Well a few words from Manchuian Candidate John McCain (with his
connections to organized crime) and Holy Joe Lieberman (boy that
Bronfman sure got around for this poor kid whose father drove a bakery
truck went to Yale)....and such is the way with 5 and 6 point gangs

It seems Holy Joe is worried about Ameica's industry being put a risk -
what industry, it has all moved to Mexico or into other third world
countries for cheap labor?

Worried about industy?   Where were they when Marc Rich was stealing
from the Americans and attempting to destroy the Steel Workers Union -
their mission by the way was accomplished over the years.

Only person who gave a damn about the Steel Mills was J. Traficant and
the  feds want to send him up the river as their scape goat?   While J J
Cafara who gives big bucks to both parties, in an attempt to keep  out
of prison, after selling out Traficant....sure am curious about this
Cleveland connection and Cafaro's connection to Klingle Park - where
little Chandra had pulled up directions to same on her web - or was it
someone else looking for a place to dump some waste material - lots of
constuction going on in this area -

So nothing new under the sun but if you want to see what is wrong with
America, read the words of our Manchurian Candidate and Holy Joe -

I liked it when Clinton going to bring Peace to the Holy Land and get a
Nobel Peace Award - now his idea of peace was to arm the Israeli's to
the teeth, and sent a dump truck of stones to the
Palestinians......however, he forgot what a great impact fertilizer can
make under certain conditions.....

This is the same group that believed cows emitting methane gas caused
the green house theory crisis.......now I do not know what they have
been feeding all thoses cows but sounded like a lot of bull to me, at
the time.


Senators press Bush on warming  Lieberman and McCain urge emissions
curbs  Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn.,
are leading a bipartisan push to force the White House to revise its
stance on global warming.

 By Eric Pianin

WASHINGTON, Aug. 3 —  Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and
Democratic Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (Conn.) yesterday jointly called for
a plan to require all U.S. power plants and industries to reduce their
emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the latest sign
of congressional unrest with President Bush's handling of global
  'I believe this failure abdicates the United States' position as a
leader in environmental affairs and places U.S. industry at risk.'
       THE ANNOUNCEMENT from two of the Senate's leading figures
follows a unanimous vote in the Foreign Relations Committee this week
urging Bush to return to the bargaining table this fall with specific
proposals for a new binding international global warming treaty.
       While most senators agree with Bush that the 1997 Kyoto
protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a bad deal for
the United States, many sharply disagree with his refusal to negotiate
an alternative pact with U.S. allies. On July 23, negotiators from 178
countries adopted rules for implementing the Kyoto treaty — but
without U.S. participation — and Lieberman and McCain joined a growing
chorus of lawmakers urging Bush to reconsider his stance.
       "I have been extremely troubled by the failure of our
government to engage on this crucial issue," Lieberman said in a floor
speech. "I believe this failure abdicates the United States' position as
a leader in environmental affairs and places U.S. industry at risk."
        'The United States has a responsibility to cut its
emissions of greenhouse gases. The current situation demands leadership
from the United States.'
       McCain became the first Senate Republican to propose such
an aggressive approach to controlling greenhouse gas emissions, which
scientists say trap heat in the atmosphere and contribute to global
warming. It was a dramatic evolution in his thinking since his
unsuccessful challenge to Bush in the 2000 campaign, when McCain
initially questioned whether global warming was a real problem. Since
then, the maverick conservative has held a series of Commerce and
Science Committee hearings highlighting the need for swift action while
Bush has largely called for more research.
       "Given the fact that United States produces approximately
25 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions, the United States has
a responsibility to cut its emissions of greenhouse gases," McCain said
in a floor speech. "The current situation demands leadership from the
United States."

       McCain and Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential
nominee last year and a potential presidential candidate in 2004, said
they intend to introduce legislation later this year that would set an
economy-wide cap on U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases.
The bill would also establish a trading system that would allow
utilities and plants with excessive emissions to purchase credits from
more efficient companies that have reduced emissions beyond their
targets. A similar system has operated for years, under the Clean Air
Act, to limit the threat of acid rain.
       Lieberman and McCain offered few details and said they
intend to confer widely with industry and political leaders before
introducing their bill.
 MSNBC's environment coverage
       White House spokesman Scott McClellan did not respond
directly to the Lieberman-McCain initiative. But he said a high-level
Cabinet working group has been meeting with "a shared goal of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions in a truly global approach that would not
exempt developing countries and won't harm America's economy."
       During last year's campaign, Bush was highly critical of
the Kyoto treaty's tough mandatory reductions on greenhouse gas
emissions and said the plan unfairly exempted developing countries while
placing more onerous burdens on the United States. The president backed
away from a campaign pledge to work to reduce power plant emissions of
carbon dioxide and instead is promoting a plan focusing on three other
pollutants — nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and mercury.
       Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said last month that
the United States would have a new global warming proposal ready for an
international meeting in November, but national security adviser
Condoleezza Rice and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator
Christine Todd Whitman subsequently said the administration had no such
       The administration's tough line on talks has elicited
protests from lawmakers who favor a more aggressive policy. Recently,
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James M. Jeffords
(I-Vt.) unveiled a plan to regulate all four major power plant
pollutants, including carbon dioxide. Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) and
Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) have jointly sponsored a bill — approved
in committee this week — to prompt the administration to do more on
the problem.
       Moreover, several moderate and conservative Senate
Republicans, including Sam Brownback (Kan.), Susan Collins (Maine) and
Olympia J. Snowe (Maine), have introduced or co-sponsored measures aimed
at reducing global warming. However, none of those proposals is nearly
as far-reaching as the one being offered by McCain and Lieberman.
       Fred Krupp of Environmental Defense described the
announcement as "a major signal we are going to move forward on
greenhouse gases." Philip J. Clapp of the National Environmental Trust
said, "It's a representation of how impatient even Republican senators
have become."
       McCain and Lieberman argued that without taking the more
aggressive approach, U.S. multinational corporations will be forced to
operate under two sets of rules and will be denied access to the
emissions credit trading system that will be established by the
Europeans and Japanese under the Kyoto agreement.
       © 2001 The Washington Post Company
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