-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Stephen A. Beck

But people think they are and that's the real crisis.

     "Last year, 24,000 nationwide lost their lives
     because of drunk drivers."
     - Theresa McNeil, MADD spokeswoman on

     "Drunken drivers are responsible for some
     22,000 deaths a year."
     - William Raspberry, syndicated Washington
     Post columnist

     "Drunken drivers cause an annual death toll of
     over 25,000."
     - U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist

     "Every 23 seconds, someone is killed by a
     drunk driver."
     - Oprah Winfrey, on her New Years Eve TV
     program. (That's over 1,300,000 per year!)

Contrary to the four quotes above, in all the
cities and towns in the entire United States,
drunken driving results in the deaths of about
250 innocent people per year, rather than the
bloated figures hysterically spewed about and
blindly parroted throughout the country. That
250 is six/tenths of one percent from the
41,000 traffic fatalities in 1995. Here's another
percentage: Of all traffic accidents per year in
the entire United States, 16 thousandths of
one percent (.016) are urban, multi-vehicle
fatal accidents involving a drunken driver.
Hard to believe? - It won't be in a moment.
You'll see precisely how the numbers are
grossly bloated - you'll see precisely how the
government has intentionally deceived the

This article does not defend "driving while
blind." It does defend truth and the Bill of
Rights, and both have taken a severe beating
as a result of the seriously twisted "facts."
Every American should be outraged.

What follows is essentially a guest column of
mine that appeared in The Detroit News and
another Detroit area paper, The Daily Tribune.
(30 of the largest papers in the country
declined to print it). Unless noted otherwise, all
! figures are directly from the federal
government's National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) - the source. However,
NHTSA doesn't publicize the raw data - only
the doctored figures. I've changed the
newspaper column to something of an outline
by numbering some ways we've been greatly
deceived about the drinking and driving issue.
The eleven points are dealt with in greater
detail in a book I've written.

It's safe to say that much of the population
wrongly believes that drinking and driving is a
problem of enormous magnitude. That false
perception was accomplished with half-truths,
ludicrous definitions and intentional deception
on the part of NHTSA and groups such as
Mothers Against Drunk Driving - which is
partially funded by NHTSA. Among the many
ways the scope of the problem is greatly
exaggerated can be seen in definitions and
national numbers from NHTSA's own

1. "Alcohol-related" only means any participant
    in a traffic accident had some "measurable
    amount" of alcohol, however small.
2. No fault is assigned in such accidents; in
    most cases the nondrinker was at fault or road
    conditions were the cause. But just as
    accidents dubbed "weather-related" blame the
    weather, "alcohol-related" automatically, but
    erroneously, blames alcohol.
3. Of all traffic accidents nationwide, fatal and
    nonfatal, roughly 7% are "alcohol-related."
    (6.8%) That 6.8 is a bloated government
    figure: Debloated it's only 2 percent.
4. Two-thirds of the alcohol-related deaths are
    the drinkers themselves, but that's rarely
5. Over half of all fatal accidents occur in rural
    areas where road conditions are a major but
    unconsidered factor, however, 80 percent of
    the population is urban.
6. The "alcohol-related" figures are taken out
    of context: In all the cities and towns in the
    entire United States, about 250 innocent
    people die per year from alcohol-caused
    accidents. That's out of more than 6.6 million
    reported accidents involving 11,782,000
    drivers in 1995. That's 250 out of more than
    123 million estimated incidents of "drunken
    driving" per year, according to the federal
    Center for Disease Control.
7. Close to 42 percent of fatal accidents in
    1992 were single-vehicle, involving only the
    driver and willing passengers - no innocent
    people. 40% were multi-vehicle; 18% were
    nonmotorist (pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.) and
    NHTSA shows the vast majority are the
    nonmotorist's fault
8. Follow this tricky but MAJOR way we're
    deceived (actual 1995 percentages): NHTSA
    states that 41 percent of fatal accidents are
    alcohol-related. That's 41 drinking drivers out
    of every 100 of the accidents. But that 41% is
    a phony figure derived from phony math:
    That's 41 drinking drivers divided by 100
    accidents. That's "apples and oranges" which
    scorns grade school arithmetic rules. (4 apples
    x 2 oranges = 8 orples!?). Both parts of the
    equation must be the same thing. We're not
    talking about "antics with semantics" or saying
    the same thing two different ways, or making
    statistics say what you want them to say.
    Statistics are mathematics, and NHTSA's
    "math" is obviously fallacious:

    Of the 100 accidents, NHTSA states 57 are
    single-vehicle (SV) and 43 are multi-vehicle
    (MV), so there are 143 given drivers (57 SV
    plus 86 MV drivers) of which 41 were allegedly
    drinking. So its "29 percent of the drivers were
    drinking" (41 of 143), which you never hear,
    or the fraudulent phrase NHTSA publicizes: "41
    percent of fatal accidents are alcohol-related."
    Since some MV accidents involve more than 2
    drivers, more than 43 drivers are ignored, so
    not only is NHTSA's "41 percent" completely
    corrupt, the percentage of drinking drivers is
    actually lower than 29. By ignoring 43
    nondrinking drivers with its phony math,
    NHTSA fraudulently boosts the percentage and
    perception of alcohol's role.

9. That 29 percent is artificiall! y amplified
    another way: It's composed of 20% SV drivers
    and 9% MV drivers, but NHTSA now includes
    nonmotorists in the single-vehicle category.
    Many of the "20% SV drivers" are actually
    drinking pedestrians that stepped into traffic.
    In fact, after deducting drinking pedestrians,
    the "29%" is less than 25 percent: And we're
    not done yet (See the endnote for specific

    Returning to the 41%- That phony figure is
    responsible for much of the public thinking
    "drunk drivers" cause half of all accidents.
    NHTSA claims: "41% of fatal crashes are
    alcohol-related." What happens is the 41%
    gets changed to "nearly half; "fatal" is
    dropped; and "alcohol-related" becomes "drunk
    drivers." After lazy reporters, headline writers
    and 6 o'clock TV news writers are done, the
    perception is: "Half of all crashes are caused by
    drunk drivers."
    For example, here's a quote from a Detroit
    News article (10-26-97): "Forty to 50 percent
    of all crashes in America involve drinking."
    Incidentally, the acting director of the Office of
    Public and Consumer Affairs of the U.S.
    Department of Transportation, Bill Combs,
    wrote a letter to the Detroit News heaping
    praise on that article titled "Dying to Drive." He
    did not correct any misinformation - instead he
    added his own.

10. The deception goes much deeper: NHTSA's
     "alcohol-related" figures (such as the phony
     "41%) include "drug-related" accidents, with
     no indication of that fact. "Drug-related" means
     all drugs, from heroin to Valium to aspirin.
     Consequently, all "alcohol figures" must be
     reduced. (Reduced by at least 35 percent,
     according to a University of Michigan study.)
11. Here's more bloating: NHTSA compiles its
     numbers from collected state reports then puffs
     them up further. For example, NHTSA added
     9.3 percent to Michigan's reported
     alcohol-related fatalities for the year 1995.

So it boils down to this: In concocting their
drunken driver stew, government statisticians
start with defective definitions, deceitfully
discard nondrinking drivers to create false high
percentages, add drinking pedestrians to the
mix calling them drivers, then for extra spice
they add drugged drivers to their cauldron of
fraudulent figures, then the grossly inflated
subtotal is garnished by adding about 9
percent. The final mess is taken out of context
then spoon-fed to the MADD mothers and the 6
o'clock news ghouls as if it were the Word of
God when it's actually a drastically deformed,
bloated bunch of garbage wrapped in layers of
propaganda being stuffed down our throats
along with precedent-establishing severe laws
that defy logic and the Bill of Rights.

Every year, about 1.5 million drivers are
arrested and charged with a drinking and
driving offense. Stripped of euphemisms and
bluntly stated, this is what's happening all
across America:

   To beef up revenues, cities unleash goon
   squads with guns to arrest drivers who
   allegedly demonstrated the potential of causing
   some undefined harm to someone, or
   something, sometime in the future at some
   unspecified location. The suspect is shackled,
   his car is ransacked, he's searched and tossed
   in the patrol car, then photographed,
   fingerprinted, thrown in a cage, and if he
   declined to submit to an alcohol test, he may
   be strapped down, have needles plunged into
   his body and blood extracted from his veins.
   And then, even if that person is found Not
   Guilty, he must pay up to $500.00 dollars for
   the repugnant experience to cover the "cost of
   the arrest." It's tantamount to armed robbery,
   kidnapping, and assault and battery, to say the
   very least. And the defendant hasn't even been
   to a kangaroo court yet - When found guilty of
   "per se" alcohol violations, he'll face a slew of
   sadistic punishments.

Furthermore, and truly tragic, is the fact that
of the 30,000 suicides per year in the U.S.,
roughly 6,000 of them are drivers in jail under
arrest for a drinking and driving offense.
There's no telling how many suicides happen
after they're released and find their lives in
shambles or ruined due to the unnecessary
arrests and vicious penalties.

NHTSA's numbers are lies but the resultant
brutal laws are very real. Laws such as the
confiscation and sale of cars for first offense
drunk driving, "implied consent" laws, "sobriety
checklanes" and no right to a jury trial if
arrested on federal land (21% of the total and
growing). "Our" government, through the
cabinet position of Secretary of Transportation,
has passionately embraced the Marxist maxim
of "the end justifies the means." One must
wonder what "the end" actually is. In the
meantime, Welcome to Big Brother's New


Endnote: U.S. 1995 population: 265 million.
Total U.S. 1995 fatal accidents: 37,221
resulting in 41,798 fatalities (35,274 driver &
passenger deaths including 2,221
motorcyclists; 6,524 nonmotorists of which
46% were drinking. 17,274 fatalities were
"alcohol-related" (A-R). Total drivers: 56,155.
Urban fatal accidents- 15,608; Rural- 20,712;
901 unknown. Fatal MV=s- 15,976 with 30%
A-R; SV=s- 21,245 with 50% A-R - SV
includes non-motorists. Total A-R, 41.3%
(NHTSA numbers). The fatal accidents in these
endnote NHTSA stats are much less than 1
percent (.56) of all 6,613,000 reported
accidents, so the fraudulent, inflated "41
percent of fatal accidents are alcohol-related"
is less than 1/4 of one percent of all traffic
accidents: (41% of .56 = .23 percent).
Compare that to the misinformation like,
"Forty to 50 percent of all crashes in America
involve drinking." NHTSA's numbers are lies,
but the brutal laws are very real.

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