-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

03 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-49
Monday Brief


..They were correspondents -- in the Committees of Correspondence,
dedicated to combating with right information the disinformation and
"spin" of their days, which emanated from the English King, his
courtiers and ministers. Sound at all familiar?

The Federalist today continues that mission of the Committees of
Correspondence, as an antidote to the steady dose of media liberalism,
political doublespeak, and
bureaucratic obfuscation still hailing from the halls of power. And
The Federalist requests your presence among our modern Patriots --
with your financial support!

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The Foundation
Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
Worth Repeating
The Gipper
Political Futures
For the Record
Policy Pages
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old
parchments, or musty records.  They are written, as with a sunbeam, in
the whole volume of human nature by the hand of the divinity itself;
and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." --Alexander


"These are the times that try men's souls.  The summer soldier and the
sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of
their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks
of man and woman.  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we
have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more
glorious the triumph.  What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too
lightly:  it is dearness only that gives everything its value.  Heaven
knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be
strange indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be
highly rated." --Thomas Paine


"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become
blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and
depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as
you hold out the word of life -- in order that I may boast on the day
of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing." (Philippians


"Give thanks. There is a light that overcomes this dread, dead-ended
darkness. There is a Creator who will find those who seek Him and lead
them to it. My personal statement remains the same, year after year:
If I could identify just two things for which to be thankful, I would
choose first to be thankful for amnesty, that is, forgiveness for all
those accumulations of sin and error which could otherwise weigh us
down and steal away our freedom of spirit and enthusiasm for life.
Second, I would give thanks for the promise that one day you and I
will see His face." --Linda Bowles


"The advent of human cloning, which is really a form of asexual
reproduction, necessarily brings with it the dawn of human embryo
farming and baby manufacture. In-vitro fertilization, for all the
nettlesome ethical questions it raises about embryo freezing and
embryo research, at least requires the initial cooperation of the
couples who make their egg and sperm cells available for conceiving
new life. In most cases, these actions are undertaken by couples who
are striving to overcome physiological problems and have a baby of
their own. The technology of cloning may now depend on 'donated'
tissue for the manufacture of the new embryo, but its essence lies in
making new human beings out of the whole DNA of existing human beings.
Pirated videos and CD's are child's play by comparison to what cloning
could mean to the commercial copying of human life. Once this
technology escapes the bottle, replicated human beings will abound."
--Kenneth L. Connor


"Since the 1960s, anti-Americanism has flourished on college campuses,
in Hollywood and among the chattering class. Anti-Americanism is the
conviction that our history is one long chronicle of crimes against
humanity -- slavery, segregation, dispossession of the Indians,
exploitation of labor and suppression of dissent. It is blind to
America's greatness -- to our unparalleled contributions to the
advancement of human liberty, the development of representative
government and the march of progress. Anti-Americanism invariably
attributes sinister motives to our government. It assumes that in any
international conflict, America is always wrong. It views
Berchtesgaden and the Reagan White House, Saddam Hussein and the elder
George Bush, Al Qaeda and the CIA as moral equivalents.
Anti-Americanism sneers at our heritage. It perceives patriotism as
the province of demagogues and dupes. It thinks the pledge of
allegiance is passe and the national anthem militaristic.
Anti-Americanism exalts hyphens and disparages unity. It holds that
those who live here have no obligation to learn our language and
history, celebrate America's achievements or support its sovereignty.
All of this is a far cry from legitimate disagreements over policy."
--Don Feder


"The tragedy of September 11th is still overwhelming. But it is
because of the horror of that day that we must act as we have, so that
they did not die in vain. At far too horrible a price, their
sacrifices unified and revived the entire United States of America,
and our truly noble, continuing experiment in human freedom and
self-governance. To honor their sacrifice, let us not allow this unity
and moral reawakening to be a fleeting moment. Let us all, each and
every one, pledge to speak out against those who will inevitably come
back and seek to divide us again for political, financial, or personal
gain. Ours is not a perfect nation, and because we are all human, it
never will be. But let us also keep the courage to speak out about the
moral truths and wonders of America, the spearhead of human liberty
and prosperity across the globe." --Peter Ferrara


"My [major] concern is that the Americans may stop halfway in their
battle against the Taliban if the latter surrender bin Laden. If the
United States does not finish the Taliban whatever it costs, Taliban
leaders and militants will become like a disturbed swarm of bees that
will fly out of Afghanistan and create their nests all over the world.
This won't eliminate terrorism but just spread it around the globe."
--Retired Russian Col. Gen. Viktor Kot, former commander of the Soviet
air force, who served two tours in Afghanistan.


"Winston Churchill wrote after Pearl Harbor that he knew that
America's critics would be wrong. We wouldn't just 'be a vague blur on
the horizon to friend or foe.' Osama bin Laden needs to know it too."
--National Review Online


"Why must we constantly repeat that we are not at war with Islam?  We
never declared war on Islam.  It was Islamic fanatics who, killing
4,000 Americans in the name of God, declared war on us.  Why then are
we the ones required to continually demonstrate our religious
tolerance and respect for others? Shouldn't that be the responsibility
of the Islamic world, of those in whose name this crime was
perpetrated? Imagine if 19 murderous Christian fundamentalists
hijacked four airplanes over Saudi Arabia and, in the name of God,
crashed them into the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, destroying the
holy Kaaba and killing thousands of innocent Muslim pilgrims. Could
anyone doubt that the entire Christian world -- clergy and
theologians, leaders and lay folk -- would rise as one to denounce the
act and declare it a sacrilege? And yet after September 11, where were
the Muslim theologians and clergy, the imans and mullahs, rising
around the world to declare that Sept. 11 was a crime against Islam?
Where were the fatwas against Osama bin Laden? The voices of high
religious authority have been scandalously still." --Charles


"Unhappily, the change from military to civilian rule is not an easy
one. Nor can it be rushed. If it is, we will only succeed in creating
weak and vulnerable democratic governments that will soon be swept out
of power by just another generation of military strongmen even more
convinced of the defects of democracy." --Ronald Reagan (1978)


"If the government demanded results -- say, no bombs on airplanes --
airports wouldn't have time to engage in man's truly oldest
profession, oppressing his fellow man. Instead, this natural monopoly
would finally be forced to stop harassing passengers for the fun of it
and to adopt safety procedures that would have the novel attribute of
making planes safe." --Ann Coulter


"Understanding very clearly what my priorities are for my family --
and what additional sacrifices would be required by my wife and my
sons by the additional time and travel of serving another year as RNC
chairman...." --Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore announcing his resignation
as chairman of the Republican National Committee, effective Jan. 16 --
not a minute too soon as Virginia's next Gov. will be a Demo!


"We have absolutely no obligation to have everyone on earth seek
residency or citizenship here. Yes, it is discrimination to tell one
group or another, 'Sorry you can't live here.' There are peaceful
Muslims, but how will we know for sure? The fact is they are not
entitled to be Americans. Perhaps at another time. Right now we have
to be about the business of saving what is left of this country."
--Paul M. Weyrich


Military Justice for Terrorists

Just War Theory and Terrorism

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments, link to:

"Ondoubtedly, the Dumbocrat National Committee has direct evidence
linking President Bush to every economic downturn in the Republic
since 1860."

"Too bad those North Carolina kids didn't turn their toy soldiers away
from the stuffed animals and direct them towards the stuffed

"The Federalist noted Bill Clinton's remark about the destruction of
that landmark of historic interest to black Americans to make way for
his Liebrary: 'No one can see it now, no one can use it now, it's of
no use to anybody.'  That sounds like something Sen. Ms. Hillary
Rodham-Clinton would say about Bill!"


"Are you a Western leader of the Judeo-Christian or Agnostic-Atheist
persuasion? Want to issue a public statement on how much you respect
and value Islam as a peaceful religion of moderation and tolerance?
Take a number, pal. The line's longer than the waiting list at a
Quebec hospital. ...This is the most sensitive war in history. ...As
usual, our Tolerance Police are very intolerant of insufficient
tolerance....We madmen on the right dislike this identity-politics
business. So I accept there are all kinds of Muslims. ...But the fact
-- the fact -- is that, since September 11th, the remarks by the
Queen, the Pope, the President and almost every other pasty face have
earned no similarly warm, unqualified response from Muslim 'community
leaders.' ...At the UN, the President told the world that expressions
of sympathy weren't enough; it was time for other countries to get on
side. Yet, back home, he's happy to hold photo-ops with fellow
Americans you can't squeeze anything but the vaguest expression of
sympathy out of. He schedules visits with groups that are either
covertly hostile, deeply ambivalent or deafeningly silent. This
unreciprocated abasement is unworthy. Islam wouldn't be the
fastest-growing religion in the United States, Britain and Canada if
Muslims were thought to be 'the enemy.' Conversely, Christianity is
the fastest-shrinking religion in the Sudan, where they really are
thought to be the enemy. In Pakistan the other week, six children and
nine adults were gunned down as they worshipped in a Christian church.
If the West's Muslim 'community leaders,' for whatever reason, are
reluctant to speak truth to evil, that is a matter between them and
God. Their opposition to the war is their right as free citizens. I
don't even care particularly about prosecuting the Taliban's
Anglo-American volunteers: To Hell with them. All I ask is an end to
the deeply unedifying spectacle of Western politicians fawning on an
anti-war constituency by jumping through increasingly obnoxious
tolerance hoops. It suggests we have something to feel guilty about.
We don't." --Mark Steyn

This Week's Leftoons:

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