-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Iran to buy cruise missiles from Russia

Wednesday, May 16, 2001
LONDON — Iran plans to obtain ship-born cruise missiles from Russia. Industry 
sources said the Russian government has agreed to sell the Yakhont cruise 
missiles to Iran as part of a huge deal now being negotiated between Moscow 
and Teheran. Estimates of the price for the package range up to $7 billion, 
Middle East Newsline reported.

Geostrategy-Direct.com reported in its April 17 edition that likely customers 
for new version of the SSN-26 anti-ship cruise missile include the Chinese 
military which is intensely interested in anti-ship cruises missiles, 
especially those capable of sinking U.S. aircraft carriers. 

The missiles use stealth technology, supersonic speed and an advanced fire 
and forget precision targeting system. They can be launched from coastal 
patrol boats, ships, submarines and ground launchers. They have a range of 
186 miles and fly some 15 to 50 miles before dropping down to an altitude of 
as low as 15 feet from the water surface before delivering a 553-pound 
warhead to its ship target, according to Geostrategy-Direct.com.

U.S. officials said the Bush administration is concerned by the sale of the 
Yakhont. They said the missile could threaten U.S. naval vessels in the 
Persian Gulf and the Straits of Hormuz.

Sales of the missile abroad would violate Moscow’s commitment to the 
29-nation Missile Technology Control Regime.

The cruise missile was raised during the visit to Moscow by Iranian President 
Mohammed Khatami in March. The sources said the issue was also discussed 
during a subsequent visit by a Russian military delegation to Iran.

The Yakhont is designed by NPO Mashinostroyeniya and was first displayed at 
the Moscow airshow in 1997. 

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