-Caveat Lector-

Or, to keep "all explanations open" - and thereby satisfying a variety of
flavours of theorist(s) - BL's whereabouts need not be revealed at any
time from this point. His evident absence is useful absence of evidence
for many a faction,... fiction, or 'news'/political diction.

Either now if known (whether he is being/was captured or 'pulled-out') or
at any time in the future (found dead or alive), the 'public consciousness
is now primed to expect BL not necessarily to be found (let alone brought
to justice).

So we take our pick, I guess:

BL is on the run as fugitive (from whom exactly, it is unclear)
BL as person does not (nor did ever) exist.
BL is 'back home' being debriefed on a job well done - almost loosing his
        Enron pension whilst away :).
BL has been 'put away/retired' (either permanentlty or 'on hold')
BL is really 'lost' (either in action or inaction, killed/wounded)
BL is being reprogrammed with a new GPS map - to ensure that he is
        situated wherever it is convenient for him to 'pop-up' next
        (i.e., in the next country being targeted in the 'war on
        terrorism' (WOT-war ?))
BL is working on his new film at an undisclosed location (and budget)
        co-staring Dr Dietlev Bronk (masked for autopsy).

Some seasons cheer still available, I hope


> [An exercise in psychological warfare and damage control: Pre-empt
> the claims that bin Laden is alive and well, sighted someplace or
> other, after he fails to be killed or apprehended -- which is exactly
> what happened on December 17th, when even Rummy acknowledged that bin
> Laden has disappeared without a trace, and that they have neither
> killed nor captured him.
> Their attempts to pre-empt forgery accusations over the famous bin
> Laden video didn't work, and neither will this.--NY Transfer]


 "Just think - War breaks out and nobody shows up ............. (TD)


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