-Caveat Lector-

Item on Greer - MD in Emergency Room....seems to be in a cult of a type
which has drawn UFO cultists .....
think the think I saw in sky few days ago had to be a Chinese missile or
something traveling high - silver - like we used to see in the 50 and 60
period......some of these things in those days came so low you had the
feeling you could touch them - but they were usually ours from
Vandenberg that I saw - in particular, the first missile to go from
south to north, I witnessed right over my house - it was one my relative
was working on.......

Used to fly in and out of Wright Field a lot......when I asked him about
what I had seen he said change your brand of whiskey but I did not
drink.....so, later it was reported what it was.    This Cooper has big
mouth for whatever he is he does make many errors...this Colonel Steve,
forget last name - he must be the one to whom he referred who ended up
in jail on some charge.....if that guy was a full Colonel he could still
have been busted.

Lots of this stuff seems to come from sources at Redstone - and loose

Phil set up Vandenberg where a lot of good stuff went on and then to
England as Thor Chief and BMEWS stuff.....things got so bad re Germany
he had to commute from England ......a General Robert E. Lee at that
time USAF got into some kind of trouble right wing stuff...Life had done
big article on his life - said AIR Force Most Valuable Man.....but he
had evidently a breakdown -

This site was looking for picture of Gordon Novel.......he was rather
disturbed about this - Novel is real patriot.


Location: Mothership -> Ufomind Mailing List -> 1999 -> Jan -> Dr.
Steven Greer -- Millennial Cult Leader

Dr. Steven Greer -- Millennial Cult Leader

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Glenn Campbell, Las Vegas)

Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 22:06:30 -0800
Via: Rob McConnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Found at www.ABCNEWS.com
(Greer and CSETI are mentioned at the end.)
----- Begin Web Page Excerpt -----
 Is it the End of the World as We Know It?
Jan. 5 -- As the year 2000 creeps ever closer, millennialist cults are
becoming ever more frenzied.
Many of them are convinced that the world will end or transform itself
soon after next Jan. 1.
Israel's decision this week to deport 11 members of a Denver-based cult
called Concerned Christians shows how seriously the authorities there
take the fervor. The group, whose members were holed up in Jerusalem
apartments, allegedly planned mayhem that would unleash the second
coming of Christ.
And Concerned Christians is not alone.
Back in the United States, according to a 1997 Associated Press poll,
nearly 25 percent of adult Christians -- more than 26 million people --
believe that Jesus Christ will return to Earth in their lifetimes and
set in motion the horrific events laid out in the biblical books of
Revelation and Daniel.
Some of those people join religious groups fixated on the end.
"People who expect the world to end soon do a lot of very strange
things," writes Ted Daniels, director of the Millennium Watch Institute,
who has more than 1,200 cults in his database. "They reject and even
contradict the rules of common sense that keep the rest of us sane and
feed our lives. "They destroy the things they need to survive. They
provoke fights they can't possibly win, and they talk about things that
obviously won't happen."
The groups themselves are often secretive and hard to track down.
Nevertheless, ABCNEWS.com has put together this quick guide to some of
the more prominent millennialist groups:
Sukyo Mahikari: A secretive Japanese group said by former members to
spread a neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic dogma, it has established itself as a
charitable organization in England. A group leaflet says as the year
2000 approaches, "mankind might be annihilated by the baptism of fire."
Similar language turned up in Aum Shinrikyo materials. Aum Shinrikyo was
the cult famous for the deadly sarin gas attack in Tokyo. A spokesman
for Sukyo Mahikiri has denied the cult is linked to Aum Shinrikyo or
that it is anti-Semitic.
The House of Yahweh: A former kibbutz worker named Jacob -- now Yisrael
-- Hawkins started the House of Yahweh, a group that prophesies that the
end of the world will arrive very soon if the laws of Yahweh set down in
the Bible are not universally obeyed, and the temple in Jerusalem not
rebuilt to lie side by side with the Dome of the Rock Mosque. Hawkins
has about 3,000 followers who believe he will announce the second coming
of Jesus before being murdered by Satan.
Concerned Christians: This group, whose members were ordered deported
from Israel, was started by Monte Kim Miller, who used to run an
anti-cult network in Denver. People who know the cult say Miller
believes he is the last prophet on Earth before Armageddon. Miller, who
reportedly believed he talked to God each morning before he went to
work, was said to claim that America was Satan and the government evil.
Miller has predicted he will die on the streets of Jerusalem in December
1999 but will rise from the dead three days later.
Order of the Solar Temple: Since 1994, more than 74 members of the
Order have committed suicide in Canada, Switzerland and France, leaving
behind rumors of gunrunning in Australia and money laundering in Canada
and Europe. Whether the group is a cold-blooded hoax that milks its
victims of their money and then disposes of them or a more "genuine"
suicide cult remains unclear. The Order was founded in 1977 by Luc
Jouret, then 30, a Belgian born in Zaire who believed he was a third
reincarnation of Jesus Christ and that his daughter Emmanuelle, whom he
said was immaculately conceived, was the cosmic child. Although he
killed himself, the Order still exists. The cult teaches that life is an
illusion and after death followers will be reborn on a planet revolving
around the dog star Sirius.
Church of the Final Testament: Started in the early 1990s by a former
Russian police sergeant named Sergei Torop who was dismissed from the
force after he had a series of religious visions, the group holds
particular fascination for former Communist Party members. Torop, who
took the name Vissarion, rejects prohibitions on suicide. He tells his
followers he is Jesus Christ, and looks the part with flowing dark hair
and wispy beard. Currently building a "City of the Sun" on Siberia's
Mount Sukhaya, the Vissarionites are estimated to be the largest
cult-like group in Russia with thousands of followers. Russian
politicians have recently warned that the Church members may commit mass
suicide as the millennium approaches.
Elohim City: Barely 50 miles from President Clinton's former home of
Little Rock, Ark., lies the fortress-like town of Elohim City, where
about 100 heavily armed inhabitants work, pray and conduct paramilitary
drills. A former Mennonite preacher named Robert Millar, 73, who
envisions a white Christian nation in North America, runs Elohim City in
anticipation of an Asiatic invasion of the United States, an attack he
considers inevitable. Millar, inspired by fundamentalist Christianity,
KKK-style racism and astrology, believes that Christ has been revealing
himself for the last two millennia. He also preaches that a series of
disasters is about to strike, probably soon after the year 2000, during
which time the unworthy and wicked will be cleansed from the Earth.
Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh phoned friends of his in
Elohim City before the blast.
Outer Dimensional Forces: Founded by the reclusive Orville T. Gordon,
90, the ODF believes that the United States is in for trouble. Gordon,
or Nodrog as he is known, explained in an interview that the CIA
attacked the ODF 20 years ago, and the group's heavenly allies will
flood the United States very soon, whisking the ODF faithful safely away
from their fenced-off Texas compound.
Center for Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence: If you are ever
wandering the neighborhood of Asheville, N.C., at night and see a group
waving flashlights at the sky, you may have stumbled upon Dr. Steven M.
Greer and the Center for Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Greer,
an emergency-room physician, takes groups of UFO enthusiasts out into
the wilderness, where they encourage UFOs to land with a combination of
lights and positive thinking. Greer is convinced aliens want to share
technology with humanity in the new millennium but that the federal
government is hostile to them and that "black ops" programs have
attacked flying saucers.
"People who expect the world as it is to end soon do a lot of very
strange things."
-- Ted Daniels, director of the Millennium Watch Institute
----- End Web Page Text -----
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Created: Jan 7, 1999

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