-Caveat Lector-

The UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is the World's Greatest

The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by
furtive gangs of masked desperados in foreign lands.
The most horrific acts of terrorism in world history
have always been committed by governments.

The government and military of the United States of
America have committed massive acts of international
terrorism and brutal genocide — throughout the 20th

Official FBI definition of terrorism:

"Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence
against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
government, the civilian population, or any segment
thereof, in furtherance of political or social

By its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is
guilty of terrorism — on a massive, international
scale. And for over 100 years!

The U.S. government has broken international law and
the Geneva Convention many times with its brutal use
of force and horrific violence against persons and
property, to intimidate and coerce governments,
civilian populations, and many segments thereof, in
furtherance of political, social and especially
economic objectives.

Terrorism at the World Trade Center

Our own evil government bears the ultimate
responsibility for this disaster, no matter who
actually carried it out.

If the homicidal psychopaths of the United States
military/government didn't have the nasty habit of
mass-murdering civilian men, women and children around
the world, there wouldn't be anybody who wanted

But if foreign terrorists were involved in the WTC
attack they would have to be the best friends the U.S.
government ever had. The U.S. government itself had
everything to gain from this act of barbarism against
the American people. In fact, the emerging evidence
makes it certain that even if the U.S.
military/government did not carry out the attacks
itself, at the very least it knew about them in
advance and allowed them to happen.

Here are six facts which support this conclusion:

Some very unusual criminal insider trading took place
on Wall Street the week before September 11. Somebody
actually made millions of dollars from the death of
thousands of people at the WTC. The specific type of
insider trading and the people and banks involved
provide very strong circumstantial evidence that
wealthy individuals allied with the CIA had prior
knowledge of the World Trade Center attack.

The U.S. Air Force does in fact have the technological
ability to guide large jet aircraft by remote control,
and the jet that hit the Pentagon, in particular, was
flown with a very high level of skill, much higher
than the supposed "hijackers" were capable of. Also
very revealing is the fact that not a single U.S. Air
Force jet fighter was scrambled from Andrews Air Force
base — which is 10 miles from the Pentagon — even a
full hour after the first WTC tower was hit. Andrews
Air Force Base is charged with defending Washington
D.C.'s airspace. Yet the U.S. Air Force allowed the
third jet to circle the Pentagon in a tight, diving
spiral, and finally crash into it — on the Army side,

Criminal hoaxes have been perpetrated several times
before to provide the essential propaganda to launch a
U.S. war. Until the 9-11 attacks the greatest case of
U.S. government fraud involving an assault on
Americans was the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl

The Pearl Harbor attack was known about in advance. It
was allowed to happen because it provided the
overwhelming propaganda needed to launch a war against
the German and Japanese imperialist competitors of the
American Empire.

Remember the Maine? That battleship was not sunk by
"Cuban terrorists" as the crooked, jingoistic
newspapers of the day claimed. But the lie provided
the needed propaganda to start the Spanish-American
War of 1898.

The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident was a hoax that
provided the propaganda needed to escalate the Vietnam

The Kuwaiti hospital incubator hoax provided
propaganda for the Gulf War terror campaign in 1991.

The Bosnian "concentration camp" hoax of 1992 and the
Racak "massacre" hoax of 1999 provided the needed
propaganda for the U.S./NATO terror campaign against
the Yugoslavian people.

The brutal terrorism of September 11 against the
American people is a propaganda gold mine without
precedent for the brutal terrorists of the U.S.
military/government and their obedient newsmedia. This
propaganda is absolutely essential to the U.S.
military/government's geopolitical strategy for world

America's genocidal history makes it abundantly clear
that the U.S. government and military have more than
enough barbaric ruthlessness to commit such inhuman
acts. History proves conclusively that they place no
value whatsoever on human life. That's what this whole
website is about. Any government and military that
will murder people by the millions for profit is not
going to have any problem with murdering a few
thousand Americans — if there is a major profit motive
for it.

Above all else, the U.S. military/government has the
profit motive: OIL.

The U.S. military is now terrorizing and brutally
mass-murdering innocent civilian men, women and
children in Afghanistan — people who had absolutely
nothing to do with the WTC attack. This hypocritical
state terrorism is part of a long-term, pre-planned,
geopolitical strategy to strengthen the U.S. grip on
Mideast oil and get control of Caspian Sea oil,
thereby assuring the military/economic supremacy of
the genocidal American Empire for many years to come.

The WTC and Pentagon attacks provided the essential
propaganda pretext for a complete military takeover of
the entire region.

At last the bloodthirsty hypocrites of the U.S.
military/government can affect public postures of
patriotic "defense" while chanting "Pearl Harbor!"
like a mantra. Gone are the days when the
propagandists had to cobble together absurd conceptual
Frankensteins like the "humanitarian bombing" of
people in Yugoslavia to sell the Pentagon's latest
butchery to the American taxpayer.

Though the poor people in Manhattan paid a horrible
price for America's genocidal foreign policy, this
terrorist attack was nothing more than a pinprick on
the body of The Beast itself. It did no strategic harm
to the military, and no harm whatsoever to the U.S.
government. Quite the opposite. As the above
information makes clear, the top-level war criminals
at the Pentagon and the U.S. government were not
honestly upset by the attacks. Far from it — as of
September 11 they've been handed all the political
ammunition they could possibly hope for. American
state terrorists now have a blank check to mass-murder
all the civilian men, women and children of
Afghanistan they want while claiming they're "fighting
terrorism." And they can now look forward to many more
campaigns of bloody state terrorism abroad — wherever
there is a profit to be made and corporate interests
to protect.

With smiles well hidden, the increasingly open
fascists of the U.S. government are now ratcheting up
their police-state repression at home. The Bill of
Rights is out the window. Gone.

Behind closed doors, out of view of the T.V. cameras,
the strategists of American Empire are positively

Uncle Sham doesn't honestly care the slightest bit
about the suffering of people in the World Trade
Center, nor of people anywhere in America. American
citizens are just cash cows to be psychologically
herded this way and that, and perennially lied to.
Keep 'em stupid and keep those tax dollars coming in.

And people around the world? Slaves and whores to be
exploited to the max. If they dare attempt to be free
of the American Empire, bomb them back into
submission. Our evil rulers care only for preserving
their own wealth and power, nothing more.

The inhuman rulers of America have cruelly abused the
world with genocidal campaigns of state terrorism for
over 100 years. Now they are surely thrilled with the
prospect of increasing their power through unending
campaigns of terror and mass-murder. Let the American
people pay the price for our rulers' evil, they don't
care. The downward spiral of carnage and suffering
will never end until we're all enslaved or dead.

If we want to live in peace and freedom, people must
turn off their mind-controlling T.V. sets, wake up
from their mass-media brainwashing and get a clue:

The greatest enemy of the American people, and all the
world's people, is the terrorist U.S. government and

Millions of Victims: The Bloody "American Century"

Altogether, the terrorist U.S. government and military
have directly slaughtered literally millions of
civilian people in the Philippines, Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua,
Russia (the civil war, 1918-1920), Japan, France,
Germany, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Panama, Grenada,
Libya, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Somalia,
Bosnia and Yugoslavia.

In addition, the terrorist U.S. military and CIA have
trained, armed, funded, provided intelligence and
direct military support for fascist puppet-regimes and
right-wing death-squads around the world.

America's servant-states have carried out appallingly
vicious campaigns of state terrorism. With the direct
support of the U.S. government they have committed the
torture and genocide of additional millions of
helpless, civilian people in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El
Salvador, Honduras, Haiti, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia,
Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay,
Uruguay, Brazil, China, the Philippines, East Timor,
Indonesia, the Congo, Angola, Zaire, Mozambique,
Palestine, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Iraq,
Pakistan and Iran.

This page gives you summaries of America's greatest
campaigns of genocide and international terrorism,
with links to pages giving more information.
Numerically more complete listings of American terror
campaigns are on the Chronology of Terror pages.

The Site Map lists pages detailing the weapons and
general history of American state terrorism. Reviews
of important books on American state terrorism and
closely related subjects are listed by author, title
and subject.

"God's" Will: The Philippine Genocide

It was just nine years after the United States Army
Seventh Cavalry slaughtered 300 helpless Lakota
children, women and men at Wounded Knee, South Dakota,
in 1890:

Immediately following the Spanish-American war, all
branches of the U.S. military committed the
mass-murder of 200,000 civilian men, women and
children in the Philippines during the
Philippine-American war. This genocide was
accomplished by a viciously racist United States Army,
Navy and Marines, from 1899 to 1902.

Why? Corporate profit. The Philippine islands were a
profitable part of the old Spanish Empire. They also
provided a valuable base of operations for the
exploitation of China — which was far more profitable.

When the Filipinos resisted us — with the curious idea
that they had a right to control their own country —
American soldiers, sailors and Marines slaughtered and
tortured them. Heroic American soldiers even murdered
ten-year-old Filipino boys.

Thus was the American Empire born, consecrated with
the blood of Philippine children, men and women. This
was the point in American history when the emphasis
shifted from the domestic abuse and exploitation of
Indians and Africans to the even more profitable
pursuits of imperialism and international terrorism.

Mark Twain condemned the genocide in scathingly
cynical terms. So did others among that small
percentage of Americans possessed of a human

President William McKinley, however, was of the
Official Opinion that the cruel bloodshed was "God's
Will." Teddy Roosevelt revelled in bloodshed and
thought it was all just "Bully!" Both of them echoed
the mass-media of their day: the openly racist,
nationalistic, "jingoistic" "yellow journalism" of the
corporate press.

Just as they do today, most Americans preferred to
ignore the gory, heartbreaking details. They joined
their leaders and the press in hearty applause of the

"Public opinion" was led by the nose then — as it is

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In August 1945 the United States Army-Air Force
committed the truly unnecessary atomic-bomb genocide
of hundreds of thousands of Japanese CIVILIAN men,
women and children in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These
were America's supreme two acts of international

Revenge was a secondary reason for committing these
war crimes — revenge on helpless Japanese civilian
people for the crimes of the Japanese military.

Long term anti-Soviet military-economic strategy was
the primary reason the U.S. military/government abused
their newfound nuclear power just as soon as they got
their hands on it. By slaughtering the helpless people
of Hiroshima the U.S. military took effective control
of the islands on August 6, two days before the
Russians had agreed to enter the war against Japan, on
August 8.

The Red Army was a formidable war-machine in WWII. It
was the Soviets, not the Americans, who fought the
greatest land battles in history against the Nazis.
Even before the war ended, therefore, the U.S.
government was plotting ways to neutralize Soviet
power and influence in the post-war world.

The use of this genocidal weapon was the greatest
"psy-op" of all time, an act of psychological warfare
without equal for sheer depth of criminal
ruthlessness. By dropping The Bomb the U.S. Corporate
Mafia Government was introducing the world's
governments to their new Master — with "an offer they
couldn't refuse."

Such a persuasive introduction did wonders for
American corporate profits in the post-war era. It won
us lots of "fair weather friends" and a world of
closet enemies.

The era of "The Ugly American" was announced on August
6, 1945. It continues to this day:

"The hidden hand of the market will never work without
a hidden fist — McDonald's cannot flourish without
McDonnell-Douglas, the designer of the F-15."
— Thomas Friedman
Ugly American columnist for the New York Times

The blowhards of American Empire have no shame.
Bullies never do.

The Greatest American Genocides: Vietnam, Korea,
Cambodia and Laos

>From 1950 to 1953, and from 1965 to 1974 the United
States of America committed the brutal genocide of
literally MILLIONS of civilian men, women and children
in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Korea.

Unarmed women and old men were bayoneted, helpless
children and even babies were blown away with M-16s
and grenades, countless women and young girls were
sodomized, raped and murdered by U.S. Army soldiers.
These horrible things happened in many massacres like
the ones at My Lai and Thanh Phong in Vietnam and No
Gun Ri in Korea — while U.S. Air Force bomber crews
spent years in wholesale slaughter of civilian people
from the air.

For sheer magnitude of evil sadism and bloodlust, the
Vietnam Genocide ranks as America's greatest, most
vicious campaign of large-scale international
terrorism ever.

The U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and military want
very much for you to believe that My Lai, Thanh Phong
and No Gun Ri were "isolated incidents." But the
testimony of the Vietnamese and Korean people who
survived, and even the admissions of American
soldiers, are that these were far from isolated
incidents. There were thousands of such horrible

During the Vietnam Genocide there was even an official
CIA program of systematic terror, torture and
mass-murder called Operation Phoenix.

Any politically honest psychologist in the world would
diagnose the American troops who committed these
crimes as racist, homicidal psychopaths. But to the
U.S. Corporate Mafia Government and military they're
just "our boys" and "our buddies."

The U.S. government, the U.S. military — and many of
the American people — protect and excuse these war
criminals to this day. They live among us. Sadistic
American war criminals like Lt. William Calley and
Capt. Ernest Medina walk the streets of America as
free men. But of course they are free in body only.
They have hell to pay.

Why did it all happen?

Maoist China and the Stalinist Soviet Union
represented a limitation on greedy corporate
capitalists' huge international profits. They were
gargantuan markets that couldn't be controlled. But
the most serious threat by far was the international
socialist ideology itself. Nothing undermines
capitalism's sacred creed of selfish, venal
competition more radically than the "Godless" ideology
of social sharing and caring.

Meanwhile the Chinese and Korean peoples themselves
deeply resented American use of Japanese collaborators
in the post-war Korean puppet government. That
government brutally terrorized its own people, with
America's blessing. The majority of Korean people
wanted the fascist Americans out of their country. The
Chinese people had also suffered horribly at the hands
of the Japanese and had likewise been betrayed by the
U.S. government after the war. It was very natural for
them to sympathize with their Korean neighbors against
the foreign oppressor.

Exactly the same pattern was followed in Vietnam.
After the war the American and French governments
covertly allied themselves with Japanese collaborators
against the Viet Minh, even though Ho Chi Minh had
worked closely with Americans during the war. When he
discovered the true diabolical nature of Uncle Sham,
he was forced to ally himself with the only nation
that would help his people — the Stalinist Soviet

Corporate America knows very well that even the very
idea of popular, international, democratic socialism
(which the Maoists and Stalinists pretended to
champion), absolutely must be suppressed. They intend
to erase it from the consciousness of the world's
people. They'll never succeed, of course. But the
humanitarian socialist ideology is a direct threat to
the profits of inhuman corporate capitalism. To
survive, capitalism must slander and silence
international socialism by any and all means.

The massive American propaganda machine has
relentlessly slandered humanitarian socialism by
equating it with the genocidal dictatorships of Mao
Zedong and Joseph Stalin. The U.S. Corporate Mafia
Government lie-machine trains ignorant Americans to
dismiss it all under the label of undifferentiated
"communism." Corporate America is determined to crush
the hope and dream of popular, worldwide, democratic
socialism — at any cost.

Any human cost, that is. For corporate capitalist
America the well-being of millions of Asian people was
(and is) not a high priority.

If Asians refused to be controlled and exploited by
America — then kill 'em all! "Better Dead than Red!"
was the battle cry of Americans in their genocidal
wars against the Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian and
Korean peoples.

The Crucifixion of Latin America

In Central America, South America and the Caribbean
the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government's genocidal
policies were executed throughout the 20th century,
and are now continuing into the 21st century. The U.S.
military, the cocaine-smuggling CIA and its fascist
puppet-governments have relentlessly terrorized,
tortured and murdered hundreds of thousands of
civilian men, women and children in those persecuted

Why? Corporate profit, as always. Huge markets for
American products, cheap labor to exploit and a whole
hemisphere of natural resources under the exclusive
domination of the United States. Bananas for the
"United Fruit Company." Coffee. Sugar cane. Cocaine.

Hard to believe? Can't be that simple? Not what they
tell you on T.V.? The first thing to know is that the
United States government is a Plutocracy — the rule of
the rich. The U.S. is not now, nor has it ever been, a
genuine "democracy". It sells itself to the world as a
"democracy", of course, but in actual practice the
plutocratic United States government is a corporate

And a mafia will stop at absolutely nothing to protect
its profits.

Why do you think the U.S. government has always
strongly supported bloodthirsty, fascist dictatorships
throughout Latin America? Fascist dictatorships are
"corporate friendly."

Freedom-loving democracies, on the other hand, are
very hard to control. In a democracy people can demand
outrageous things — like living wages.

The economic interests of the Central American, South
American and Caribbean peoples are naturally opposed
to the economic interests of American corporations.

For over 100 years the United States Corporate Mafia
Government has done everything in its power to destroy
democracy in Latin America.

Genocide of the Iraqi People

>From 1991 to the present day the United States Air
Force and Navy have slaughtered over 200,000 civilian
people in Iraq with Depleted Uranium missiles, cluster
bombs, cruise missiles and other so-called "smart
bombs." During the "Desert Storm" terror campaign the
arsenal also included fuel-air bombs and napalm. U.S.
Air Force, Navy and Army pilots even slaughtered Iraqi
soldiers who were in full retreat. American pilots
joked that it was like "shooting in a sheep pen".

Of course, slaughtering defenseless people with
overwhelming force is a hallowed American military

Why the carnage? Persian Gulf oil, of course. It had
absolutely nothing to do with "Kuwaiti independence."
Nor has it ever really been about "weapons of mass
destruction" — the American biological and chemical
weapons supplied by the U.S. government to the Iraqis
for use against the Iranians.

Total control of Middle East oil is always a top
priority for the U.S. Corporate Mafia Government.
They'll stop at absolutely nothing to keep that
essential oil flowing into the vast murder-machine of
the U.S. military-industrial complex.

With the "Desert Storm" terror campaign, America
entered a new high-tech phase of its perennial
international terrorism.

American State Terrorism of the Yugoslavian Peoples

In 1999 there was the ugly spectacle of America, with
its 18 NATO whores, butchering over 3000 civilian
people all over Yugoslavia for 78 straight days and
nights — flying over 40,000 sorties and once again
using cluster bombs, depleted uranium missiles,
fuel-air bombs, napalm, cruise missiles and other
so-called "smart bombs."

These horrible weapons of mass-destruction used by
cowardly American/NATO pilots literally butchered and
burned alive thousands of innocent people — children,
old men and women in market squares doing their
shopping, people in trains, people in cars and buses,
people in television stations, people in schools,
doctors and patients in hospitals, people in private
homes and apartment blocks — even remote villages were
napalmed and cluster bombed.

Adding insult to injury, the U.S. government/military,
and their corporate mass-media puppets, had the
unmitigated gall to call this carnage "humanitarian
intervention". But moral considerations were the last
thing on the minds of the Allied Farce war criminals
at the White House, the State Dept. and the Pentagon.

So why would the criminal U.S. government and military
bother to spend billions of your tax dollars
committing mass-murder in such a small, economically
struggling country as Yugoslavia?

It was part of a long-term, globalist
military-economic strategy involving:

Control of the huge reserves of oil in the Caspian
basin, the related oil pipelines through the Balkans,
and the final stages of the subjugation of Russia
(Yugoslavia's closest ally).

Control of the $5 billion worth of lead, zinc,
cadmium, silver and gold ore in the Trepca mines of
Kosovo. There are also 17 billion tons of coal
reserves in Kosovo. Stealing all that from the people
of Yugoslavia was part of a long-term strategy for
destroying their economy to the maximum extent
possible, thus forcing them into complete
political-economic obedience to Imperialist America.

But the most important reason for the 1999 U.S./NATO
terror campaign was that it was an essential part of
the American Empire's long-term strategy for
maintaining total military and economic domination of
Europe. The governments of Western Europe had been
venal whores in America's harem since 1945. Russia was
on its knees economically, and most Eastern European
governments were clamoring to join the U.S./NATO
harem. Only the Yugoslavian government led by
Milosevic refused to be abject whores.

This came as no surprise to anyone who knew Serbian
history. They have a long and heroic tradition of
rebellion against evil empires. Little Serbian-led
Yugoslavia was the last, brave holdout.

The Geopolitical Strategy of Imperial America

The brutal punishment of the Yugoslavian people for
their attempted independence from American Imperialism
was an essential part of America's overall
geopolitical strategy. The U.S. made an example of
them as a warning to the other nations of Europe and
the world.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, America's
Western European harem has been seeking, demurely of
course, to become economically and militarily
independent from their American Master. But only a
sufficiently large alliance of European states will
make independence from America possible. That is why,
from 1945 onwards, the United States government has
been engaged in a permanent campaign of covert
subversion of all tendencies toward European unity.

The whoring government of Britain is a close ally in
this endeavor for three basic reasons. First, the
cultural and linguistic ties with America make an
alliance very natural. Secondly, the island nation has
always seen itself as separate from the rest of Europe
anyway. Thirdly, the British government seeks to
profit, economically and politically, from it's close
relationship with American state terrorists.

The political "profit" is the illusion of national
prestige. Because Britain gave birth to the American
Beast, this pompous and increasingly techno-fascist
island government cherishes feelings of parental
superiority. But it also suffers from an addiction to
basking in America's reflected "glory". By craven
loyalty to their child-turned-Master, the British
government and military can still savor a small taste
blood and lost Empire.

The other Western European concubines are not quite so
depraved in relation to their Master. Uncle Sham knows
this very well, of course, and he keeps a close and
distrustful eye on all of them. With no common enemy
like the Soviet Union to use as a propaganda
scapegoat, the U.S. government is very concerned that
increasing numbers of Western European people are
beginning to get a clue that Imperial America, with
its corporate McCulture, is their worst enemy. In
fact, plutocratic America seamlessly followed the
Nazis as Europe's greatest, most insidious enemy after
the end of WWII.

After the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, the
U.S. government and its closet-Nazi allies in the
German government and military openly encouraged the
breakup of independent-minded Yugoslavia — while
covertly arming, training and funding the ethnic
warfare that resulted. The U.S. and Germany supported
every ethnic group against the Serbians for two

The aforementioned fact that the Serbians, true to
their historical tendency, sought freedom from
Imperial American domination. The Serbians fought the
Ottoman Turkish empire, the Austro-Hungarian empire
and the Nazi German Third Reich. The Yugoslav
government under Tito maintained a high degree of
political independence even from the Soviet Union.

The Serbian people have close ethnic, linguistic and
historical ties with the Russian people. So the fact
that the United States and Germany formed an alliance
to mass-murder Serbians has reopened deep wounds among
the Russian people. The memory of Nazi German
atrocities is very much alive within Russia. 20
million Russian, Ukranian and Byelorussian people died
horribly at the hands of the Germans in WWII.
The U.S. government knew exactly what it was doing by
using Germany as an ally against Serbia. It did so for
the express purpose of reopening these old wounds
among the Russian people.

There is one thing which the geopolitical strategists
of American Empire have feared above all else for over
100 years: a strong and enduring German-Russian
alliance. Such an alliance would not only dominate
Europe, it would be powerful enough to check American
Imperial ambitions around the globe, just as the
Soviet Union did.

After Otto von Bismarck united Germany, the
possibility of an alliance between the Kaiser and the
Czar was a major threat to the British Empire. It
became a serious potential threat to the American
Empire too, after it was founded in the blood of
Philippine women and children in 1899.

Then the feudal Czarist regime was overthrown by the
Bolsheviks in 1917. There was strong socialist
movement in Germany also, and therefore a very real
possibility that the German working class would
liberate itself and form an alliance with the
Russians. The U.S. military intervened in Russia's
civil war from 1918 to 1920, supporting the forces of
feudalism. Meanwhile, the political-economic support
of American corporations for the Nazi Party helped to
destroy the German socialist movement. That would seem
to have guaranteed that capitalist Germany and
Stalinist Russia would form no alliance for the
foreseeable future.

Adolf Hitler had many friendly connections with the
American corporate plutocracy. His rise to power was
politically and financially supported by corporations
like the Ford Motor Company, the Union Banking Corp.
of Prescott Bush (grandfather of Unpresident G.W.
Bush), and IBM. These were just three of the wealthy
and powerful American corporations that made a lot of
money by quietly doing business with the Nazi Third
Reich. Hitler was a staunch capitalist, and the
pro-Nazi segment of the American plutocracy knew that
if Adolf could be controlled he would serve American
interests well. To their dismay, however, they
discovered that Hitler was about as controllable as a
rabid dog. When he made an alliance with Stalin just
prior to WWII, it looked like the plan had backfired
in a big way.

Intense American political-economic pressure was
undoubtedly behind Hitler's sudden backstabbing of
Stalin with the apparently irrational decision to
invade Russia in 1941. As the bestial German armies
burned and raped and butchered their way east, many a
sigh of relief was heard among the corporate rulers of
America. The animalistic atrocities committed by
German soldiers against helpless Russian and Serbian
women and children guaranteed that there would be deep
animosity between the German and Russian peoples for
many generations to come.

And then the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Russia
mutated into a venal capitalist mafia state, and the
Russian people finally had something politically in
common with America, Germany and the rest of Europe.

Contrary to the public breast-beating by American
politicians about the "death of socialism" and the
"triumph of capitalism," however, the more intelligent
elements of the American plutocracy were actually not
at all happy with this development. Not only had they
lost a political scapegoat and primary reason for the
gargantuan military budget, but they knew Russia would
forge closer economic ties with its European
neighbors. And this would inevitably lead to the sort
of powerful alliance which American geopolitical
strategists have always feared.

The immediate tactic of the American plutocracy was to
do everything possible to weaken Russia economically
and politically, and also to encourage the reopening
of as many ethnic wounds and animosities as possible
between Europeans, especially between Russians and
Germans. That's what the U.S./German-sponsored breakup
of Yugoslavia was all about. It culminated in the 1999
U.S./NATO terror campaign, during which Germany was a
major participant and staging area for airstrikes
against innocent Yugoslav civilian people.

In Germany's very first military campaign since the
fall of the Third Reich, it once again mass-murdered
Yugoslavian people, just as the Luftwaffe and Hitler's
evil armies did from 1941 to 1944.

And once again the American plutocracy was triumphant,
succeeding spectacularly by their inhuman strategies.
The deep wounds were reopened, thousands of people
were brutally murdered by American/NATO bombs, the
surviving relatives and loved ones are heartbroken,
tens of thousands of people are severely traumatized,
and millions more are impoverished. What fun! The
diabolical American ruling class couldn't be happier.

This "divide and conquer" strategy is an old one, of
course. It was the classic strategy of the British
Empire, and it's the most basic strategy of their
American replacement.

And with the 1999 terror campaign against the entire
population of Yugoslavia, the U.S. Corporate Mafia
Government and military once again made a bloody
example of a courageous people who dared to be free.
Once again America bellowed and pounded another
hamfisted warning to the world: "Bow down to US, you
lowly whores! The American Beast still reigns
supreme!" And most of the world's venal governments
readily groveled before their evil Master.

Of course when Uncle Sham speaks to the T.V. cameras
he puts on his smiling mask and prattles soothingly of
all things "democratic" and "humanitarian". But the
high-tech gun he has pointed to the world's head sends
an altogether different message.

Ruthless competition is The American Way, after all.

Selling State Terrorism to the American People

And so it goes, year after year, decade after bloody
decade. Just when you'd think our cruelly greedy
government must surely have plumbed the depths of
violent, ruthless power lust and shameless hypocrisy —
America manages to go crashing through the basement
floor yet again.

Totally ruthless though our evil, plutocratic
government is, it's not profoundly creative at home.
It doesn't have to be, because most Americans are
credulous morons, politically. The U.S. government and
its corporate mass-media propaganda machinery use
essentially the same deceitful M.O. year after year to
sell American state terrorism to the American people —
while the American Empire they don't even know exists
subjugates yet more hapless people abroad. While
bourgeois Americans grow yet more jaded, arrogant,
amoral and brainwashed.

Hey, why change horses in the middle of a stream? If a
scam works, it works. And it works only because too
many Americans don't mind being lied to. Not as long
as they've "got their share."

Or shares, that is. Of inhuman corporations.

Thanks to money and technology alone, America, "the
world's Lone Remaining Superpower" remains also the
world's Supreme Terrorist Nation. The biggest, baddest
bully on the block.

Only a total jerk could be proud.

(Of course, the bigger they are, the harder they
fall... )

The Brutal Consistency of America's Ugly History

Waking up to all of this can be quite a shock — if
you've got a human conscience. Liberating ourselves
from a lifetime of brainwashing isn't easy. But the
grim modern realities of American terrorism are less
surprising when you realize that this ruthless
mass-murder of helpless civilian people
internationally is actually quite consistent with
America's domestic history...

The Indian Genocide

"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was,
far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the
history of the world."
— David E. Stannard

In spite of that fact, the typical, mentally-sleeping
American remains only vaguely aware of the horrific
holocaust of American Indians. Yet every single
locality where Americans make their homes today is
consecrated to the cause of cruel, racist inhumanity —
with the blood of Indian people. Every single locality
where Americans make their homes today is the scene of
the murder, rape, torture and impoverishment of the
Indian people who lived there first.

But mainstream Americans would choke on their apple
pie if they dared to think about that. Too many
Americans would rather stick their heads in the sand
about our evil history — just as they stick their
heads in the sand about what is happening today.

In the centuries after Christopher Columbus the
Butcher, more than 100 million native people fell
under the sadistic, racist rule of the invading

Land is wealth, and Americans lusted for it. They
couldn't let a minor fact like the existence of
millions of human beings already living on that land
get in their way. So the policy of genocide, thievery,
routine lying and racist cruelty was justified with
whitewashes like "Manifest Destiny" — America's
domestic version of "Deutschland Uber Alles."

Black Slavery

Where the native peoples were all murdered or pushed
out, the European and American businessmen of that day
replaced them with enslaved people purchased in

The international slave trade was one of the earliest
examples of international corporate evil.

Fortunately, it has become impossible in recent years
to hide the historical facts of this cruel, greedy
American institution of slavery. The thoroughly evil
abuse of African peoples took place for over 200
years, with another 100 years of virtual slavery —
complete with the KKK terror tactics of lynching,
torture, bombing, cross burning and general, public
abuse and intimidation.

White Slavery

The existence of White slavery in America is one of
the most little-known facts of American history.
Colonial America was initially built with the blood,
sweat and tears of White slaves to a far greater
extent than Black slaves. In fact, America's first
slaves were White people.

It's estimated that fully one-half to two-thirds of
all White "immigrants" to Colonial America in the 17th
and 18th centuries were actually slaves who had been
brought against their will. They were known by the
euphemism of "indentured servants," but in reality a
great many of these people were true slaves. Their
servitude was for life, and their children were forced
to be slaves as well.

Most of them were brought from Ireland, Scotland and
the impoverished working classes of England. They were
both Protestant and Catholic, victims of religious
wars and the inhuman greed of the English ruling
classes. Very often the victims were falsely labeled
as "criminals" to ease the guilty consciences of the
wealthy ruling classes.

When White slaves arrived in the American colonies
they were auctioned on the block just like Black
slaves. White slave children were often sold and
separated from their parents and White slave women
were sold and separated from their husbands.

A great many White slaves were forced to work under
cruel and demeaning conditions. The Virginia Colony
prescribed "bodily punishment for not heeding the
commands of the master." Half of the White slaves died
within the first two years after their arrival in "the
New World."

Unsurprisingly, it was common for White slaves to run
away — only to be hunted down and returned to their
evil masters and mistresses. To help identify runaways
the courts in Virginia demanded that everyone have
identification and travel papers. White slaves had no
rights whatsoever and could be beaten and cruelly
abused with impunity.


If you are a genuinely honest person you can come to
only one moral conclusion about all of this:

What Terrorist America has done for centuries AND WHAT

HISTORY PROVES that America, the self-proclaimed
champion of "human rights" and "democracy", has, in
reality, worked long and hard to "Make The World Safe"
for an inhuman corporate PLUTOCRACY.

HISTORY PROVES that the United States Corporate Mafia
Government is the worldwide Enemy of Democracy
and of Humanity itself.

This is the simple truth of the U.S. government,
past and present:

American domestic and foreign policy is now, and has
always been, dictated fundamentally by economics — not
by moral and political values.

All the talk of "democracy" and "human rights" is just
so much spin for popular consumption.

It has never been "We the People," but a ruling
plutocracy of ultra-wealthy landowners and
corporations that have been the ultimate power behind
the U.S. government from the beginning.

If you're intellectually honest, if you've got a
social and political conscience — especially if you
have the guts to ACT on it — you discover real fast
that we in America are not living in a "democracy."

America is a Police State — NOW.



Witness Seattle. Witness Los Angeles, Philadelphia,
Cincinnati, Detroit, D.C., New Jersey and New York

Witness our techno-fascist FUTURE if We The People
don't claim our democratic power.

The U.S. government cannot and will not be reformed.

Therefore, there is only one genuine solution:

The American People must non-violently overthrow the
United States Corporate Mafia Government completely,
and replace it with a DEMOCRACY.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the
people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary
of the existing government, they can exercise their
constitutional right of amending it, or their
revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it."
— Abraham Lincoln
First Inaugural Address
March 4, 1861

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