-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

North Korea Stockpiles Plutonium
NewsMax.com Wires
Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2001
SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea has stockpiled enough plutonium to build at
least one atomic bomb but is still several years from producing nuclear
weapons because of "rudimentary" technology, South Korea's Defense Ministry
said Tuesday.
In a report on North Korea's weapons of mass destruction, the ministry
estimated the communist country extracted 22 to 26 pounds of weapons-grade
plutonium from its Soviet-designed graphite-moderated reactors before
shutting them down under a 1994 deal with the United States.

North Korea conducted more than 70 nuclear-related tests of high explosives
between 1983 and 1998, the report said. Those tests were a process needed
before fabricating a high-explosive device or detonator, and there were
problems in the post-1993 tests acquiring parts of the detonator, the report

"North Korea may have a capability of putting together a crude nuclear
explosion device," the ministry report said. "But its technology is believed
to be still in a rudimentary stage and it will take the North at least
several years to turn the system into a weapon."

U.S. Blackmailed

Under the 1994 agreed framework, North Korea pledged to freeze its
Soviet-designed reactors, in return for a U.S. promise to provide
1,000-megawatt light-water models that make it more difficult to extract
weapons-grade plutonium.

The ministry report is considered as confirmation of widespread suspicions
North Korea might have extracted weapons-grade plutonium before freezing its
nuclear program.

The nuclear accord obliges North Korea to open its atomic facilities to
inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency before the light-water
reactor equipment is installed.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog recently said it wanted wider inspections,
complaining of little progress in its effort to verify North Korea's past
nuclear activities.

But Pyongyang has rejected international demand to allow inspections,
sparking a new round of tension with the United States.

President Bush has urged North Korea to allow inspections of its weapons
programs, including nuclear and biological arms, warning "consequences" if
the country refused.

North Korean nuclear officials and engineers are traveling to South Korea to
observe the country's nuclear facilities under a training protocol signed
between North Korea and a U.S.-led international consortium, which is
building light-water reactors in the North. In November, North Koreans toured
nuclear facilities in Sweden and Spain.

Hunger and poverty are widespread in the communist dictatorship, and the
country receives U.S. aid even though the regime often rants against America.

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