-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Edward Britton wrote:
> >>Frankly, SAVE THE COWS - and as for Joshua2 - it is every asshole for
> >>himselv.
> >
> >But Aleshia, how are we supposed to destroy ourselves without assholes?  We
> >need "assholes" like Joshua2, as well as all those other barbaric warlords
> >in the middle east and beyond, if we ever hope to rid the earth of all
> >future assholes. It's a paradox, ain't it :-)
> Reminds me of a joke that was quite popular back when I was in junior
> high....
> One day all the different body parts started arguing amongst themselves
> about which of them was the greatest/strongest/most important part of the
> body...
> "I am" said the brain....
> "No, I am" said the eyes....
> "You're both wrong, *I* am the most important," said the ears...
> "No, it's me," said the heart...
> The stomach, lungs, and knees also joined the argument, each arguing why
> it was the most important body part...
> The argument grew quite raucous, as not one body part was willing to
> concede its importance to another...
> Finally the anus, who hadn't joined the argument and growing weary of the
> racket, decided to stop working...
> Soon the brain started aching, the eyes grew blurry, the ears started
> ringing, the heart started racing, the lungs grew weak, the stomach grew
> queasy, and the knees gave way...
> So they finally all agreed -- the asshole was the greatest/strongest/most
> important part of the body...     ;-)
> June

Hey June,

Is this some kind of ' left handed ' defense?

Thanks, I think...


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