-Caveat Lector-

Would you buy a used car from that guy?  Had KGB sitting in his
department for 16 years and yet was thrilled to have lunch with golly
gee, a real live KGB agent when he broke bread with them in Russia?

That guy admired the KGB so much he began to run the FBI like a combo of
the Mossad an KGB - remember Chechnya and the little 14 year old boy
refused treatement and as public example when he got gangrene they then
gave him medical treatment, amputated his legs and put on display???

Wonder also if Freeh hired that Japanese shrpshooter to kill the little
8th grader and his dog, and then his mother - he missed the baby he was
holding, but 3 out of 4 isn't bad is it....wonder he he got a medal for
that one.

Goodbye Freeh - and good riddance.


FBI Director Louis Freeh.

FBI Director Freeh
to retire next month

Senior agency officials told of decision
at meeting Tuesday, sources tell NBC


 FBI Director Louis Freeh plans to retire in June after eight years as
the head of the federal investigative agency, sources told NBC on

  FREEH, A FORMER federal judge who was appointed as director by
President Clinton in 1993 after the resignation of William Sessions,
informed senior agency officials of his decision at a meeting Tuesday
morning, the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told NBC's
Pete Williams.
       A public announcement was expected shortly.

       The sources said Freeh does not have another job lined up
and would wait until he steps down to seek employment.
       Freeh oversaw a significant shift in the agency's
crime-fighting mission during his tenure, changing its priorities from
domestic organized crime to international concerns such as terrorism and
technological crime.

       Check back for updates on this developing story.

 Bush to unveil missile shield plan FBI Director Freeh to retire
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