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Guns in China

                         The wild east
                         Nov 8th 2001 | BEIJING
                         From The Economist print edition

                         Armed crime is rising sharply in a country that
                         once prided itself on its
                         law-abiding orderliness

                         ONE midnight last month, two
                         brothers and another man
                         went on a killing spree with a
                         double-barrelled shotgun in
                         Dayukou, a mining village
                         500km (310 miles) south-west
                         of Beijing. Within an hour they
                         had killed 14 people and
                         seriously injured three others.
                         Among the casualties were
                         four village officials.

                         China once haughtily regarded
                         crimes involving guns as a
                         manifestation of American
                         decadence that hardly affected
                         its own, better regulated,
                         society. In urban China at
                         least, this may have been true
                         a decade or more ago. But now even official
                         publications admit that the
                         numbers of gun-related crimes are
                         soaring—though they are still far less
                         common than in the United States—and that a
                         huge black market has
                         developed for everything from shotguns to fully
                         automatic assault rifles.

                         Official figures offer no basis for useful
                         comparisons with America. China's
                         police release only minimal statistics. These
                         do not include the number of
                         people killed or injured by gunfire, or the
                         number of crimes involving firearms.
                         “The government thinks it's a government
                         affair,” says Bai Jianjun, a
                         criminologist at Beijing University. The only
                         gun-related figure included is the
                         number of cases involving breaches of the
                         firearms regulations— 26,456 last
                         year, up nearly 7%. But these cover only
                         misdemeanours such as unregistered
                         possession of a hunting gun. Moreover they
                         include only those cases that the
                         police have chosen to investigate—and a book
                         published last year by the
                         Chinese People's Public Security University
                         suggests that even among serious
                         offences (of any type) only 30% of reported
                         crimes are in fact investigated.

                         Less official sources offer occasional clues.
                         According to China News Week,
                         more than 500 police officers died in the line
                         of duty last year, up from about
                         360 in 1996. The magazine quoted “experts” as
                         saying the increase was
                         related to the rise in armed crime. Another
                         report, published in May, said that
                         armed crimes increased by 26% in 1994. Despite
                         a national campaign in 1994
                         to tighten control of firearms, armed crimes
                         rose a further 19.5% the next year.
                         In the first half of the 1990s, said a study
                         published in 1998, more than
                         10,000 armed crimes were recorded, two-thirds
                         of all violent crimes in China.

                         China certainly has stricter gun-control
                         regulations than the United States,
                         including a law introduced in 1996 which
                         stipulates that even the crude hunting
                         guns commonly used in the countryside must be
                         registered with the police. But
                         criminals determined to acquire a gun can do so
                         with relative ease. Soaring
                         demand for firearms has ensured a good supply.
                         Many are smuggled in from
                         Vietnam and Myanmar, and increasing numbers
                         come from the Central Asian
                         states. Others are manufactured illegally in
                         China itself, or stolen from the
                         sometimes ill-guarded stores of rural militias
                         and the police. Chinese military
                         pistols were used in a series of crimes in Hong
                         Kong this year.

                         Demand for firearms is being fuelled mainly by
                         a surge in organised crime.
                         Having prided itself on all but wiping out
                         criminal secret societies after the
                         Communist takeover in 1949, the government
                         admits they are now coming
                         back with a vengeance. The police in Fujian
                         province, on the coast facing
                         Taiwan, say they have evidence of over 40
                         Japanese, American and Taiwanese
                         triads operating there. The gangs are usually
                         supported by corrupt officials,
                         including police.

                         Members are recruited both from the growing
                         ranks of the urban poor—the
                         millions who have lost their livelihoods as a
                         result of economic reforms—and
                         among the rural unemployed, tens of millions of
                         whom have been drifting into
                         urban areas in recent years in search of work.
                         The gangs engage in
                         kidnappings and robbery. They smuggle drugs and
                         guns and run the
                         burgeoning sex industries of urban China.

                         Organised crime has even penetrated the party
                         elite. Last month, courts
                         sentenced 16 officials for involvement in
                         corruption involving organised crime in
                         the large city of Shenyang in the north-east.
                         Among them were the former
                         mayor and a deputy mayor. Both received death
                         sentences, though the
                         ex-mayor's was suspended for two years. Dozens
                         more officials are expected to
                         be tried.

                         Most residents of big cities in China, though
                         increasingly worried about burglary
                         and mugging, are not especially concerned about
                         gun-related violence. In rural
                         areas and smaller towns, however, armed attacks
                         and robberies are becoming
                         increasingly common. Ill-protected rural banks
                         are frequent targets, especially
                         during the lean winter months. In May, the
                         authorities executed 14 members of
                         a gang accused of a series of murders and bank
                         robberies in central and
                         southern China. They allegedly had an arsenal
                         of 15 military guns, 23
                         shotguns, a hand grenade and two anti-tank

                         Since early this year, the police have been
                         engaged in one of their periodic
                         “strike hard” campaigns against crime. The
                         figures hint at the scale of the
                         problem. Even in the well-ordered capital, the
                         police seized over 100 hand
                         grenades and 1,500 guns of various kinds
                         between April and August. In the
                         country as a whole, they confiscated 600,000
                         guns, including 8,800 military
                         weapons, between March and June. That brings
                         the total for the past five years
                         to an extraordinary 2.4m guns. How many more
                         are still out there?

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