In a message dated 8/4/01 2:08:00 PM Central Daylight Time,

J2> I'm tired of you racist pricks

  <<J2> Silly bigot>>
  <<J2> Fuck you asshole>>

"J2" aka Bill Schwartz at his best?????

Why exactly is it that certain folk get angry and abusive when one questions
the motives and/or the recent actions of the Zionist?


Lemme' get this's "OK" to ask about say Jefferson and the
Masons...or the Vatican and the P3...or even the Contras and Ollie
North...but simply QUESTION certain things regarding the Zionists
and...ooops! You find yourself Irvinged or Garaudyed!!

Now THAT'S what I'd call Gestapoism!

That's what I'd call fascist!

That's what I'd call totally and clearly UN-American.

But what do I know, right Billy?


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