-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> >  Am I the only person who sees an immigration red flag in the so-called
> >"faith-based" approach to social services? The Catholic Church is one of the
> >biggest boosters to opening the doors entirely as the Vatican anticipates the
> >U.S. becoming a Catholic country within a few decades because of immigration
> >from Latin America.
> Someone should tell this babe that the U.S. already IS a 'Catholic
> country', as Roman Catholicism has been the religion of the majority of
> U.S. citizens for the majority of the 20th century...
> She obviously has forgotten about all those Irish Catholics, Italian
> Catholics, Polish Catholics, Hungarian Catholics, Puerto Rican
> Catholics, etc.
> June

I don't think this is right. I think that the Protestant superstition still
has more adherents than the Catholic superstition does. But I'm not positive.
However, opening the borders to South America will definitely give the
Vatican even more influence than it already has in the USA.


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