Monday Aug. 20, 2001; 10:35 p.m. EDT
Black Leader to Jesse Jackson: You're No Reverend

After watching Rev. Jesse Jackson's one-time mistress Karin Stanford detail
her plight to ABC's "20/20" Friday night, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says it's
high time Jackson stop calling himself a man of the cloth.

Rev. Peterson, who heads up the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny,
said Monday that Stanford's comments clearly expose Jackson as a "shameless
hypocrite" who has behaved immorally.

Speaking from his office in Los Angeles, Rev. Peterson said he was
particularly incensed by Stanford's revelation that Jackson was privately
pro-life when it came to the birth of the couple's now-2-year-old daughter --
while he championed abortion in public."

This man is in favor of killing other people's unborn babies but not his
own," Peterson charged."

He counsels Bill Clinton about his affair with Monica Lewinsky and brings his
pregnant mistress.

And he says he won't appear on a TV show because the media will hurt the

It's being without a father that will cause the damage."

"And he has the gall to call to continue calling himself 'Reverend,'!" the
California-based minister added.

Rev. Peterson urged his fellow black ministers to end their silence on
Jackson's misconduct.

"Now is the time to stand on moral principle and demand that Jackson drop the
title 'Reverend' and speak out against this immoral man," he said.

To learn more about Rev. Peterson and BOND, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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