-Caveat Lector-

tenebroust wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Glad to see there is at least one fan of the Immortal Master HPL still on the 
>list!!!  Incidentally, if hardy life, capable of withstanding the rigors of space or 
>hostile environments IS found there would it not be a vindication of HPL and the 
>weird tales he wrote so well?  I find so much of past horror and SF are quite 
>prescient about coming future events and am amazed that so much that has been written 
>about has turned out to be true.  I have a theory about that, in which the avant 
>garde writers, poets, artists, etc. are manipulated at times to write of things in 
>order to prepare the communal psyche for the eventual discovery of unusual and/or 
>unnatural things.  I have no proof of such a manipulation nor of who or what is doing 
>the manipulation but it is interesting speculation in light of the phenomenon.  
>Perhaps something on the order of PK Dick's orbitting artificial intelligence system, 
>or J Vallee's theory of a cybernetic control system which exerts its influence 
>subtley into
> the mainstream culture a

Wonder what Migo fungi taste like?

Mark McHugh

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