-Caveat Lector-



Jews worry that ‘baseless´ report
on 9/11 could be a blow to Israel
By Matthew E. Berger

WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 (JTA) — American Jews have been complaining that
a four-part series on Fox News last week insinuated that Israeli
intelligence had foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 terror attacks but
didn´t tell American authorities.

Israeli officials have called the stories "totally baseless," and the
reports were not picked up by other media outlets. Still, some
American Jews are concerned the report will foster negative images of
Israel that they feared in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.

"In the conspiracy media world and the hate groups, its going to have
lots of legs," said Alex Safian, associate director of the Committee
for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, or CAMERA.

The series, reported by Carl Cameron in Washington, alleges that
Israeli intelligence may have had foreknowledge of the Al Qaida
terrorist attacks because Israelis have been spying on the movements
of Arabs in the United

"There is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but 
investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about the 
attacks and not shared it," Cameron said in the first segme
nt of the series. "A highly placed investigator said there are ‘tie-ins.´ "

Israeli officials denied the spying charges, and said that most of the Israelis 
rounded up after the Sept. 11 attacks were held for minor visa infractions and have 
since been released.

Later parts of the series accuse an Israeli telecommunications company, Amdocs Ltd., 
of not protecting private call records and billing data, which Fox said could have 
hindered the American investigation into the terroris
t attacks.

A second Israeli telecommunications firm, Comverse Infosys, is accused of illegal 
moves in providing private phone information to the Israeli government.

Critics say the pieces offer no on-the-record sources and rely heavily on innuendo and 

Safian cites one example, in which Cameron says the U.S. government "looked at Amdocs" 
when trying to determine the cause of leaks in a Los Angeles drug investigation of 
suspects linked to Israeli organized crime.

What the reporter fails to mention, Safian says, is that someone unrelated to Amdocs 
later pleaded guilty to leaking the information.

Other charges against Fox News — which Jewish groups felt generally has been fair in 
its reportage on Israel — is that the station did not seek on-camera comments or 
rebuttals from Israeli officials or the companies cited
, and that it recycled previously aired stories.

However, American Jewish and Israeli officials are baffled about what might have led 
Fox or Cameron to pursue so controversial a story on the basis of evidence they regard 
as so flimsy.

Jewish groups that have spoken to reporters following up on Cameron´s charges have 
been told that American government sources have debunked the allegations. Virtually no 
other American media organization has run a piece o
n the Fox allegations — a sign that the story lacks merit, Jewish leaders say.

A Fox News spokesman said, "We stand by the story," but would not go into further 

American Jewish leaders and Israeli officials said they are holding conversations with 
Fox News representatives, but refused to elaborate.

Jewish organizations have been receiving frantic calls from Jews concerned that the 
reports may fuel anti-Semitism. In the first days after the Sept. 11 attacks, Jewish 
organizations feared attempts to link the attacks, a
nd Al Qaida´s hatred of the United States, to U.S. support for Israel.

While such linkage has been successfully refuted, those fears have been reawakened by 
the Fox report.

Fox "comes to the conclusion that if maybe" the Israelis "spied, they had the 
information and didn´t share it," said Abraham Foxman, national director of the 
Anti-Defamation League. "That´s insidious. It almost said the I
sraelis were responsible for what happened."

Foxman said the report falls just "one step below" Arab claims that Israel was 
responsible for the terrorist attacks. So far, there is no evidence that Arab 
countries or groups are incorporating the report into their anti
-Israel propaganda.

Most Jewish organizations have chosen not to issue formal statements about the Fox 
News report for fear that it would give the allegations undue exposure.

"When a serious news outlet decides to run with a story that is factually incorrect, I 
think that more public damage is ultimately going to be done to the reputation of that 
news outlet than the target of the story," said
 Mark Regev, spokesman for the Israeli embassy in Washington.

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