Reports of attempts to warn US of impending attacks

Source: DPA|
Published: Friday September 14, 10:15 AM

HANOVER, Germany - An Iranian man awaiting deportation in Germany tried to warn the United States that terrorist attacks were immienent, according to a press report.

The Hanover daily Neue Presse, in a report published in its Friday edition, said the man, being held in detention near this northern German city, had told US intelligence officials by telephone that attacks would take place this week.

However, they had hung up the phone when the 29-year-old man said he was being detained.

Just hours before the kamikaze plane attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington he had asked in vain to be allowed to send a fax to US President George W Bush.

The man had for the past month insisted he had important information for the United States and must urgently pass it on by telephone. The German authorities had eventually allowed him to make the call, the paper wrote.

The report said that the man had been interrogated today by German and US justice and intelligence officials.

There was no immediate confirmation available from the German prosecutor-general's office.

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