-Caveat Lector-

  One of the WTC architects (Aaron Swirski) was interviewed Sept 11th, by
"Jerusalem Post Radio."   Among other things, he said that what was being
reported was incorrect.  He said it was being reported that 50,000 people
worked at the WTC when in fact it was 500,000.

  This was said shortly after the 2 minute, 40 second point in a 4 minute
interview.  The interviewer kept on this point, repeated what he said and had
him repeat it.  There is no doubt that in his understanding there were half a
million people who worked in the WTC complex, presumably the two main towers
containing the bulk of the employees.

  He also said other intersting things, such as there was no sprinkler system
in the towers, that each floor was designed to be hermetically sealed, and
that the building was designed to withstand an airplane hit, albeit from a
much smaller plane.  Listen to the interview here:


  Or go to the "Jerusalem Post Radio" website (http://www.jpost.com/Radio/)
and scroll down to "Towers Should Have Stood the Blast."  The paragraph

  "Aaron Swirski, one of the architects of the World Trade Center, talks
exclusively to Jerusalem Post Radio on the World Trade Center collapse after
the double attack. "


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