-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thank God for Jesse!



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Just minutes before the Dec. 31, deadline last year, President Bill Clinton
signed the onerous International Criminal Court agreement, fashioned by the
United Nations at a Rome conference in 1998. His signature does not ratify
the agreement, but it does obligate the United States to take no action
contrary to the goals of the agreement.

Sen. Jesse Helms is having none of it. He introduced the "American Service
Members Protection Act" shortly after the agreement was reached in Rome. The
bill languished. He reintroduced the bill (S. 1610), which was referred to
the Foreign Relations Committee – which he no longer chairs.

He didn't give up. When the Senate was finally forced to pass the Defense
Appropriations Bill, it included much of the language contained in the
American Service Members Protection Act. His amendment was adopted Dec. 7, by
a vote of 78 to 21.

What's shocking is that 21 Senators voted against limiting the power of the
ICC. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., tried to short-circuit the Helms
amendment with one of his own. The Dodd proposal would have only required the
president to suggest what Congress might do to protect U.S. interests from
the ICC. The Helms amendment takes the bull by the horns.

The ICC is designed to prosecute "war criminals" and "crimes against
humanity." Its charter claims jurisdiction in all nations, whether ratified
or not by any particular nation. Critics of the Helms amendment claim the ICC
is the appropriate venue for prosecution of terrorists such as Osama bin
Laden. Mary Robinson, head of the UN Human Rights Commissions, has labeled
American soldiers as potential subjects of prosecution for their "war crimes"
and "crimes against humanity" in Afghanistan.

Helms says humbug! His amendment blocks U.S. cooperation with the ICC,
prohibits any U.S. funding of the enterprise and bars the sharing of
classified information. His amendment prohibits the use of U.S. forces in any
nation that will not exempt U.S. troops from ICC jurisdiction by signing
accords preventing the delivery of American soldiers to the ICC. Moreover,
his amendment would stop the flow of foreign aid to any country that refuses
to sign such accords.

Sen. Dodd, in arguing against the Helms amendment, said the United States has
"to be a player" in the ICC. A spokesman for Human Rights Watch called the
vote "a low point in the U.S. Senate's commitment to international human

The vote is a high point in protecting national sovereignty and limiting the
rapidly expanding power of the UN's global governance tentacles.

The Senate measure must be reconciled in conference with the House bill,
which has no language similar to the Helms amendment. The House, however, has
expressed approval of limiting the ICC by a vote of 282 to 137, when language
similar to Helms' was included in a State Department authorization bill last

It's far too late to block the creation of the ICC. Forty-seven of the
necessary 60 nations have already ratified the charter, and it is expected to
be fully in force before the big blowout in Johannesburg next year, the World
Summit on Sustainable Development.

It should have been blocked during the Clinton administration but, instead,
the United States was a major force in its creation, thinking that special
provisions would be included to protect U.S. citizens. In the final days of
the conference, the rest of the world pulled the rug out and would not allow
any special provisions for the United States, and Clinton delegates were
forced to vote against the final document – one of only seven nations voting
against the measure. But for some strange reason, minutes before the
deadline, less than a month from the end of his term, Clinton signed the

The ICC gives the United Nations a mechanism through which it can prosecute
individuals in any country for any infraction it may include in its
definition of "war crimes" or "crimes against humanity." I have heard UN
officials describe America's "pollution" coming from our "extravagant" life
style, as a "crime against humanity." I have heard UN officials describe
America's involvement in Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq and now Afghanistan as "war

Make no mistake. Many people in this world see the United Nations as the only
hope of controlling the United States. The ICC is a new and important tool
available to those folks who want to control us. They will not hesitate to
use it the moment they have the power to do so. Sadly, there are some in
Congress who are willing to let this happen. Jesse Helms is not one of them.

Thank God for Jesse!



Henry Lamb is the executive vice president of the Environmental Conservation

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