-Caveat Lector-

must have sent this to wrong place because i didnt get a reply from nurev
sorry if i sent this before

-Caveat Lector-
>That land was annexed by the King of Jordan at the time of partition. After
> >WWII. Then they lost it to the Israelis in the Six Day War. The
>Resolution >242 made no difference when the Jordanians ignored it and it
>makes no >difference anywhere else in the world.

Wrong again buddy, Resolution 242 doesnt call for Jordan to relinqish land,
nor does it call for any other country to do so.  what it does is tells
Israel to return to the June 4, 1967 borders, thereby relinquishing all
territories captured in the June 1967 war.

>>This law was basically created after the defeat of Nazi Germany, but
>> >>before  the creation of the nation of Israel. Basically it was
>>constructed so >>that no one nation could conquer another and displace the
>>population (as >>Nazi Germany did with Poland, France etc.)

>And which nation on the planet gives a shit about UN laws? Turkey? Syria?
> >The USA and Western Europe attacking Yugoslavia? Britain attacking the
> >Falklands? C'mon Gooli get real. You show that you really do understand
>by your

>Cicero quote down below.

ah, nurev, so dismissive of the UN, but to play along ill tell you one
nation that gives a "shit" about the UN, Israel, for were it not for UN res
181 there would be no Israel

>>So you see what was done to the Indians cannot be used in any way as >>a
>>pretext to what is happening in palestine or in fact any other place on
>> >>earth.

>Never a pretext. The situations are entirely different. I just want to know
> >how you justify living on lands stolen from the Indians.

>How do you?

The situations are not differnt, 'settlers' are living on land that does not
belong to them (golan, west bank, gaza) forcing out native populations to
make way for the occupying force to settle there. Just as was done to native

Like i said before UN resolutions and Geneva conventions were not there at
the time of the colonisation of north america.

so you see buddy, Israel is legally bound to ship outta that land it

also, im not from the US.

heres my quote again

Law stands mute in the midst of arms.

Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)
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