-Caveat Lector-

How did I know they would say something like this!  --  Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bin Laden could be dead, says US

A top defence official says Osama bin Laden could be dead.

The US Deputy Secretary of Defence says the body of bin Laden could be lying
in one of the caves at Tora Bora.

His comment comes after tribal Afghan fighters withdrew artillery and heavy
weapons from the area, signalling the worst of the fighting was over.

Paul Wolfowitz said: "I think it's possible he (bin Laden) could be dead in
the bottom of one of them (caves)."

Hazrat Ali, one of the tribal eastern alliance commanders, was quoted by the
Afghan Islamic Press agency as saying there was no information that more
al-Qaida fighters remained in the caves.

US special forces are expected to comb the caves looking for stragglers and
sifting through piles of abandoned documents, passports and other evidence
left behind in the hasty retreat.

Marine General Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has
refused to estimate how long the search will take: "It's going to be step by
step, cave by cave."

Mohammed Aman Khiari, another commander, said he doubted bin Laden was still
in the area - if he had been there at all.

"If Osama is here, they would be fighting us, but in this case I don't think
Osama is in Tora Bora because they are not fighting. Now maybe he has gone
somewhere else, or maybe he is dead," Mr Khiari told reporters.

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