-Caveat Lector-

A recent guest on Art Bell mentioned that ones emotions caused their DNA to change -- 
that the decisions a person makes in life and the resulting experiences actually 
affects how their DNA is going to develop.  I believe this was the 8/24/2001 program 
with Gregg Braden and this topic was being discussed when Art was talking about 
modulated and unmodulated sound and gave us a dose of radio silence to exemplify this. 
 Our choice and experiences influence which components of our DNA are goign to 
activate and which ones are going to remain "silent".

It just hit me here as I hit a bowl of Salvia Divinorum.  If experiences can cause 
your DNA to change, and since your mind perceives everything as real, (even if you 
decide that it's your imagination playing tricks on you, that experience of 
realization that it was a trick of the imagination is real) then these trippy 
experiences we have on psychedelic drugs would also affect our DNA, would it not?

I tell you that many of the spiritual and eternal things I have "philosophized" about 
before I ever tried drugs I found to be true after the fact.  Certainly one cannot see 
any outward evidence that my DNA has been changed, but who says that all DNA has to do 
with appearance or even health?  If we are both body and soul or body and spirit, then 
naturally our DNA would be connected to the soul.  The development of our DNA might 
actually affect what kind of relationship we will have with our connection to the 
universe -- our soul.

A psychedelic experience, which to many is an exeperiencing of the solving of the 
mysteries of the universe, may actually change our DNA in such a way to make us more 
open to an experience of a future metamorphosis, ascension or a larger conduit to 
universal understanding or what have you.

So what does this mean?  It just throws another plus in my hat.  If the government 
knows about the research Gregg Braden mentioned -- this proven research with 
experiments which have been repeated -- and who knows how long this research has been 
around -- then if the government has so far refused to seriously consider the 
existence of other races of beings in the universe, and since they seem to be ignoring 
these recent formations in England, and if they feel that drug use will affect our DNA 
in such a way as to make us more open to these energies that exist all around us, then 
apparently they do not want us to know or understand.  If that is the case, then what 
is their plan?  Why do they want to keep the masses ignorant when they themselves 
could benefit greatly from a more open relationship with the universe and its other 

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