-Caveat Lector-


Saturday July 21 10:16 PM ET
Summit Protests Rage for Second Day
By LAURA KING, AP Special Correspondent
GENOA, Italy (AP) - Street battles raged for
a second day
despite pleas for calm from protest leaders
and global summit leaders
alike, with skirmishes between police and
demonstrators continuing past
midnight. Police made a sweep of a school
that had been used as a
headquarters by demonstrators early Sunday
and protesters retaliated by
attacking a nearby station of the Carabinieri
paramilitary police, Italian
state television reported. It said 40
protesters were injured and 50 were
detained. Protester Michael Siefer, of
Belgium, contacted by telephone by
The Associated Press at the school, said
police burst in and beat
demonstrators. Police spokesman Mario Viola
said the raid was carried out
as a result of the violence over the last two
days. Police seized iron
bars, baseball bats, and bricks that were
being used by protesters, he
said. During the raids, one of protesters
tried knife a policeman, but
officer was wearing a bulletproof vest and
was not injured, said Viola.
Security remained unusually tight around the
summit meeting center well
past midnight and police cars zoomed back and
forth in the security zone
until around 3 a.m. when things seemed to
quiet down. Infuriated by the
shooting of a fellow protester a day earlier,
masked demonstrators ripped
up paving stones to hurl at police on
Saturday, screaming, ``Assassins!
Assassins!'' At least 228 people were hurt,
in addition to the more than
200 injured the day before, and dozens of
protesters were detained, some
facing charges as serious as attempted
murder. The violence Saturday
hopscotched through Genoa's downtown, a
narrow swath of land sandwiched
between mountains and the blue Mediterranean.
Much of Saturday's fighting
took place well away from the city's medieval
center where the leaders
were meeting for the Group of Eight gathering
of industrial powers. Clouds
of tear gas billowed into the air as riot
police fought running battles
with a hard core of militants who broke away
from a peaceful mass march.
The clashes began at a sunny seaside piazza,
where Genoese bathers were
swimming just a few hundred yards away, then
at a downtown intersection
about a mile from the main summit venue, an
ornate 14th- century palace.
The militants smashed windows, torched cars
and set fires, leaving parts
of the city so battered that Italian Premier
Silvio Berlusconi promised
government aid for repairs during a meeting
Saturday with municipal
officials. Caught between the combatants were
thousands of nonviolent
marchers who scrambled up stone stairways and
ducked into alleys to flee
baton-wielding police. Some were not quick
enough to escape a clubbing by
police whose ranks - unlike the day before -
included a large contingent
of plainclothes officers who initially
blended with the crowd, then sprang
into action when the fighting began.
Protesters who hurled paving stones
and firebombs at riot police ``were 500
people in a peaceful march of
thousands,'' said 31-year-old demonstrator
Simona Tatarini, nearly weeping
from frustration and the acrid stench of
wafting tear gas. ``They had
clubs and firebombs - what were we supposed
to do to get them out of the
march?'' Some of those trying to keep the
demonstration peaceful scuffled
with the so-called ``black'' group of violent
protesters, mainly men in
their early 20s, hooded or masked, dressed in
black, carrying iron bars or
wooden clubs and wearing motorcycle helmets
or construction hard hats. Ugo
Nassa, from the Italian city of Bologna, was
punched in the face when he
tried to stop a group of youths from setting
fire to a trash bin. ``These
people are destroying our march,'' he said,
his face swollen from the
blow. Summit leaders renewed their
expressions of sorrow over Friday's
death. ``I'm very concerned about the
violence. It's a tragic loss of
life,'' President Bush said. But he repeated
his contention that ``those
who claim to represent the voices of the poor
aren't doing so. Those
protesters who try to shut down our talks on
trade and aid don't represent
the poor, as far as I'm concerned.'' The
clashes erupted as a peaceful
procession of up to 100,000 people -
 most of whom came to Genoa to express
concern over
economic and environmental fallout from what
they view as too-
and indiscriminate globalization - moved
along a seaside
The clashes trailed off by nightfall, when at
least 228 people,
73 police and several journalists had been
hurt, authorities said. At
least 85 people had been picked up on various
charges over the two days,
and of that group, nearly 70 were booked on a
list of charges including
attempted murder, assault and unauthorized
weapons possessions. Police
said the severity of injuries to police led
authorities to level the
attempted murder charge, which carries a
penalty of up to 25 years in
prison. The bulk of those arrested were
Italians, but also included
protesters from Germany, France, Spain,
Switzerland, Greece and the United
States. Meanwhile, Italian authorities said
they were contemplating
manslaughter charges against a 20-year-old
paramilitary officer in
connection with the shooting of a 23-year-old
protester a day earlier -
though officials said he apparently acted in
self-defense. The policeman
was hospitalized for shock. The umbrella
group that organized the massive
street protests, the Genoa Social Forum,
demanded the resignation of
Italy's interior minister, who oversees the
security forces. While the
protest organizers decided against scaling
back Saturday's marches, some
individual groups pulled out, citing the
dangers. ``After the violence of
yesterday's demonstrations, we can no longer
guarantee the safety of our
demonstrators,'' said Andrew Pendleton, a
spokesman for the British branch
of the group Christian Aid. The shooting
provoked sympathetic
demonstrations in Canada, Greece, Germany,
Spain, France and Sweden.


Best Wishes

All democrats are insane, but not one of them knows it; none but the
republicans and mugwumps know it.  All the republicans are insane, but
only the democrats and mugwumps can perceive it.  The rule is perfect:
in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane.
~Mark Twain, "What Is Man and Other Philosophical Writings",(1907) p. 235.

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