-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 3 Jun 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:

>Turn on your TV today and see sodomy and in schools teaching of sodomy
>to little elemtary children.

But then in another post provides the following as supposed 'proof':

>Note to Parents: The following story contains graphic information of a
>sexual nature. While this material is troublesome to us and will be to
>others, it is important to realize that the State of Massachusetts deems
>this information appropriate for teenagers as young 14.
>Kids Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex
>State sponsored conference featured detailed sexual material
>Massachusetts News
>A Massachusetts Department of Education employees described the
>pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a
>state-sponsored workshop on March 25 at Tufts.
>"Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or
>vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody
>into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and]
>to put you into an exploratory mode."

First off, this wasn't presented to 'little elemtary [sic] children', but
to teenagers.

Secondly, this wasn't taught in a school as part of a school curriculum,
but was one of many workshops presented at a conference.  Big difference.

>To say that the descriptions below, of workshops and presentations of
>this state-sponsored event for educators and children, are "every
>parent's nightmare"

Only a nightmare for those sexually repressed parents who don't want
their children to know even the basic facts about human sexuality...

>The workshop opened by the three public employees asking the children
>"how they knew, as gay people, whether or not they've had sex."

Considering that a president of the United States seemed to have had
problems understanding and defining just what 'having sex' meant, this
does not seem an unusual question to ask the teenagers and young adults
who attended the workshop.

>Questions were thrown around the room about whether oral sex was "sex,"
>to which the Department of Public Health employee stated, "If that's not
>sex, then the number of times I've had sex has dramatically decreased;
>from a mountain to a valley, baby." Eventually the answer presented
>itself, and it was determined that whenever an orifice was filled with
>genitalia, then sex had occurred.

Too bad Clinton didn't attend...

 The Department of Public Health
>employee, Michael Gaucher, had the following exchange with one student,
>who appeared to be about 16 years old:

An age that most teenagers are sexually active...

>Michael Gaucher: "What orifices are we talking about?"
>Student: [hesitation]
>Michael Gaucher: "Don't be shy, honey; you can do it."
>Student: "Your mouth."
>Michael Gaucher: "Okay."
>Student: "Your ass."
>Michael Gaucher: "There you go."
>Student: "Your pussy. That kind of place."

Sounds like they used the everyday language teenagers use all the time...

>There was a five minute pause so that all of the teenagers could write
>down questions for the homosexual presenters. The first question was
>read by Julie Netherland, "What's fisting?"
>A student answered this question by informing the class that "fisting"
>is when you put your "whole hand into the ass or pussy" of another.

A question posed by one teenaged attendee and answered by another
teenaged attendee...obviously the person asking the question considered
it of significant importance, else they wouldn't have asked it.

But I'm sure you're answer is to say that young people should NEVER be
taught about any aspect of sexual activity...they should learn about it
out on the street like you had to (if you ever even did)...

>Margot Abels told the students that "fisting" is not about forcing your
>hand into somebody's "hole, opening or orifice" if they don't want it
>there. She said that "usually" the person was very relaxed and opened
>him or herself up to the other. She informed the class that it is a very
>emotional and intense experience.

Which is true...so your objection is...???

>Michael Gaucher and Margot Abels asked the kids if they thought it was
>possible and whether someone would do a "hand-diagram" for the class. No
>one volunteered, but a girl who looked about 15 or 16 then stepped up to
>the board and drew a three foot high vagina and labeled each of the
>labia, the clitoris, and "put up inside the 'G'-spot."

Sounds like a very knowledgeable teenager, who used the correct
terminology to present the basic sexual female physiology to the group...

>Julie Netherland informed the children that it wasn't too
>difficult because "when you are sexually aroused, your clit gets

Which is true.  So are you suggesting the teenagers and young people
should have found this out on their own, on the proverbial street,
instead of discussing it in an educational setting.

Actually, I'd be surprised if most of them didn't already know this, as
by the age of 16 most of these 'children' are sexually active...

>who wanted them. One could see children as young as 12 or 13 at the
>conference participating and receiving "information" and materials.

Was someone carding the students to determine their exact age, or is this
purely subjective speculation?

>Today, class, we will discuss whether Abraham Lincoln's homosexuality
>affected his attitude toward General McClellan. Such an opener would
>surely get the attention of your typical bleary-eyed adolescent. And the
>possibility of such a sentence ever being uttered has certainly gotten
>the attention of Beverly LeHaye, the conservative head of Concerned
>Women of America. She fears this kind of talk may become common if gay-
>rights advocates succeed in their drive to celebrate a Lesbian, Gay and
>Bisexual History Month in high schools every October.

Again, this is HIGHSCHOOL, where most students are already sexually
active, and NOT 'little elemtary [sic] children'...

>The idea was
>recently endorsed by the National Education Association, the largest
>teachers' union, prompting LeHaye to write the 600,000 members of her
>group: "We must act to ensure [that] the innocence and purity of
>children we love are not destroyed...

If this babe thinks the majority of teenagers are either innocent or
pure, she's living in a Thorazine-world...

>Quite a few "ripperologists"  believe Jack the Ripper was a homosexual
>and no doubt, he was.......

Name just one REPUTABLE scholar who espouses that belief....and what
FACTS lead to such a conclusion?

Some people have speculated that Lizzie Borden had a lesbian affair with
the Borden's maid, but again no REPUTABLE scholar has ever made that
allegation, and there is absolutely not one iota of evidence to
support it...

But sick, fevered, sexually-repressed imaginations like Saba's will
continue to get their secret jollies by visualizing all manner of what
they deem 'perversion' on any number of historical personages...


Check out Alternative Kite radio:  http://www.live365.com/stations/242153

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