-Caveat Lector-

Nakano Nakamura wrote:
> This picture was sent to me
> and I make no claim as to its authenticity.
> The explanation that came with it
> is that a camera was found in the
> rubble of the World Trade Center.
> The film was developed and this is
> the resulting picture.
> My first reaction was that this
> is a very sick attempt at a joke.
> If it is a fake, someone went to
> a lot of trouble to produce it.
> The sky over New York was clear.
> The sun was in the east.
> The shadows seem correct.
> American Airlines Flight 11 was
> a Boeing 787 and this is the aircraft
> in the picture.
> The Airline paint scheme also look authentic.
> Look at it and decide for yourself.
>      Nakano

What was the temp that morning?

>From all the news I saw that morning I don't recall seeing anyone
dressed for chilly weather, like the guy in the photo.

Mark McHugh

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