-Caveat Lector-

also includes, the CIA at home and ID Chips


Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army's Stocks
5 Labs Can Trace Spores to Ft. Detrick

By Rick Weiss and Susan Schmidt
Washington Post Staff Writers
Sunday, December 16, 2001; Page A01

Genetic fingerprinting studies indicate that the anthrax spores mailed to
Capitol Hill are identical to stocks of the deadly bacteria maintained by the
U.S. Army since 1980, according to scientists familiar with the most recent

Although many laboratories possess the Ames strain of anthrax involved in
this fall's bioterrorist attacks, only five laboratories so far have been
found to have spores with perfect genetic matches to those in the Senate
letters, the scientists said. And all those labs can trace back their samples
to a single U.S. military source: the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Disease (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Md.



Published on December 16, 2001. Author(s):    Patrick Healy, and Elizabeth
Neuffer, Globe Staff

KABUL, Afghanistan - The International Committee of the Red Cross, the
organization committed to protecting civilians and prisoners in war, is
investigating allegations of torture, mistreatment, and other harm that
hundreds of prisoners and detainees are believed to have suffered at the
hands of the Northern Alliance across Afghanistan.A Red Cross official in
Kabul said some prisoners, chiefly Taliban fighters, had been burned or
subjected to "sordid mistreatment."


Results of the 1973 Church Committee Hearings, on CIA misdeeds, and the 1984
Iran/Contra Hearings....

the CIA has evolved from an agency whose primary assignment was to gather
intelligence into a powerful entity whose help is enlisted to help attain
American foreign policy goals. Since 1947, the Agency has been involved in
the internal affairs of over fifty countries on six different continents.
Although an exact number is impossible to determine, there are over 20,000
employees affiliated with the organization. Of these, more than 6,000 serve
in the clandestine services, the arm of the CIA that is responsible for
covert operations.


Official: CIA uses anthrax, but no link to letters

>From David Ensor
CNN Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The CIA uses anthrax in its bio-warfare program but the
bacteria did not make it into tainted letters sent to two U.S. senators and
several news organizations, an agency official said Sunday.

National Post
December 15, 2001

Is he a public servant or a public enemy?
Alleged CSIS link begs question: Just who is Mouammar?
Paul Wells

PARIS - A riddle: Why is it a greater crime to know Youssef     than it
is to be Youssef Mouammar?

The question is more than academic for Boualem Chibani, a 38-year-old
Algerian resident of France, who was sentenced on Nov. 30 to four years in
French prison for terrorist conspiracy. In its ruling, the Court found "the
essential element" of the prosecution's case "to be the accused's relations
with Gilles Breault, alias Youssef Mouammar."

Youssef Mouammar lives in Montreal. During the Paris trial, the prosecution
revealed more than a dozen vicious threats of terrorist attacks against
targets in Canada, France and the United States, all emanating from an
organization Mr. Mouammar used to run.



On Sunday, the war against the Taliban and Al-Qaida carried out by the
anti-terrorist coalition with the US at the head neared its conclusion. Some
officials at the White House are in favor of spreading the anti-terrorism war
to other outcast countries.

Most Americans support the extending of the war to other countries, while 78
percent of US citizens speak in support of a military strike on Iraq. This is
testified to by the results of a poll carried out in the US by Newsweek.

According to the poll, 75 percent of Americans support strikes on (terrorist
targets| in other countries of the Middle East. Sixty-six percent believe
that such strikes might be delivered on targets in Somalia and at the

The Russian position on this question was expressed by Vladimir Putin.

Russia hopes that the US will consult with European countries before starting
a war on terrorism beyond the bounds of Afghanistan, the Russian President
said in his interview with the Financial Times. However, the Russian
president warned against military agression against Iraq. The anti-terrorist
coalition|s next task should block sources of terrorist activities|
financing, he stated. Though, for the time being, we have neither information
nor proof of Iraq financing terrorist activities.

The president criticized US aircraft|s bombardments of Iraq. According to
him, the world community|s main task is to prevent Iraq from creating weapons
of mass destruction, and bombardments will not help in this.

Russia would like Iraq to permit UN armament inspectors on to its territory
in exchange for he sanctions| full abolition, - Putin stressed. Though, he
admitted this idea was not welcomed by the Iraqi leadership.

Russia|s voice in support of Iraq was met with approval by Washington|s
European allies. In particular, Germany announced that it would categorically
oppose any anti-Iraq military operation until evidence of Hussain|s guilt is
presented. I wonder, will the US listen to its European allies| position? I
suppose that it will not. At least, the US withdrawal from the ABM testifies
to this it.

Dmitry Litvinovich



CIA expands its watchful eye to the US
It will gather intelligence at home to curb terrorism. Critics see era of Big
By Abraham McLaughlin | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

WASHINGTON - The Central Intelligence Agency is poised to get involved in
domestic surveillance and investigations in ways that are unprecedented in
its history.
The CIA's intelligence gathering has long been kept as separate as possible
from domestic law enforcement, which is bound by strict evidence-gathering
rules and legal safeguards protecting the rights of those investigated. But
as the nation girds itself against global terrorism carried out on American
soil, the barriers between covert, stealthy intelligence and by-the-book
domestic law enforcement investigations are beginning to melt.

Suddenly, for instance, the CIA will now have access to testimony collected
by federal grand juries. And the CIA, FBI, and other federal agencies are,
for the first time, being allowed to share vast amounts of information
ranging from phone records and credit cards statements to profiles of
suspected terrorists.

These shrinking restraints come as new antiterrorism legislation adopted this
fall grants the FBI far broader wiretapping and other investigative powers.
And while many see the new cooperation as essential in combating the enormous
threat, for others it raises civil-liberties concerns - and resurrects dark
memories of CIA monitoring of domestic groups, including 1970s antiwar

This may be heavy for survivors.

A Chip ID That's Only Skin-Deep - 12/19/01 Biotech: Firm plans to sell
implantable devices that can store a variety of data about you. - By DAVID
STREITFELD, TIMES STAFF WRITER "A Florida company is poised to become the
first to sell microchips designed to be implanted into human beings, an
achievement that opens the door to new systems of medical monitoring and ID
screening. Implantable chips have long been discussed by technologists and
denounced by those who object on religious grounds or fear their use by a
totalitarian state. But the company that did the test, Applied Digital
Solutions of Palm Beach, said the specter of terrorism is shifting attitudes.
The direct union of man and computer is no longer dismissed out of hand. "The
bottom line is, when people are trying to regain their peace of mind, they're
more open to new approaches," said Keith Bolton, Applied Digital's chief
technology officer



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