-Caveat Lector-

If Congress don;t win this one!  Freedom is gone! -- Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Congress Tackles Bush on 'Cover-up'
NewsMax.com Wires
Thursday, Dec. 20, 2001
WASHINGTON – The House Government Reform Committee plans hearings to force
the Bush administration into handing over subpoenaed documents.
That panel is bucking a Dec. 12 decision by President Bush to withhold from
Congress a raft of law enforcement documents, some of which are decades old,
by citing executive privilege. Committee members said the president received
bad legal advice and is abusing his authority.

"The Congress has to exercise its oversight responsibilities in order to
protect the American public from malfeasance in government and corruption in
government," said Chairman Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind. "When an executive order
is issued that stops us from our oversight responsibilities, then the very
foundations of our government start to be in jeopardy."

Those hearings come as the White House and Department of Justice have asked
Congress for boosted authority to fight the war on terror and that authority
should come with increased oversight, some House Republicans said.

"When the attorney general indicates that in this time of crisis we need to
give expanded powers to police agencies and the Justice Department to help us
in our national defense, that is a reasonable request," said Rep. Steven C.
LaTourette, R-Ohio. "At the same time, it is a reasonable expectation that
there will be additional oversight by the other, co-equal, branches of

The Bush administration and the Justice Department in particular have faced
scrutiny from members of both parties in Congress for establishing military
tribunals and aggressively detaining suspects using immigration law, for

Burton said his committee was unlikely to tackle those issues directly. But
separately, Burton on Friday also fired off a letter to the General
Accounting Office seeking an investigation into whether the department might
have artificially inflated the number of terrorist convictions it has
claimed. Burton said DOJ's claims might have been "overstated."

The Bush administration, claiming executive privilege, refused Dec. 12 to
honor subpoenas from the committee in its investigation of campaign finance
violations in the Clinton administration and the use of FBI informants in
organized crime investigations.

Justice Department officials said then that the refusal would keep
investigations "free from political influences."

Burton says the decision to reject the subpoenas reflects a policy of the
Bush administration to refuse cooperation with Congress on criminal
investigations, even when the cases are closed.

According to a Bush memo to Attorney General John Ashcroft signed Dec. 12,
the requested documents should not be turned over because of the effect
making such material would have on internal decision making.

"Congressional pressure on executive branch prosecutorial decision making is
inconsistent with separation of powers and threatens individual liberty,"
Bush wrote.

But lawmakers said the actions by the administration that are covering the
FBI's tracks don't look good. "I think now their actions have reached the
level of a cover-up," said Rep. John J. Duncan, R-Tenn.

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