i live in the UK and as u probaly know, there has been a serios bout of foot
and mouth, what if i was to tell u that the government knew about it months
the paper suits that the men wore when they were destroying the animals were
all ordered by the government back in December........ and foot and mouth
didnt strike till february.
And the sleepers o which were used 2 burn the cattle were bought at this
time, aswell as the plantation equiptment, ie the men and the machinery were
all booked back in December.
Ontop of all this 3 test tubes containing the foot and mouth disease went
missing from a lab in december aswell.
that means that the government could have started the whole thing..... or
terrorists started it, and when the government refused 2 pay they released
the bug, which would explain the violent spread of the disease throught the
country and the pockets that occured, aswell as the sporadic reocurrances.
It all makes sense if you were a terrorist organisation. cause no1 would see
u and there would b no evidence, aswell as the government has paid alot out
in compensation, and the government would release a statement saying that
they could have avoiided the whole thing. esecialy now that their have been
dozens of suicides of farmers who have lost all their herds.
Ill let u try and igure it out, please reply as i would b very intrested 2
hear what u think.

                        yours faithily
                        Tom Snow
                        ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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