-Caveat Lector-

sorry prudy, but your facts are just wrong here
palestine was divided by the british mandate, and the part that became
jordan was given to the hashemite kingdom BY THE BRITISH, for their helping
the british during world war 1. The majority population of jordan are
palestinian, and they are being ruled by a minority group that the british
installed into power.

their populations are to paraphrase you very interchangeble: -

On August 23,1959, the Prime Minister of Jordan stated, "We are the
Government of Palestine, the army of Palestine and the refugees of

"Let us not forget the East Bank of the (River) Jordan, where seventy per
cent of the inhabitants belong to the Palestinian nation."
        - George Habash, leader of the PFLP section of the PLO, writing in
the PLO publication Sha-un Falastinia, February 1970

"Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is one people and one
land, with one history and one and the same fate."
    - Prince Hassan, brother of King Hussein, addressing the Jordanian
National Assembly, 2nd February 1970

"There should be a kind of linkage because Jordanians and Palestinians are
considered by the PLO as one people."
    - Farouk Kadoumi, head of the PLO Political Department, quoted in
Newsweek, 14th March 1977

check this website (or any good history book)

http://www.yahoodi.com/peace/jordan.html :

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
                                                            William of Occam

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 08:41:19 EDT
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Settlers being killed,kidnapped and robbed by
> Islamicmilitant grou...
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 07/13/2001 2:17:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> << >
>> the funny thing of course is that jordan is as much palestine as israel,
> but
>> no one cries to return to amman, or the fact that the "jordanians" are
>> keeping the palestinans away from self rule as well >>
> Aren't we talking about two different countries here?  Why do you think that
> Jordanians are Palestinians?  Palestine was a country before it was given to
> the Jewish survivors of the Holocaust by a couple of countries with bad
> consciences.  There are even Palestinian Christians and Jews, although the
> latter have no cause to complain about the present arrangement.  The Israeli
> tend to refer to all Moslems as "Arabs."  Now this is very convenient for
> their efforts to dehumanize their designated enemy, and I guess it makes it
> easier for them to torment and kill the general civilian population which
> they want to exterminate, but Palestine is Palestine and Jordan is Jordan.
> Their populations are not interchangeable.  Prudy
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