Well looks like they took off with a bigger load than when they went in?

Strange to hire such a pilot who was going to slammer on cocaine charge?
Strange how nobody seems to check these planes for drugs and this little
girl had been number one on all lists on net, against guns?

Now what about these private planes flying about with these "rock
stars".....and oh those rap stars in shoot outs..such lovely people.
Drugs galore - and MTV this little girl was on doing a snake dance, with
real live snake maybe 20 feet long.

Somehow it suited her personality.




Report says Aaliyah's plane was substantially overloaded
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL - September 10

- A preliminary report says the plane that crashed with Aaliyah aboard
was substantially overloaded.
[wonder if it was snowing at the scene  - Saba note]
The weight of the luggage, fuel and passengers exceeded the maximum
weight for the Cessna twin-engine plane.

The National Transportation Safety Board released its findings Saturday.
No mechanical problems were found.

The plane took off from the Bahamas on August 25th -- then crashed --
killing the singer and eight others aboard.

An investigator says neither the company that owned the plane nor the
company that chartered it had a permit to operate commercial charter
flights in the Bahamas.

Twelve days before the crash, the pilot was sentenced to three years'
probation for cocaine possession.  

[what only three years?   no jail?   shame he beat the rap, or did
he......Saba note]
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