-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 9 Sep 2001, Bill Howard wrote:
>Condit could have, and should have survived this mess. He dug his own grave
>with the way he handled it.

Hear!  Hear!

If Condit at the beginning of this thing had just come forward and said
"Yeah, I had an affair with Chandra Levy, and that's something just
between me, her, and my wife and family, no one else's business.  I have
no idea what happened to Chandra, but I will lend my full cooperation to
the DC police, and I extend my wholehearted support to Chandra's parents
in this difficult time..."...and then actually have followed up with
those promises, the story would have quickly faded from the headlines...

It's his own waffling, equivocating, and deliberate obstruction of
justice that pushed this story to the fore...

>Know he's known as a sexual preditor, and a
>pervert for some of the sexual things that it is said that he likes to engage
>in. If he had been more forthcoming at the beginging of this mess he may have
>escaped the label of pervert.

You know, that in and of itself doesn't concern me...basically I feel
whatever consenting adults wish to do sexually  is their own business.

What bothers me about Condit is the way he, his family and his staff,
have such a cavalier attitude regarding Levy's disappearance...I have yet
to see one of them express real concern for her welfare and for her
parents...with them it's all centered around Condit, 'poor Gary' this,
'poor Gary' that...


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