
. Moon simultaneously built up his well-financed political/journalistic 
operations in the United States.
By 1982, Moon’s mysterious wealth – much of it laundered into the United 
States from Asia and South America, according to followers who have spoken 
out publicly – enabled him to launch the influential Washington Times 
newspaper and finance other lavish political operations for the American 
conservative movement.
According to testimony by one Argentine intelligence officer, Leonardo 
Sanchez-Reisse, money from Bolivian drug lord Roberto Suarez was laundered 
through a Miami front company to finance the Cocaine Coup. Suarez's money 
also went to support Argentine intelligence operatives who moved on to 
Honduras to organize the Nicaraguan contra army, another group that soon 
became notorious for murder, rape and drug trafficking.
Michael Levine, an undercover agent for the U.S. Drug Enforcement 
Administration in South America, wrote later that the Bolivian Cocaine Coup 
set the stage for the Colombian cartels to transform themselves into the 
principal suppliers of cocaine to the United States.
“It could not have been done without the tacit help of DEA and the active, 
covert help of the CIA,” Levine wrote. [For more details, see Levine’s books, 
Big White Lie and Deep Cover, or Robert Parry’s Lost History.]
Reagan as Icon
The third recent event, helping to explain why the American people know so 
little about these important chapters of their own history, is the clumsy 
hardball politics employed by Rep. Bob Barr, R-Georgia, seeking to coerce 
Washington’s Metro subway system into renaming a subway stop after Ronald 
Barr threatened to withhold federal funds needed to complete the subway 
system unless Reagan’s name was added to the subway stop at Washington 
National Airport, which previously had Reagan’s name attached to it.
Local authorities in Arlington County, Virginia, have opposed the change, 
which would cost the cash-strapped system several hundred thousand dollars. 
While seemingly

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