-Caveat Lector-


A SierraTimes.com Print Friendly
It’s Time
  to Come Home
by Colonel
  Dan - Posted: 10.27.00
'Tis our true policy to steer clear of permanent Alliances
any portion of the foreign World"
~ George Washington ~
"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations;

entangling alliances with none."
~ Thomas Jefferson ~
Our military forces are currently deployed to over 100 locations
  the world—the most in any peacetime period in history.
Due to some questionable
  political alliances, our troops are being
sent places for extended periods where
  I can see no strategic or
vital national interests being threatened, served
  or protected.
This at a time defense resources are being dangerously cut by
administration that has made obvious their lack of respect or concern
  the military—or America for that matter. We have thousands of
service men and
  women in places that aren’t of real national
interest and relatively few in
  some places of critical strategic
importance. It’s time we turn out this disgraceful
bring our troops home and re-evaluate our priorities.
Americans are currently deployed to numerous places of fading
national concern
  because of aging agreements--some half a century
old. I characterize many of
  these aging agreements as the
entangling alliances Washington and Jefferson
  warned of that do
nothing but drain national resources, hinder our efforts in
areas that are of vital national interest, stir up ill-will and
  the sovereignty of America to the United Nations.
Since 1992, our forces have been cut by 8 Army divisions, 20 Air
Force and
  Navy air wings and the Navy is now at about 318 ships,
down from 600 just a
  few years ago. Yet this administration, more
than any other in our history,
  has expanded the use of the
military for non-vital reasons, i.e. to save its
  own political
hide, establish some misbegotten legacy and divert public attention

 from scandal while ignoring and even selling out our actual national
  In a phrase, it is nothing short of disgraceful.
Examples of major troop deployments that I question:
Korea. We’ve had troops there for almost 50 years and nobody yet has

  been able to explain to me what vital national interests are at
risk on that
  peninsula. I’ve been there 17 times and am still
wondering. In all that time,
  I’ve seen nothing to keep us in Korea
other than one of those entangling
  alliances made so many years
ago. What is of such vital concern to America there,
  the loss of
which would threaten our existence or way of life?
Europe. Although good allies, I can’t see the vital interests here
  and I served in Germany for more than 7 years. America has
had a significant
  military presence there starting with WW I. Yet
more than 55 years after WW
  II ended, we remain deployed all
across the European continent. Why? The Soviet
  led WARSAW Pact
threat of conquest prompted us to remain after WW II but the

WARSAW Pact is long gone. In fact, we now boast several former Pact
  as members of NATO! What it boils down to is that our
troops in Europe are a
  hold over from WW II and the cold war. They
now simply serve no real purpose
  that supports our national vital
interests or directly protects our way of life
  that I can see.
Again, those entangling alliances made so many years ago are

haunting and draining us despite whatever benefits are derived.
Balkans. That is a quagmire where the inhabitants have been fighting

  for over 700 years without resolution. Several years ago, we were
told the United
  States would be there for only about a year—yet
another lie by the Clinton/Gore
  team. This deployment was only to
enhance Clinton’s world stature and we are
  now stuck without any
light at the end of a very dark tunnel we have no business
in anyway. This too will only serve to be an indefinite drain on our
  and our military unless we pull out as G. W. Bush has said
he would do. I believe
  Bush is more apt to keep his word regarding
the Balkans than I believe anything
  coming from Bill Clinton or Al
Mogadishu, Somalia, Haiti, and aspirin factories: There are many numerous, smaller 
areas like these but the question remains the same. What in the world
  threatened the US or our way of life in those places that was wor
thy of a single
  American service man or woman’s life?
Columbia. The Clinton/Gore team is currently building the case for committing
  additional forces to fight an un-winnable drug war. This is clearly another
  quagmire in the making and one whose objective is very unclea
r by any standard.
  Has anyone yet adequately described the enemy, mission or exit strategy?
Now let’s consider some places that are of strategic importance to the US in
  my opinion.
Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Our life’s blood of oil is from that region,
  yet how many troops do we have there relative to Korea, Europe and all those
  other places? Although we did win a major victory there, we pulled o
ut the vast
  majority of our force after the war due in large part to requests from those
  countries—they simply don’t want us in that region permanently and that’s OK.
  I certainly don’t want the US dragged into th
eir political turmoil, becoming
  yet another entangling alliance, but we must protect the oil supplies
  we are so very dependent upon.
In my view, we wouldn’t be dependent on this area at all were we to adopt a
  policy of placing our own citizens needs above that of such things as the snail
  darter or spotted owl, take advantage of our own resources
and establish true
  energy independence. If it would have been up to the animal rights groups and
  environmental bureaucrats that are preventing development of Alaskan oil for
  example, we would still be fighting to
 preserve the dinosaurs and allowing Tyrannosaurus
  Rex to stomp around in your backyard. According to their philosophy, it’s acceptable
  for us to remain dangerously dependent on foreign oil but unacceptable for us

  to become independent by using our own resources because of these misguided,
  feel good policies of the left. Such a philosophy, I will never accept!
Panama. A very strategic canal for America to which if we were denied
  access, would threaten our ability to deploy forces and supplies in a rapid
  manner in defense of our own shores. Yet we gave that away and pulled
 our troops
  out after we bought, built and paid for it. We have also allowed the Communist
  Chinese, via a front company, to operate/control both ends of that canal. Are
  we showing force there with troop deploymen
ts? No.
United States. Our own borders are being overrun and our government
  response is to do nothing. In fact, Clinton now wants to give these illegal
  aliens amnesty and green cards--and Democrat voter registration cards a
  with it no doubt. It’s easier than enforcing our laws, protecting our borders
  and the citizens that live along that border. In fact, the government, at the
  state level, has threatened legal action against ma
ny American ranchers who
  live along our southern border if they do take strong measures to protect themselves
  against this foreign invasion. Unbelievable!
I know some will tell me that I sound like a short sighted isolationist and
  the U.S., as the world’s only super power, cannot turn its back on our allies
  as that would only serve to destroy America’s stature, respec
t and support around
  the world. To this I would just say that policies of globalism, nation building
  and providing a worldwide police force with very deep pockets sure hasn’t gained
  us the undying respect, suppor
t and admiration of the world thus far. What they
  have done is create hostility when we do intervene where we have no business,
  generate anger when we don’t give as much as the receiving country expects and
 our national treasure in the process—our national treasure not only in terms of 
dollars, but more importantly, our people in uniform. It’s time to
  follow a different path that places Americans at the top of America’s
  list for a refreshing change.
What would I do? Trade with all, but disentangle America from
  foreign alliances as Washington and Jefferson advised. Bring our troops home
  and give them the mission of protecting our own borders. I would only deploy

  forces outside the continental United States in order to defend areas that are
  of vital strategic interest to the survival of our own nation. Finally, I would
  never again send our troops anywhere under the comma
nd and wearing the uniform
  of the United Nations nor allow that body to dictate or impose anything that would 
adversely effect or restrict the sovereignty of the United States in any
  way whatsoever. But that’s just
me--and the view from my saddle.
The Colonel
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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