Quote by Paula Poundstone in Interview  With Las Vegas SUN (1996)

"Sun: What's the age range of the foster children you take care of?

PP: The majority are newborn. I'm especially good with them before they
can talk. I figure as soon as they can talk, I'm screwed."

Interesting item here re Paula Poundstone but I could not help thinking
of her little friend Rosie O'Donnell - for Rosie had police called to
her house, a child screaming in the night caused a knock at the door -
and a voice said "I am Rosie O'Donnell and I am a Foster Mother"......

Now her little two year old had her teeth knocked out in front and an
injury to her nose - but this is not the child taken away from
her.....Rosie took care of these kids herself but omitted the fact, her
lesbian lover lived in the home.

Now Paula took off to a Rehab Center and the police had to "vault" a
wall to get to her; for she had gotten drunk, a self admitted alcoholic
and no doubt her "latent" lesbian and/or pedophile maybe characterists
were causing her to lose control - this dear sweet - oh these wonderful
mother images......

Think one of Paula's kids learned to talk before she could train or
unload it?   Well Paula, now you got screwed by the "screws".

Now of course the records are all sealed - Paula's attorney in on TV
shows now explaining how drink caused the crime to which this lesbian or
whatever she is, was charged - one of several crimes?   Now without a
doubt Paula and Rosie who both worked together and are involved in other
matters, these two lesbians are government examples of how life can be
with two mommies, or maybe two daddies.....
how sweet - next thing you know Barney Frank will make a child into his

Have read Paula Poundstone and her remarks about checking out sodomy
laws before going into a state, and boycotting states with sodomy laws
(ie. Georgia was example) and I wondered why a "mother" would want her
"kids" to be around - well most people wanat to protect their children -

So now Paula is "secretly" battling booze?   Then what the hell is this
secret doing in the National Equirer ???     Tell me - who talked,


Cops arrested her in rehab

COMEDIAN Paula Poundstone is battling alcoholism and undergoing rehab.

That's the surprising story behind her shocking arrest for child
molestation, insiders reveal.  "Paula's problem is alcohol," says a
(Now is Paula's problem alcohol or is it lesbianism and what was this
lewd act she performed on a child resulting in police jumping a wall to
get at her - Saba Note]

"That's what led to these child molestation charges against her.

"She's now in rehab and, in fact, was already in rehab when she was
arrested. She realized she was drinking too much and it was affecting
the way; she looked after the children.

"Paula has two nannies and had made arrangements for the children to be
looked after while she was in rehab even before she knew of the
allegations against her. Then she was informed by Family Services of the

"The children were taken away from her before she went into treatment,
then police went to the rehab center and arrested her."

Police vaulted over a wall at the rehab center to arrest her, according
to reports.

The friend added: "Paula's only concern is the good of the children.
She's determined to beat her drinking problem so she can get back with
her kids."

The 41-year-old funnylady, who has three adoptive and two foster
children, was arrested on June 27 and charged with three counts of
committing a lewd act on a girl under age 14 and endangering two other
girls and two boys.
[Was she training her to be a lesbian??? Saba Note]

She has pleaded not guilty and could face a maximum of 13 years and four
months in prison if convicted.   [Saba Note:  Tell me, what about her
victims - for surely one of them was smart enough to call he police when
this drunken chld molester ran to the safety of a Rehab with a High Wall
for refuge?]

During an appearance on ABC's "Good Morning America," Poundstone's
attorney, Steven Cron, insisted she was innocent of the charges against

"Her involvement with alcohol was the basis for the allegations," said
Cron. "Nevertheless, Paula is adamant, and I am firmly of the belief
that she's not guilty of these charges."

And he revealed that although she is forbidden to have contact with two
of the children, she is allowed monitored visits with the other three.

"Paula is in a rehabilitation program right now and she gets regular
visits with her children," said Cron. "They are monitored, but she's
able to spend time with them.  [SABA NOTE:  Not true - she gets to see
some of her children WITH Supervision no doubt the one's who cannot talk

"For her children's sake as well as her own, she is determined to deal
with her drinking problem and reunite her family."
Published on: July 11, 2001

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Paula Poundstone Arrested
Sex Charges Could Cost Paula Poundstone Her Kids & Career
Paula Pleads Not Guilty

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