-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> --- Mark McHugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is an individual a homophobe if they do not like the homosexual
> > lifestyle?
> >
> > I know that the "-phobe" part of "homophobe" means "fear", from the
> > Greek noun "phobos".  Does dislike now equal fear?  Are those who do
> > not like Scouts now "proskopophobes", those who fear Scouts?
> Personally, Mark, I think the phobe part is that these sex-driven
> people may be afraid of leaving even one creature on the planet left
> unlaid, regardless of age, sex or species. Heaven forbid a young child
> should remain innocent.
> Tenorlove

I do not mind the "sex" part for consenting adults, I just have an
aversion to zealots trying to force change in thought.  I served with
homosexuals of both sexes in the Army and had no problem with them.
We shared a lifestyle, except for our choices in partners.  They
didn't try to force me to accept them, nor I them.

I'm an individual more open to persuasion--tell me why you think your
point of view should be mine.

Mark McHugh

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