-Caveat Lector-

    You wrote several things, so I am extracting here. The relevant portions
are included below. You apparently cite this South African news item to
substantiate your statement that "Bi sexuals now spread AIDS and HIV to
women who then have children with AIDS . . . ." However, this is happening
in AFRICA, not far from the world epicenter in West Africa where the global
AIDS epidemic began, most likely by the mutation within humans of the simian
anti-immunity virus SIV, carried by chimps. Scientists have speculated that
someone killed and ate a chimp and acquired it that way, or maybe some other
way. At any rate, it mutated to accomodate its new species host, who then
passed it on to the women he had sex with.
    That's right--the women. On the continent where AIDS began, it is
overwhelmingly a HETEROSEXUAL ailment. It ran rampant through Africa's
mainstream, black, heterosexual communities for decades before it even
touched the gay population--and not the African gay population, either, but
the American gay population, brought here by international flight stewards.
Put simply, STRAIGHT boys in Africa who were already infected with the AIDS
virus from unprotected, heterosexual encounters accepted money to have sex
with affluent North American male flight stewards, and suppressed
information about their disease from the man who was paying in order not to
lose the income. So in actuality, these straight boys infected the unknowing
gay men who had relations with them! I'm not saying the boys are guilty of
anything--I'm saying that viruses will attack the best available host,
without regard for morality.  I'm also saying that you seem to presume that
if someone infects someone else with AIDS, that person is a) morally guilty,
and b) gay by definition, and it just isn't so.

Also, in Africa, HIV men are overwhelmingly heterosexual, and it is clear
from the article you've cited below that these men are sexually oriented
towards women--they just hate them, too, and think that women are inferior.
Sounds a lot like the pathological sexual attitude of most men in
fundamentalist Islamic countries, where women are concerned.  If these
rapists emigrated to Afganistan to live under the Taliban, they'd probably
fit right in.

> Yes Jenny, Amadius also known as Nate Fischer had intended the remarks
> for me, for I sent information out with regard to homosexual/lesbians -
> in particular the homosexuals who want to invade the boy scouts flying
> their "Gay Pride" flag. . .
> Items I sent re rape of women by men infected with HIV/AIDS . . .
> Bi sexuals now spread AIDS and HIV to women who then have children with
> AIDS....who protects the chidren?
> Saba
> AudioVideo
> Thursday, 2 December, 1999, 17:48 GMT
> South African rape victims fight HIV

>  Charlene Smith campaigns on behalf of rape victims in South Africa
> By Clive Myrie in Johannesburg

> Earlier this year Charlene Smith was put through an ordeal difficult for
> anyone to comprehend.
> She was raped at knifepoint in her own home. She took me through the
> events of that fateful day, 1 April: "I returned home after a business
> meeting at around 8.30pm.
> "The dogs on the porch seemed all right and there was no suggestion
> anything was wrong."
> I not only had to cope with the rape - with the violation of my body -
> but also with the possibility that the man had infected me with HIV
> Charlene Smith "I unlocked the door and walked in to find all the lights
> on and a leather jacket that's usually hanging in the wardrobe on the
> floor of the living room.
> " I still didn't think there was anything wrong. I just assumed my son
> was home. But when I checked his room he wasn't there.
> "I then went to the bathroom. I flushed the toilet and turned around to
> find a man standing in the doorway holding a knife.
> "I screamed and he told me to be quiet. He used masking tape to tie me
> up, my hands and legs, then he raped me."
> 50,000 rapes a year
> Charlene Smith now campaigns on behalf of women who have been raped -
> many of whom now carry the virus which causes Aids:
> "I not only had to cope with the rape - with the violation of my body -
> but also with the possibility that the man had infected me with HIV.
> "He told me he would use a condom - he didn't."
> Ms Smith herself must still wait for several months before she knows for
> certain whether she has become infected.
> Official figures suggest every year around 50,000 women are raped in
> South Africa.
> But some pressure groups believe the real number is much higher, because
> most attacks go unreported.
> And with every rape, the risk of HIV infection increases.
> Scientists like Professor Barry Shoub of the National Institute of
> Biology are now looking closely at the strain of the virus, sub-type C,
> which is most prevalent in South Africa.
> He hopes to find out whether it is more aggressive than other forms of
> HIV and can be passed on more easily: "We need to characterise it,
> trying to work out the correlates of immunity - in other words, what
> factors in the host will protect against HIV in specific reference to
> sub-type C - and then ultimately to find a vaccine."
> To the person I raped...I'm asking for forgiveness
> Bengali waka Bhaya, rapist Recently South Africa declared a special day
> to promote non-violence against women.
> Scores of convicted rapists gathered at the Zonderwater maximum security
> prison north-west of Johannesburg, to apologise to some of their victims
> and their families.
> Saying sorry isn't enough
> Convicted rapist Bengali waka Bhaya addressed a group of women who had
> been raped, saying what he had done was "ugly".
> "To the person I raped", he said, "I'm asking for forgiveness."
> For a rapist - albeit a remorseful one - foregiveness may be an
> impossible thing to ask a woman who has been infected with HIV.
> Search BBC News Online
> Advanced search options
>   Country profiles
> See also:28 Oct 99 |  Africa Mbeki questions SA rape figures  09 Aug
> 99 |  Africa Mbeki urges better deal for women  22 Oct 99 |
> Africa South African rape advert gets go-ahead  04 Oct 99 |  Africa
> Africa on the Aids frontline  13 Oct 99 |  Africa Fighting back
> against rape
> Internet links:Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation
> South African Crime pages
> The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
> Links to other Africa stories are at the foot of the page.
> Links to more Africa stories
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