
ISSUE 2207 Sunday 10 June 2001

Germans at last learn truth about von Braun's 'space research' base

By Tony Paterson in Peenemunde

THE Nazi missile base from where the first V1 "doodlebugs" and V2 rockets
were launched is being turned into a museum. For the first time, ordinary
Germans will be confronted with the evils behind the "wonder weapons" that
Adolf Hitler used to attack Britain in the closing stages of the Second World

Until now, the Germans have sought to portray the base at Peenemunde - which
employed 12,000 people during the war years - as merely the missile research
centre run by Wernher von Braun, who later worked on the American space
programme. The site has remained a largely deserted wasteland since German
reunification in 1990 when the East German army withdrew from the area.

Attempts to develop Peenemunde have been fraught with controversy. A German
government-backed project to turn the site into an American-style "space
park" failed in the early 1990s because of lack of investment. The scheme was
also criticised for almost completely ignoring the fact that the site was
used to create the most controversial weapons of the war.

"Wernher von Braun's post-war involvement in the American space programme
provided an excuse to glorify Peenemunde as the place where the technology
for the Moon landings was developed," Dr Johannes Erichesen, the German
historian behind the new £4.6 million museum project said. "The fact that the
Nazis used the place to build missiles to win the war was regarded as an
unfortunate aberration."

After more than a decade of argument, German regional and central government
has begun an investment programme that aims to turn Peenemunde into a museum
dedicated to revealing the truth behind Hitler's most ambitious weapons
development project.

"We are trying to destroy the myths that have obscured the facts surrounding
Peenemunde," said Peter Profe, one of the curators at the new museum.
"Previous attempts to develop the site have been about as sensitive as
proposing to open a supermarket on the site of a former concentration camp."

Visitors to the completed sections of the exhibition - it will be two-thirds
finished by next month - are already left in no doubt about the importance of
Peenemunde for the Nazi regime.

The first section of the exhibition is devoted to the inaugural flight of the
V2 rocket on October 3, 1942, the first time in history that a missile
entered outer space. Original film of the take-off is offset by the voice of
the Nazi propaganda minister, Josef Goebbels, glorifying the new "wonder
weapon" specifically designed to terrorise Britain.

Wall-sized photographs of the destruction caused in London by the V2 and the
earlier V1 flying bomb are coupled with private snapshots of German
technicians, officers and their wives enjoying the almost holiday-like
atmosphere of the Peenemunde base.

Such images contrast sharply with the horrific conditions experienced by more
than 20,000 foreign slave and concentration camp labourers who perished
through starvation and maltreatment while constructing the V1 rocket at
"Dora", the underground Nazi armaments factory in Thuringia, central Germany.

A Polish slave-labour survivor of the Dora factory recalls how Wernher von
Braun visited the works and seemed "completely unperturbed" by the piles of
corpses. Further evidence exposes the role played by Heinrich Luebke, the
former West German federal president, as one of the organisers of Nazi slave
labour at Peenemunde and at Dora. For decades, allegations by Communist East
Germany that Luebke was a "war criminal" were dismissed by West Germany as

The Peenemunde museum is still working on plans for a further exhibit to
explain the background to the RAF's raid on the site in August 1943.
Codenamed "Hydra", it was one of the largest single bombing sorties ever
carried out by Britain and led to production of the V2 being evacuated to

Organisers of the exhibition have gone to great lengths to underline the
ultimate military failure of the V2. More than 3,000 of the rockets were
aimed at London, Antwerp and Brussels during the closing stages of the war.
Although they killed 2,774 people in Britain their use failed to alter the
course of the war as Hitler had hoped.

The V1 flying bomb claimed more than 8,000 lives, but its effect was also of
minor military significance. Development of both weapons, however, ultimately
accelerated Nazi Germany's defeat. They devoured millions of marks which most
historians conclude would have been better spent on improving the German
army's tank capability on the Russian Front.

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