Another Never Ending Story - example of the book written before the
Titanic was destroyed; as the story of Oklahoma a book had been written
in advance even giving the name of the Patsy ordained to do the job;
and, Littleton where a tape was made prior to the fact again.
Nobody wants to see the torment of the people in Littleton, Colorado -
what I remember most is a mother who had a daughter would would never
return to her as she was, who suicided; kids being afraid because they
said they were other killers at large; and, then two kids murdered in a
Subway Shop and little interest shown in the crimes as being work of
someone who feared exposure?

Would like to read this book or manuscript this man wrote about the
Murrah Building in advance; however, this and McVeigh's story never
really came out - sting operations operate like that.

Like the Great Titanic - latest piece of work on that one, the late
movie, shows the super rich aas being overbearing while uncouth new rich
sans good manners would forever be known as the Unsinkable Molly Brown.

Always wondered by J.P. Morgan called his man off at the last minute
before the Titanic sailed with the jewelled copy of the Rubiyait and a
mummy in a golden coffin aboard; the latter was not mentioned in lists
of what was in cargo because it was not considered ordinary cargo and
was in custody, of the Captain.

In late  1880 period Madame Helene Blavatsky also wrote a book about the
Unlucky White Star line.......prior to Titanic being built and this is
the woman whom Truman Capote blamed for being responsible for the murder
of Robert F. Kennedy - her teachings like books written before the act
describing what was to happen, like the Titanic, Littleton, Oklahoma
bombing and do not forget vicious propagandist Jean Dixon, the Rose of
Washington Square marking JFK by "divine revelation for murder, over and
over while conspirators planned the murder the groundwork being laid -
these all were merely acts of Premeditated Murders by Prophecy, for None
Dare Call it Propaganda, influenced of course by those under control of
the Assassins - using Hash for complete control?

Was Timothy McVeigh in on the drug scenario? How much gold did Nichols
have?  Who snapped their fingers, while McVeigh went to his death
believing he would be taken to a paradise for being a good little
Was McVeigh still breathing after being proclaimed dead as reported by
one who witnessed the "execution" - on Judgment Day.
The two Littleton Kids said April 19 was their Judgment Day - the
holoaust but the propane gas tanks failed to explode as planned and did
somebody in on the scenario take them out for fear they would sober up
and talk?   FBI involved here too before the fact?

People talked about mind control - they are subjected to it every day,
and do not know it - it is called advertising, hammering away daily and
the target now is the kids.   Give a kid some Ritilin or other
hypnotic drugs like assassins of old, and a few suggestions and evil
movies and books and hammer and hammer away by repetiton surrounded by
evil music - what do you expect, the making of a silk burse from sow's

Keys to psychology in the following ancient stories:

 The Titanic Conspiracy
By John Godowski 
The Titanic was a trap. It sank. The end.  The Titanic was not the
greatest peacetime maritime disaster. The sinking of the Wilhelm
Gustlof, with more than five thousand murder victims appears to far
exceed the murder tally of Titanic. (Stalin gave the order to torpedo
the Wilhelm Gustlof, and her cargo of six thousand Russians fleeing his
murderous purge) 
The disaster of the Eastland, which capsized at the dock in Chicago,
took a comparable number of lives, and was certainly as tragic and
significant as other equally deadly but less well known sea
The Titanic has always merited headlines, and the reason for this
enduring phenomenon transcends the technical details of her construction
and demise, transcends the enduring poignancy of the experience of the
victims and survivors, transcends even the immediate and worldwide shock
at the news of the disaster: it transcends even the irrevocably changed
psyche of our entire civilization and the nature our perceived position
in the cosmos. 
The entire ideological substrate upon which we collectively base the
assumptions that determine our worldview and guide the policy and
strategic decisions that continue to shape our emerging global society
and, at an even more pervasive individual level, influence the even the
most personal attitudes that define the value system that gives rise to
our every decision, perception and action, was altered – no,
completely ended with Titanic, and replaced with something completely
and disturbingly different, something that is foundational in our
understanding of the post Titanic modern world of global wars,
revolutions, genocides and unsettling transition.    

We have just alluded to the profound nature of the influence of Titanic
as a phenomenon of total import to each and all of us at some inherent
basal level that commands our continued fascination even to this day. 

Yet, with all this recognition of significance and import, we have only
begun to approach the task of defining Titanic in terms of what is not.
It was not the greatest peacetime sea disaster.    
We have recognized what Titanic is, a phenomenon of total import, and
yet, even all this falls far short of beginning to convey an impression
of the nature of the phenomenon itself, let alone an understanding of
just what it is in the nature of this phenomenon that makes it one of
enduring pivotal importance. 
The nature of Titanic as a phenomenon commands our fascination because
it expresses the core of our existential essence as beings living in
dilemma, caught between conflicting influences, defining by our progress
through the struggle itself who we are and who we are becoming, and with
that, what the universe is and what the universe is to be.    
Phenomena at this core level have always been expressed and dealt with
in the ongoing process we call mythos. 
Through the process of mythos we tell stories, definitive confabulations
that preserve real experience and technical data in sometimes lost or
encoded form, and transmit cultural responses that define and express
the identity of the storytellers and receptive audiences, stories that
in the very process of their creation, transmission, reception and
evolving adaptation constitute our primal response to our existential
The Titans were a race of giants in ancient Greek mythology. These
giants were known more for their technological expertise and genuine
willingness to empower people with technology, even at great personal
peril to themselves, than for their size or power per se.    
The Greeks gave lip service to the Olympians, who were at various times
capricious and cruel , yet at all times totally in control because of
their raw brute power. 

The heart of the people, however much by obvious political necessity
secret or discreet, was ever with the benevolent and vulnerable Titans
who sacrificed themselves to share technology with us , not only the
technical aspects of science ( fire) , but the essence of the scientific
process as evidenced by the material encoded in their names and

The most famous Titan is Prometheus, who is remembered for giving people
the gift of fire.

The name itself means forethought, or planning. His brother (related
concept) is Epimetheus, whose name means afterthought.

These Two Brothers then, by their very names bequeath to us the
scientific method – Forethought – gathering data, and making a plan,
theory and prototype for testing, and Afterthought – evaluating the
results and making modifications to the theories, plans and prototypes,
and, of course, repeating the process: this is the empowering, ongoing,
interactive convergence to Truth. 
Those who would enslave and/or exterminate must first disempower their
Mount Olympus originally referred to the vault of the sky, and the
Olympians, gods of the Sky, battled the Titans and subjugated them, and
of course, us. The Titans were punished for their efforts to give us
technology and empowerment. 
The punishment was to be imprisoned and tortured forever, subjected to
pointless repetitive labor with no hope of success.

Prometheus was chained to a rock where birds of prey would tear at his
viscera (vital medical infrastructure) , relenting each time to allow
some healing and regrowth, only to tear into the wound again, and again,
repeating and intensifying the torture each time, with no hope of

Another Titan's torment was to be tantalized by being starved
(agriculture, environment) and denied water, then presented with food
and water just beyond his reach. Struggle as he might, he could only get
the briefest taste of each after great effort, which only increased the
torment as these were withdrawn again, just out of reach. 

Another Titan was punished by being forced to lift a heavy rock (global
civilization) up a great incline (technological and societal advance)
only to have his work thrown down, over and over again, with no hope of
any success being allowed to remain. 
The uniting theme in all these Titanic torments is subjugation and
futility. The message of the Olympic Tyrants then, as interpreted here
is, when Force rules, then people everywhere, though Titans be they all,
will be conquered and forever Subject to Futility.    

This eternal transcendent political /spiritual message has been repeated
with ever increasing volume this century. 
In 1898 a struggling author named Morgan Robertson penned a prophetic
novel entitled Futility. 
This novel in its opening chapters, has a large and luxurious steamship
with four funnels plowing at top speed, oblivious to all, striking an
iceberg with a fatal glancing blow to her starboard bow, sending nearly
all aboard to their graves at the bottom of the icy Atlantic.    

As uncannily as Jules Verne's novels foreshadowed submarine warfare, the
development of aircraft, and manned space flight, Robertson's work
expressed a prescient foreboding of disasters to come. Robertson saw in
the imminent future setting of his novel global warfare with Japan as
the aggressor in the Pacific and beam weapon technology.    
[Sabe note:  Was Jonah in belly of a whale or was he in a submarine?]

 Robertson's novel Futility was perhaps better known by its alternate
title, The Wreck of the Titan. 

SABA NOTE:   With a little imagination one can see humanity - and
picture UN.....the USA with streets paved in gold, but forget to mention
on TV flaunting our weath - streets of gold, these are for the t Oh So
Wealthy......for Show Time.
 Same ones would would disarm America for they fear our guns - and
would leave us like one or more of the above - without means to defend
one's self?

 Back to Citizens for Better Government
Last Update October 8, 1998

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