He's dead, but the complete "who dunnit" remains unresolved. Ever hear of
Brig. Gen. Benton Partin? Ever read the report he submitted to U.S. Sen. Don
Nickles (R-Okla.)? It's very interesting. Short version: one 4000+ lbs. ANFO
bomb could not have done the damage to Murrah, that was done. There had to be
other bombs planted in the bldg.

Ever read the report of Dr. William Whitehurst? Former director of the FBI
Crime Lab? Ever read why he resigned? Short version: the FBI crime lab backed
its way into the conclusion that McVeigh and Nichols acted alone in planning
and executing the bombing. Much evidence was cast aside and disregarded.

Ever hear about how McVeigh was nabbed? He was driving a hooptie, sans tags,
on I-45, heading north out of OKC shortly after the explosion. He had all
sorts of incriminating evidence on his person, and in the old station wagon
he was driving. So, he was smart enough to plan and carry out the worst
terrorist act in US history, but not smart enough to plan the get away. Come

Ever hear of Carol Elizabeth Howe? The ATF informant at Elohim City? She
reported to her ATF "handlers" in Tulsa, in December 1994 (4 mos. before the
bombing), that she had driven to Murrah with Andreas Strassmeier and Dennis
Mahon, and that they were clearly "casing" the joint as a potential bomb
site. ATF agents were conspicuously absent from their offices in Murrah at 9
a.m., on April 19, 1995.

Ever hear of Mickey Maroney? Mick was a Secret Service agent, assigned to the
White House till January 1995, when he was transferred to Murrah for reasons
not made clear to him. His niece called me after I gave a radio interview in
Columbus, Ohio, in 1997, discussing my book "Circle of Death." She said,
"Uncle Mickey gathered his family together in late January and told them he'd
heard, thru the grapevine, that someone was planning to bomb the building
where he worked (Murrah). He told them he'd bought two new term life
policies, just in case. He had a bad feeling about his transfer. He said,
'maybe I just know too much.'" Maroney was killed in the explosion on April
19, 1995.

Just thought you might be interested in some of this.



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