-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Chamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 12:59 AM
Subject: confirmation

by Barry Chamish

One by one, the information being sent out by this writer in the past month
is being validated. And it is now abundantly clear that the information
received from two renegade Shabak agents relayed worldwide in the article
called, They're Talking, was mostly, right on the money.
Let's begin with the claim that the CIA, PLO and Shabak are running death
squads aimed at removing Jews from their homes in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
Confirmation came from Defence Minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer.



copyright (c) 2001 by the Root & Branch Information Services Root & Branch
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YERUSHALIYIM, D.C. (David's Capital), Yom Rishon (Day One -- "Sunday"), 10
Tammuz, 5761 (Gregorian Date: July 1, 2001) (Hijri Date: 9 Rabi Thani,
1422), Root & Branch: Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer
acknowledged today that the United States Central Intelligence Agency
(C.I.A.) trained P.L.O. death squads in the United States with the approval
of the Barak Government and Mr. Shimon Peres, currently Foreign Minister in
the Sharon Government and formerly Minister of Regional Cooperation in the
Barak Government.

Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer made his remarks during a press conference
today at the Inbal Hotel (formerly the Laromme Hotel) in Jerusalem,
organized by the Foreign Press Association in Israel (F.P.A.).

Mr. Ben-Eliezer was responding to a question posed by F.P.A. member Mr.
Aryeh Gallin of the Root & Branch Information Services.

Mr. Ben-Eliezer did not deny that any of the alleged facts cited in Mr.
Gallin's question were true.

Mr. Ben-Eliezer simply said that the then Israeli Government thought the
C.I.A. trained P.L.O. death squads would 'behave themselves'.


"While Netanyahu was prime minister, C.I.A. Chief John Deutsch appointed
George Tenet to serve as C.I.A. liaison between Israel and the P.L.O.

While Barak was prime minister, then Regional Cooperation Minister Shimon
Peres agreed to Tenet's request that the P.L.O. send 40 quote unquote
"policemen" for advanced C.I.A. sniper, marksmanship and advanced weapons
training in Virginia.

Mr. Defense Minister, are not those C.I.A. trained P.L.O. squads the very
ones today inflicting such terrible casualties on so-called Arab
collaborators, the I.D.F., and Jews in Gilo and especially in Judea,
Samaria and Gaza?

And, Mr. Defense Minister, why was the C.I.A. request to train these P.L.O.
squads routed through and approved by a Regional Cooperation Minister, Mr.
Shimon Peres?"


'It's an easy question. We thought that they would behave themselves'.

*The Root & Branch Information Services will publish the verbatim text of
Mr. Ben-Eliezer's answer later today.


Then there was the suggestion that the Versailles Ballroom collapse was
sabotage. Two days ago the government announced that it would not
investigate the disaster. The asinine compromise was a general commission
of inquiry to investigate local building practices. YES, the government IS
covering up Versailles.
Now speaking of Versailles, we hop over to the claim that Shimon Peres was
in France two weeks before the Rabin murder promising the French the total
capitulation of Israel to Europe in return for approving the assassination
of Rabin. Amnon Lord, writing in Makor Rishon last week, reported that
Peres gave a speech at the Versailles Palace in Paris, to a gathering of
Technion professors and academics, about two weeks before the murder,
during which he shocked the assembled by not mentioning Israel even once.
Finally, Peres is placed in France just when I said he was there plotting
Rabin's death.
The recently reported CFR plan to promote Knesset speaker Avraham Burg as
the next Labor leader received a boost when the party's front runner,
Shlomo Ben Ami, announced his decision to drop out of the upcoming race,
thus leaving the way clear for the Burg takeover. To get a taste of what's
coming, a faithful Toronto correspondent sent an article in which Burg
insists that the Temple Mount is located elsewhere, so there is no need to
object to PLO sovereignty over the present site.
Another informant reminded me of a frightening fact that I knew but had
refused to report because it is just too conspiratorial. Twenty minutes
before the bridge collapsed at the previous Maccabiah Games, causing dozens
of casualties to the Australian contingent, a Shabak Jeep drove over the
same bridge and a film of the event was shown on Israel television news. I
had long considered the possibility that the bridge, like the Versailles
Ballroom, was collapsed as part of an overall demoralization plan, in this
case alienating Israel from the Diaspora, but desisted from saying so lest
it neutralize, by going too far, proven cases of murderous intrigue. The
correspondent added that another dreadful Maccabiah incident at the games
this month could be in the offing.
There I said it, and frankly I don't care about the consequences because
the New World Order plot against Israel is entering its final phase. The
Israeli people no longer feel they have an army nor a government. They live
day by day waiting for the next murder and wondering if they will be a
victim of the next massacre wherever it takes place. And if they do die a
grisly death, they know our government will not avenge it and the criminals
of the international media will justify it.
And a few people woke up when they saw former Serb leader Milosevic
extradited in shackles to Holland. They put the pieces together, starting
with the BBC's Panorama program questioning whether Ariel Sharon should be
tried as a war criminal, and continuing with his possible indictment in a
Belgian court. It became clear that Sharon is under threat that if he
doesn't cooperate in the disintegration of Israel, the next Israeli cabinet
will be confronted with the nation's quick destruction if he isn't manacled
and shipped for trial to Europe. And now, after his performance with Arafat
at last week's gathering of the Socialist International in Portugal, even
Israel's far left are questioning the total lack of human morality within
Shimon Peres and wondering if he didn't set Sharon up for this upcoming
European humiliation.

Feeling there is nothing left to lose anymore, that Peres and the Shabak
must be stopped and now, allow me to present the most devastating crime
ever committed in Israel, Peres's likely participation and confirmation of
still another Shabak murder.

The agents quoted in, They're Talking, claimed the former head of the
Prison Services' Medical Department, Yaacov Ziegelboim was murdered by the
Shabak just before he was planning to report the torture of Rabbi Uzi
Meshulum. Today his son, Eddie Ziegelboim contacted me and in a long
conversation, confirmed everything.

Paralleling the Shabak's covert war against all opponents of the Oslo
Accord, was an equally vicious battle against Rabbi Uzi Meshulum. In the
early years of the state, at least 4500, mostly Yemenite, infants were
kidnapped from immigrant transit camps, nurseries and hospitals. Two new
Hebrew books have thoroughly documented the fact that these kidnappings
took place. It is commonly believed that the infants were sold for
adoption, but Rabbi Meshulum, as I will shortly explain, reached a
different conclusion.

Rabbi Meshulum's congregation lead the fight to have the kidnappings
exposed and the kidnappers tried. In the summer of 1994, his headquarters
in Yehud (the same city where two car bombs went off today) was attacked by
hundreds of army, police and Shabak snipers. They sprayed Meshulum's home
with dozen's of bullets in an attempt to murder him and his family but in
the end the sole victim was an eighteen year old congregant of the rabbi.

Rabbi Meshulum was imprisoned and subjected to cruel medical techniques
aimed at destroying his will and his memory. He was released from prison
two years ago with almost a total memory loss. Those who saw him at his
son's wedding last month were shocked: he was in such pain he couldn't even
sit in his wheelchair. He lay prone throughout the ceremony.

Not long after Rabin's murder, the head physician of the prison Medical
Services, Yaacov Ziegelboium, was blown to bits in his car. The police and
media blamed Meshulum's followers for the murder, claiming they thought he
was behind the rabbi's atrocious medical treatment. I was reliably informed
the Shabak carried out the hit...but who gave them the order?

Eddie Ziegelboim called me this morning.

EZ - I'm sorry I called so early but it's urgent. It's about the
information you published from the Shabak agents.

BC - What about it?

EZ - I'm Yaacov Ziegelboim's son.

BC - Oh my. I hope you approve of what I did.

EZ - That's why I'm calling. I know the Shabak murdered him and I want
justice done...My father was honest and he was stubborn. He came from
Russia thirty years ago and accomplished as much as any immigrant of the
time. It was he who had the most modern prison medical facility built. He
cared about his patients and had nothing to do with Rabbi Meshulum's
treatment. In fact, he told me, he was the only person in the prison
services the rabbi would speak to.

BC - Did he tell you anything else?

EZ - Hardly anything but his personality was changing by the end of his
life. He was complaining about the dirty politics he had to confront and
asked why he was being dragged into it. Just before he died he bought a
book called Only The Paranoid Survive, which was out of character for him
and told his wife, my stepmother, that she may not see him again. He was
obviously frightened but it wasn't like him to show it openly... He was
murdered two weeks before he was going to report Rabbi Meshulum's treatment
to a government committee. He was preparing his presentation the day his
car was bombed. But there's something else about the timing you should
know. The night before, there was the biggest protest rally over the
Yemenite children ever. The movement was gaining big ground. By murdering
my father and blaming it on Meshulum's followers, the Shabak killed two
birds with one stone.

BC - And you're positive Meshulum's people couldn't have done the deed?

EZ - Do you know how professional this operation was? It wasn't just that
the bomb was planted so no one saw it, the explosion occurred right after
he dropped his children off. It was radio activated and there were spotters
timing it. Not only that, the force of the explosion was perfectly
calibrated to blow him to death but no bystanders. Rabbi Meshulum's people
were shlemiels, they could barely get the microphones set up at rallies.
They didn't have the expertise to pull it off and supposedly a hundred
policemen were assigned to the case and they couldn't find the bomber.
There should have been no problem finding him if he really was one of the
rabbi's followers. I tried getting information from the policemen. They
were told to hush up everything and you could hear the fear in their

BC - Did your father keep a diary? Maybe his secretary has his notes?

EZ - My father kept a diary and it was confiscated. So was his computer.
The police to this day won't return them. The secretary is too terrified to
talk. I tried to reason with her, however it didn't help. But do you know
who did try to get to the truth, the Police Minister Avigdor Kahalani. He
told the media to quit blaming the Meshulum people. It was obvious they
didn't have the means to organize the murder. And he was ruined after that.
He was accused of corruption and was only cleared of the phoney charges
last month. Anyone who touches my father's murder is in serious trouble. No
newspaper will investigate. Even the Russian papers I approached wouldn't
go near it. They all know it was a Shabak hit, just like Rabin, and they
won't even lift a phone to get to the bottom of the crime...just like

BC - Why do you think Rabbi Meshulum was being maltreated in the first

EZ - I remember what my father told me. He said, politics wasn't supposed
to be part of my job. Rabbi Meshulum was threatening a political figure
powerful enough to have the army put him down and have my father murdered.

I think I know who the figure is because Rabbi Meshulum told me who he is.
I was the last journalist to visit Rabbi Meshulum in prison. After my early
revelations about the Rabin murder made national news, he asked his wife to
contact me. She requested that I meet him and I agreed. On a hot summer
morning, I walked through a maze of corridors in Sharon Prison and had a
powerful discussion with the rabbi. He was still strong then and had a
vise-like handshake. He turned his tape machine on high so no one would
record our conversation with ease and blasted Haredi music.

What he told me was utterly terrifying and I have refrained from reporting
the conversation in depth. However, a year later a Jerusalem rabbi, David
Savilia confirmed his most awful claims to me. Nonetheless, even now, with
my country being set up for ruin, I will qualify the following charges:
this is what he told me and I can't prove it and can't stand by it. That
said, our establishment mentally and physically wrecked Rabbi Meshulum and
there had to be one heck of a good reason.

He got straight to the point and said he suspected his movement's
spokesperson, one Ora Shifris, of being a Shabak plant and asked me to take
over from her. I agreed but she would have nothing to do with the change
and prevented it forcefully. He then displayed a fine understanding of
world politics and a universally controlled media. He didn't know it but he
was describing the New World Order.

I asked him the one question I had prepared: If you have the information,
why don't you reunite all the biological children with their parents

He pulled closer to me and whispered, "Because most of the children aren't
alive. I'm waiting for their parents to die before I release the truth."

I still don't know why he chose me, but he saw something in me and related
the following ghastly history.

"Back in the late 40s, the Americans still didn't understand the effects of
atomic radiation. They were conducting radiation experiments on retarded
children and mostly, black prisoners in the American South. But the
experiments were exposed and ended. The Americans needed guinea pigs for
their experiments and at the same time, Israel was determined to build a
nuclear reactor and ultimately bombs. The French knew how to build a
reactor but only the Americans had the secrets of bomb building. We traded
Yemenite babies to be experimental lab rats for those secrets.

"The man at the top of the nuclear program was Shimon Peres. He got the
French to put up the reactor at Dimona and he is my number one culprit in
the kidnappings. He is a monster and he's after me. He's after all of us."

That's all I can write for a while. There is only so much evil I can take.


The brand new Hebrew edition of Last Days Of Israel was the bestseller of
the Jerusalem Hebrew Book Fair with some 250 sold. It can be acquired from
the author.

THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL by Barry Chamish is available through:


The new e-mail address for the 2nd edition of Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin


All my books including Israel Betrayed are being sold in the US discounted
by writing:


In Israel all the books are distributed by the Zionist Book Club.


Please visit http://www.webseers.com/rabin

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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