-Caveat Lector-

Pro-Family Groups Attack NEA's Alleged Homosexual Agenda

By Seth Lewis

CNSNews.com Correspondent

June 27, 2001

(CNSNews.com) - Pro-family conservatives are stepping up their efforts to
thwart the National Education Association's expected push to teach
homosexuality in public schools.

James C. Dobson, president of Focus on the Family, called on his radio-show
listeners Tuesday to help his group stage a rally at the NEA's annual
convention next week in Los Angeles. The group hopes to protest what it
calls a movement within the teachers' organization to "integrate all K-12
classes in every subject with pro-gay curriculum."

"This has implications for every school in the nation," Dobson said. "Tens
of millions of children would be taught this for thirteen years in all five
subjects every single day."

Dobson's group says NEA president Bob Chase has vowed to "do everything in
his power to assure that gay issues are promoted in every state." Asked
about such claims Tuesday, NEA spokeswoman Kathleen Lyons declined to

To illustrate his opposition, Dobson cited an incident at a grade school in
Marin County, Calif., where students attended a mandatory
homosexual-oriented assembly. "The group taught the children slogans such as
'I'm gay, it's OK,' and performed skits - one in which Rapunzel cut her hair
and ran away with her girlfriend."

Meanwhile, the Pro-Family Law Center announced this week it has drafted a
legal form that allows parents to keep their children out of homosexual
instruction in public schools.

Parents can use the form, dubbed the "Student Opt-Out Notice," to require
schools to get their permission before teaching "gender studies" or "AIDS
education," among other things.

"That puts control back in the hands of the parents and out of the hands of
social engineers," said Scott Lively, the group's director and attorney.

If the NEA approves a pro-homosexual agenda, Lively - whose group calls
itself "America's only legal organization devoted exclusively to opposing
the homosexual political agenda" - said he believes it will embolden
conservative activists.

"To have these self-appointed social engineers take up the role of
re-educating children with homosexuality, I think is going to transform our
society. I think we're going to see massive support for the pro-family
groups," he said.

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