-Caveat Lector-

From: Computerworld


Is Human Chip Implant Wave Of The Future?

January 14, 1999
By Sam Witt

(IDG) -- Is the human body a fit place for a microchip? The debate is no
longer hypothetical. The same computing power that once required an entire
building to harness now can be inserted in your left arm.

Better yet, somebody else's left arm.

Professor Kevin Warwick, director of cybernetics at the University of
Reading in the U.K., is that somebody else. On Monday, Aug. 24, 1998,
Warwick became the first human to host a microchip. During a 20-minute
medical procedure described as "a routine silicon-chip implant" by Dr.
George Boulos, who led the operation, doctors inserted into Warwick's arm a
glass capsule not much bigger than a pearl. The capsule holds several

The British Broadcasting Corp. was on hand to document the historic event -
and to trouble the professor's already frayed nerves. "In theory, I was
able to see what was going on," Warwick says in a phone interview several
days after the operation (which he described as slightly more pleasant than
a trip to the dentist), "but I was looking in the opposite direction most
of the time."

Although Warwick winces at the comparison, Boulos likens him to a
latter-day Edward Jenner, who injected himself with cowpox in 1776 to
further his research into a smallpox vaccine.

"The doctor pinched the skin and lifted it up and sort of burrowed a hole .
. . underneath the skin and on top of the muscle," Warwick says. "It's well
inside my body, in my left arm, just above my elbow. [It's] held in place
by three stitches - partly so that the wound is held together, but also so
that the capsule doesn't float around anywhere."

Though he declines to reveal the chip's manufacturer, Warwick did disclose
that it's a "commercial" product. "For obvious reasons, both positive and
negative, they didn't want us shouting about what the name of the exact
product was," he says.

The approximately 23mm-by-3mm device stayed in Warwick's arm for only nine
days - partly to avoid medical complications, partly because it was fairly
limited in power. "Half of it is an electric coil," Warwick says, "and half
is a number of silicon chips." The chips used only eight of an available 64
bits of information to communicate with the University of Reading's
intelligent building.

Which brings us to the question: Why?

Warwick has spent more than 20 years researching and developing intelligent
buildings. "In our building in the Cybernetics department, we've got quite
a number of doorways rigged up so that they pass a radio signal between the
door frame," he says. "When I go through the doorways, the radio signal
energizes the coil. It produces an electric current, which the chips use to
send out an identifying signal, which the computer recognizes as being me."

And so, for a little better than a week, doors that normally require smart
cards swung open for the professor. A system of electronic nodes tracked
his movements throughout the building. Lights blinked on when he entered a

"Hello, Professor Warwick," his PC announced when Warwick crossed the
threshold of his office, before casually mentioning how many E-mail
messages he had received. It also was reported that Warwick used the device
to run a bath and chill his wine. Warwick

How did he like it? "In my building I feel much more powerful, in a mental
way," Warwick says. "Not at one with the computer, but much, much closer.
We're not separate. It's not as though we're good friends or anything. But
certainly when I'm out of the building, I feel as though part of me is

Asked if he named his chip, Warwick laughs. "I don't see it as a separate
thing," he says. "It's like an arm or a leg."

Warwick's family was a little slower than his body to accept the chip. "My
wife finds it really strange," he says. "She didn't want to go near my arm
for a couple of days. It was as though I had some funny disease." His
16-year-old daughter reportedly called him "crazy."

And the day after the operation, Warwick plaThe implant could just shatter,
and you'll have ruined your father's arm for life."

Real-world applications

Though the experiment sounds like an episode of Dr. Who, its real-world
implications are "right around the corner," says Warwick, who foresees
enormous medical applications. Through a system of embedded chips
interfacing with an artificial motor system, Warwick imagines paraplegics
walking. And that's just for starters.

"Simply take measurements off muscles and tendons and feed them into the
transponder," Warwick says. "That means, ultimately, that you wouldn't need
a computer mouse anymore. You wouldn't need a keyboard."

Charles Ostman, a senior fellow at the Institute for Global Futures and
science editor at Mondo 2000, agrees. "Neuroprosthetics are . . .
inevitable," he says. "Biochip implants may become part of a rote medical
procedure. After that, interface with outside systems is a logical next

Warwick's eagerness is palpable, engaging, contagious. "This is where you
can speculate," he says. "This is where we take a technical thing and say,
'Right-o, got the signal, got the implant; all I've got to do is run a wire
from the implant to my nervous system.' . . . I'm so excited about it, I
want to get on with the next step straight away. Let's see if we can
control computers directly from our nervous system."

Witt is a freelance writer in San Francisco. Top photo by Mark Harrison.
Bottom two photos provided by INS Newsgroup.

Related stories:

a.. 'Robot: Mere Machine to Transcendant Mind' January 6, 1999

b.. From pacemakers to braces, the medical benefits of space exploration -
November 2, 1998

c.. Is that a chip in your shoulder - September 2, 1998

Today on CNN

Related IDG.net stories:

Note: Pages will open in a new browser window

a.. Your body, the flesh modem of the future (InfoWorld)

b.. U.K. research plants chip in arm (PC World)

c.. Using 'body language' to secure networks (NetworkWorld Fusion). Free
registration required to access this site

d.. Baby boomer's ergonomic guide to your aging or aching body parts

e.. Would you give your boss a kidney? (Computerworld)

Related sites:

a.. BioChip

b.. ORNL DNA biochip provides answers in matter of minutes


External sites are not endorsed by CNN Interactive.

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                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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